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The Greedy Mouse Story

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This is a story of a greedy mouse who lost his precious life because of greediness. He wanted more food every time he looked at it, and at last, he lost his life. This story teaches us why greed is bad, and everyone should avoid it.


Cat and Mouse Very Short Story

Greed is an emotion that is considered harmful by many people. It can cloud your judgement and lead you to make bad decisions. The greedy mouse story PDF is a short story about a mouse who got greedy after getting a basket full of corn in front of him. He was so full that he could not move. A rabbit is advised to get out when his belly shrinks, but he gets greedy again and eats more. His greediness ended up making a significant loss for him. This story will teach you a valuable life lesson and keep you engaged.

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The greedy mouse story for children

Mouse and Cat Story

Once upon a time, a greedy mouse lived in a farmer's house. One day the greedy mouse saw a basket full of corn. He wanted to eat it all, so he made a small hole in the basket and squeezed in through it while the farmer was sleeping. Once inside, he ate as much as possible before feeling too full to move another inch.

Now he wanted to come out. He tried to squeeze himself out through the small hole, but his belly was so full that it got stuck and got pushed back into place. The mouse began to cry. A rabbit was walking past, and when it heard the mouse's sobs, it stopped to ask why he was crying.

The mouse, saying this in its squeaky voice as it sat inside the basket of corn kernels, declared: "I have made a hole for myself with my teeth and come into this pile to eat. But I cannot get out through that same hole.”.

The rabbit said, "It's because you over-ate. When your belly shrinks, I'll come back to visit again,", then he ran away laughing.

The mouse fell asleep in the basket. In the morning, his belly was smaller than before, but he still wanted to eat some more corn. He forgot about getting out of the basket, so he ate it and became fat again.

After eating, the mouse remembered that he needed to find his way out. Unfortunately, he was still trapped in his cage, thinking quickly and coming up with a solution on the spot, or maybe it was just luck. Who can tell? So, I will go out tomorrow! A cat passed by, and he smelled the mouse in the basket. He opened its lid and ate the mouse.

Moral of the Story

The moral of the above-given story is: “Greed is bad, and one must avoid being greedy.”.


The short story is about a mouse who was so greedy that after seeing the food he over-ate. This cat and mouse very short story is centered on this. The greedy mouse finally died because the cat found him, and he was so full that he could barely move to save him. Greed always leads us to ruin. If we are not greedy, we will surely be successful in life. We should never forget that happiness comes from life's simplest things. The greedy mouse story says being too greedy can end up making a loss. Greed is one of the seven sins. It is a failing or morally wrong desire to acquire or keep more than one needs or deserves.

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FAQs on The Greedy Mouse Story

1. What are the disadvantages of greed?

The disadvantages of greed are numerous, and they may be hard to see until you face them.

  • A lack of empathy

  • Poor judgement

  • Short-term thinking

  • Poor relationships with others

2. What is the opposite of greed?

The opposite of greed is generosity, which means having a giving spirit that allows you to share with others without expecting anything in return.

3. How does greed affect others?

When it comes to taking from others, greed can affect others in many ways. The most obvious way is theft or fraud, stealing their money or possessions, ultimately hurting them.

4. How do you stop being greedy?

There are many ways to overcome greed. For example, meditation helps us to calm down and focus on the present moment. You can also change your perspective on life by focusing on what you have and not what you don't have.


This is a story of a greedy mouse who lost his precious life because of greediness. He wanted more food every time he looked at it, and at last, he lost his life. This story teaches us why greed is bad, and everyone should avoid it.