Class 8 RS Aggarwal Maths Data Handling Solutions - Free PDF Download
FAQs on RS Aggarwal Class 8 Mathematics Solutions Chapter-21 Data Handling
1. What is Histogram? Is it Similar to Bar Graphs?
A histogram is a graphical representation of data where bars of different heights are used. Each class interval’s frequency is written along the graph’s vertical axis and is represented by the bars’ height. The class intervals are reported along the horizontal axis of the graph.
Histogram and bar graphs may look similar, but they have a fundamental difference. Gaps are avoided between bars while drawing a histogram as there is no gap between class intervals. However, equal gaps are maintained between each bar in a bar graph. Also, the bar’s width in a histogram may vary whereas the bar’s width remains the same in a bar graph.
2. Why Do We Collect Data? Give Examples.
Data collection is very important in any field. This is because it helps us learn more about a particular subject, like importance and prospects. It also improves decision-making by facilitating data-driven decisions. It helps us know that in which sector do we need to give more focus. It also helps us improve our methods and techniques for a specific case. For example, if we need to conduct research on the progress of students in mathematics, we will collect data like students' marks in mathematics in terms I and II from different classes. Data can be collected for various purposes such as:-
For calculation
For analysis of the data
For decision-making
For drawing meaningful inferences
For example:-
Your PT teacher wants to calculate the average height of the students in the class. To compute that, the teacher records each student’s height and then systematically organises the data and calculates the students’ average height in the class. From the same set of data collected, the teacher can also determine the student who has the maximum height and the student who has the minimum height in the class.
3. What are the benefits of studying RS Aggarwal Class 8 Maths Solutions for Chapter 21, that is, Data handling?
The RS Aggarwal Class 8 Maths Solutions are very important for students. The benefits of the book to students are:
RS Aggarwal Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 21, that is, data handling is one of the best ways to practice the questions of this chapter for students.
The step-by-step solutions provided in the book will help you learn how to create frequency tables and histograms.
The book will help you revise the topics very quickly.
The solutions provided in the book should be used as revision notes to prepare for exams.
4. What are the major topics covered in Chapter 21 of Class 8 RS Aggarwal?
Chapter 21, that is, data handling of RS Aggarwal book of class 8th contains some of the major topics and concepts related to the chapter. The questions from all major topics are included in the book for the students. The questions included in the chapter are basically from sub-topics of data handling such as
Frequency Distribution Table
Grouped frequency distribution
Histograms for representing data
5. Why is Chapter 21, that is, data handling important for students of Class 8?
Data handling is a very important chapter for the students of Class 8. This chapter forms the basis of concepts of statistics as well as probability. These concepts will be needed by students in higher classes. Also, advanced questions from these topics often appear in competitive exams as well, therefore, it is very necessary to build a concrete base for these topics. The concepts of data handling are also applied in a real-life scenario. Therefore, one should have good knowledge of it.