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The Fox and Hen Story

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The fox and the hen story is about a cunning fox and a hen who is trying to save its life from the fox. The story is a very interesting one and has a few hidden morals in it.

  • Read the story about the fox and the hen.

  • Learn how cleverness can bring you out from the paws of death. 

  • Learn that flattery can be a form of deception.


Read the Story of the Fox and the Hen

Flattery is often seen as the highest form of complimenting someone. But we should learn to not get tricked by flattery. In this fox and hen story, the hen gets flattered by the fox and hence falls into the fox’s trap. But in the end, with her cleverness, the hen is able to save her life. Do you want to know how? Well, in that case, let us read the story of the cunning fox and the hen. 

The Fox and Hen Story with Pictures 

Once upon a time, there was a hen that lived on a farm. All the other hens would go back to the shelter when the day ended but this hen would wander around pecking at grains. One day, when the hen was pecking at the grains on the farm, a fox happened upon the place. He was on the lookout for some food because he was very hungry. Seeing the hen, a very wicked plan came to his mind. He decided to trap the hen and make it his dinner. So, the fox then went to the hen and called her out. He said, “Dear hen. I have been looking for you everywhere.” As soon as the hen heard the voice of the fox, it became alert. 

The Fox and the Hen

The Fox and the Hen

The fox continued, “I have heard so many wonderful stories about you and your melodious voice. I have a request for you. Please can you sing a song for me in your beautiful voice?”

The Hen is Trapped 

The fox tried to flatter the hen as much as he could. The poor, silly hen didn’t know what flattery meant and hence she believed every single word that the fox said. She lifted her neck up to sing and that’s when the fox leapt towards the hen and caught her neck between his teeth.

The hen thought to herself, “What have I done? Just because I was fooled by the words of this fox, I have to die now.” As the fox started running into the forest, he soon heard the sounds of wild dogs approaching. He knew that he wasn’t strong enough to tackle the wild dogs. So, he started running even faster to get away.

A Clever Plan by the Hen 

The hen had heard the noise as well as thought of a plan to save her life. She hoped that her plan would work and said to the fox, “Hey fox, the wild dogs aren’t running after you but they are running after me to eat me. You can make them understand by talking to them and telling them that you were the one to catch me first. I am pretty sure that they will understand what you are saying.” The fox agreed to it and decided to approach the dogs. As soon as he opened his mouth to talk, the hen got out and ran away. The wild dogs then attacked the fox and that is how he met his end. 

The Hen Runs Away

The Hen Runs Away

Fox and Hen Story Summary 

The story of the fox and the hen has a very important message that kids need to learn. The sly fox and the red hen story moral suggests that flattery can be quite dangerous sometimes and hence we should fall for it. Also, children will learn that it is very important to have a presence of mind as it can get you out of any troubling situation.

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FAQs on The Fox and Hen Story

1. What did the fox say to the hen to trap her?

The fox said to the hen that he was a great fan of her voice and had heard stories about the same. He requested the hen to sing in her melodious tone.

2. How did the hen save her life?

The hen was clever and fooled the fox into having a conversation with the wild dogs. As soon as the fox opened his mouth to talk, the hen fled for her life.

3. What does the story teach the kids?

Reading the fox and hen story in English will enable the kids to learn that flattery can sometimes be very harmful and so we shouldn’t foolishly accept anyone’s flattery. It also teaches the kids that having a presence of mind can get one out of the most dangerous situations.


The fox and the hen story is about a cunning fox and a hen who is trying to save its life from the fox. The story is a very interesting one and has a few hidden morals in it.

  • Read the story about the fox and the hen.

  • Learn how cleverness can bring you out from the paws of death. 

  • Learn that flattery can be a form of deception.