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The Camel and Fox Story

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The Camel and the Fox story is a very popular bedtime story for children. Reading this story will develop their interest in story writing and storytelling.

  • The story is about a camel and a fox who were friends. 

  • The fox decides to cheat on the camel but the camel gets his revenge on the fox in the end.


Read the Story of the Camel and the Fox

Hey there, kids. Have you heard the story of the camel and fox? Do you want to know what happens in the camel and the fox short story? This story is definitely going to be an interesting read for young kids. The story talks about the friendship of a camel and a fox and how things turn out one day when the fox decides to betray the camel.

A Description of the Camel and Fox Story 

The Camel and the Fox

The Camel and the Fox

Once in a forest, a fox and a camel decided to become good friends. They would have fun together, going everywhere and looking for food. Once when they were on the hunt for some food, they saw a large farm. Both of them knew that the farm would have vegetables and chicken. So, they decided to visit the farm to get their food. However, in order to reach the farm, they had to cross a large river. The problem was that the camel knew swimming but the fox didn’t.

Being a good friend, the camel said, “Don’t worry dear friend. You can climb on my back and I will take us both across the river to the farm.” The fox agreed to the plan and climbed on top of the camel’s back. Pretty soon, they managed to cross the river and enter the farm.

Both Friends Reach the Farm 

Once they reached the farm, the camel picked up some vegetables to eat and the fox caught a chicken. Since the fox was a fast eater, he gobbled up the entire chicken in seconds. But the camel was a little slow and took a lot of time to finish the vegetables.

The fox then said, “My friend, once I am done eating, it is my custom to sing. So, I am going to start singing now.” The camel got worried and asked the fox not to sing because the farmer would hear his voice and come out to beat them. But the fox didn’t pay attention to the camel and started singing. As one would expect, the farmer heard the fox sing and came out of the house to punish the intruders. The fox was fast and got away quickly but the camel got a sound beating from the farmer before being able to escape.

The Camel Gets Revenge

When the camel reached the shore of the river, he found the fox waiting for him. The camel was very upset and asked why the fox did so. The fox said that it was custom and wanted to climb the back of the camel to cross the river. Then the camel decided to get payback. 

The Camel and the Fox Crossing the River

The Camel and the Fox Crossing the River

Once they reached the middle of the river, the camel said, “Friend, it is my custom to take a bath after I eat.” Saying that he started going in and out of the water. The fox lost its balance and fell into the river. As he was gasping for his life, he asked the camel to help. He finally realised his mistake and asked the camel to save him. The camel felt pity for his friend and in the end, he allowed him to climb his back.

The Camel and the Fox Moral 

Reading the camel and the fox summary, kids will learn how important it is to value friendship. They will also learn that if we do something bad to others, we will definitely get the same thing in return.

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FAQs on The Camel and Fox Story

1. How did the camel and the fox reach the farm?

The camel and the fox had to cross the river in order to reach the farm. But the fox didn’t know how to swim. So, the camel decided to help his friend and carried the fox on his back across the river.

2. Why was the camel upset with the fox?

After the fox was done eating, he started to sing. When the farmer heard the singing, he went outside to punish the animals and hence the camel got a beating.

3. What is the importance of the story?

The story of The Camel and a Fox imparts a strong message that one should always value the friends that they have in life. Also, one shouldn’t deliberately harm others because the same thing might happen to them.


The Camel and the Fox story is a very popular bedtime story for children. Reading this story will develop their interest in story writing and storytelling.

  • The story is about a camel and a fox who were friends. 

  • The fox decides to cheat on the camel but the camel gets his revenge on the fox in the end.