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The Little Girl Astronaut: Mars Short Stories

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Short stories about adventures to Mars intrigue young minds. They get encouraged to read these stories.

  • They learn how to develop a fictional storyline.

  • The Little Girl Astronaut: Mars Short Stories describe a series of events in a constructive way.


An Adventure Mission to Mars

This is a short story about a little girl who was invited to become an astronaut to go to Mars and conduct research. It explains how she trained and learned to drive a spaceship. She witnessed many new things and enjoyed the entire adventure. Read this story to discover how she became an astronaut and landed on Mars.

The Little Astronaut Girl: Mars Short Stories in English

My name is Rita. I was playing in my room when my phone rang. I went to answer the phone thinking that my friend had called. The call was from NASA. A man said, “You have been chosen to become an astronaut and join our team.” He hung up.

I was astonished to get a call from NASA. It thrilled me to the core. I went running to my elder brother. His name is Raj. He was playing upstairs with our dog named Cuddles. He was fascinated by the call.

Although we were excited to get a call from NASA, we were surprised too. We received a letter the next day. It was an official call from the space agency. It mentioned that we have excelled in our studies and are the right candidates for a crucial Mars mission.

The Vigorous Training

We packed our bags and went to the main office of NASA. We were greeted by Thomas, one of the mission’s astronauts. He took us in. He showed us our bunkers to sleep. He said, “Rest well for the day. Tomorrow, your training will begin early in the morning. Be ready.” We both were excited.

The next day, we woke up. We were given a special spacesuit to wear. We have to train wearing it the entire day. I swam in a thin channel with water flowing very fast for an hour. I also had to jump from a cliff to test my courage. I passed all the tests, and so did my brother with flying colours. Our training continued for three years straight.

The Mars Adventure

The day has come. We were eagerly waiting for this day. A huge rocket was designed. We were fascinated to know that rocket would also bring us back to the base.

It took off, and Thomas, our mentor, gave me the controls. I dodged the spaceship through the asteroid belt and reached the destination safely.

Rita, the little astronaut

Rita, the Little Astronaut

We made a camp there and collected information about Mars. We could see the stars dull in the dark space. It is not like a day on our earth.

When we were doing our work, I sensed something was wrong. I saw a spaceship pass by, watching us. We took it seriously and informed NASA. The base told us to wrap up and return. Something was not right.

The Return of the Astronauts

Thomas took us to the spaceship. We boarded it, and I took control of the ship. Thomas told me to be very careful as the alien ship might be watching us.

On the way, we encountered a ship bigger than we saw while working on Mars. It was the mother ship planning to attack the earth. We destroyed the ship and returned safely.

The alien spaceship

The Alien Spaceship

Everyone applauded our efforts to save the world. We gave the data to the officers and were rewarded.

What to Learn from the Mars Story

We learned that every adventure has a great beginning and a beautiful end. You will learn something new in every adventure. To be prepared, you will have to pass some tests. It will be hard, but you will succeed with confidence, determination and diligence.

Tips for Parents

Understand the Mars Short Stories summary first and then explain it to the kids. Show some pictures of spaceships and astronauts. They will be fascinated to listen to the whole story. Introduce some scientific facts and engage them.

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FAQs on The Little Girl Astronaut: Mars Short Stories

1.  Why should you read Mars Short Stories PDF?

These stories are about space and adventure. These short stories are based on science fiction that intrigues your imagination.

2.  What did Rita do when she saw another spaceship?

She reported her senior and waited for his command.

3.  What did they do on Mars?

They put a camp and researched on Mars. They collected information about the planet and space.


Short stories about adventures to Mars intrigue young minds. They get encouraged to read these stories.

  • They learn how to develop a fictional storyline.

  • The Little Girl Astronaut: Mars Short Stories describe a series of events in a constructive way.