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Short Stories on Fathers Love for Kids with Lessons

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There are many inspiring stories about father's love like this one. 

  • Such stories can be narrated to teach kids great life lessons and moral values. 

  • They will learn how their father/parents have always taken care of them without asking anything in return.


An Introduction to Inspirational Stories About Father’s Love

This inspirational short tale about a father’s love revolves around how a father will always love their children no matter the circumstances. In this tale when an old father asks his son a common question multiple times he gets irritated and responds in a bad tone. With this story kids will learn to acknowledge the love, affection and time their father put into their upbringing. Later this short tale reveals when the man's son was young he used to answer all his silly and repetitive questions by getting angry. Lastly, kids will learn how a father will always praise, love and protect their children no matter what.

Why Should Kids Read Stories on Father’s Love?

There are many stories and short tales about father's love that teaches the most valuable morals about how one should always value their parent's love. Below are some reasons why kids should read stories based on father’s day inspirational short stories:

  • Stories based on father's love will teach students how to patiently respond and reciprocate their father's love in his old age.

  • Reading short tales on parents' love will give students a lifetime’s lesson that they should not get irritated or angry when their parents ask them something. They should respond sweetly just like their partners did when they were little.

  • Simple stories like father's love will teach kids to value their father's sacrifices in their upbringing.

Summary of the Story Father's Love

This short about a father’s love revolves around a son and his old father. One day, when the 80 year old father was sitting with his 45 year old highly educated son by the window a crow appeared there. The father asked his son, “What is this?” The son answered, “It's a crow.” After a few minutes the father again asked, “What is this?” The son again answered, “It's a crow.”

After a while the father again asked his son, “What is this?'' The son was irritated but he answered "I have told you father it  is a crow!"

A few minutes passed and the father again asked his son “What is this?” This time the son was angry and he said “it's a crow, a crow, a crow!

A little after that father again asked his son “What is that?” This time the son answered "Why do you keep asking the same question again and again? When I have already answered! I have said multiple times that 'it is a crow’ don't you understand that!?

A little later after the son answered his question, the father went to his room and came out with an old dairy which he used to maintain when his son was little. He opened the diary and read one of its pages which says-

"Today my three years old son was sitting with me on the couch, and he saw a crow on the window. He asked me,''What is this father? 23 times! And I answered him 23 times that this is a crow with the same love and happiness each time! I didn't get irritated or angry even once.”

The son realised that back when he asked his father the same question 23 times he answered happily each time and when today the father asked him this question just 3-4 times, he got angry and disrespected his father. He felt sorry and apologised to his father.

A father and his children

A Father and his Children

Moral of a Father's Love Short Story

This story has a very strong message which teaches kids how to behave with their parents and admire their love. The moral of the story strongly suggests that it is our responsibility and duty to show selfless love to our parents because they have been doing this for us since the beginning.

Note To Parents 

Parents can read out this story to their kids so they can learn to value the unconditional love, support and admiration their parents or father give them in their growing years and continue to do so till they are with them.

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FAQs on Short Stories on Fathers Love for Kids with Lessons

1. Why is it important to value a father's love?

It is vital to value father's love because there is no other thing in the world as big and as important as giving your father the same love and respect which he has always given you. 

2. Why did the son disrespect his old father?

The son disrespected his old father because he got irritated by his father asking him the same question again and again.

3. What did the son see on the window when he was a little kid?

The son saw a crow sitting on the window when he was a little kid.


There are many inspiring stories about father's love like this one. 

  • Such stories can be narrated to teach kids great life lessons and moral values. 

  • They will learn how their father/parents have always taken care of them without asking anything in return.