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The Flying Carpet Story

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The Magic Carpet Stories have a motive to explain moral values and life lessons to the readers. This story is about a flying carpet.

  • The Flying Carpet Story explains the value of love, care and dedication.

  • It also describes the value of responsibility towards parents.


The Story of the Magic Flying Carpet

This is a fairy tale of a hard-working mother and her three sons. She weaved carpets for a living. What happened to her? What did the other sons do? Where is the magic carpet in this story? Read it to find out the answers.

The Flying Magic Carpet

There was a village far away at the foothills of a snowy mountain. There lived a mother with her three sons. She weaved carpets for a living and took care of all her sons. The youngest one was the most caring among all the siblings.

The youngest realised how hard she worked every day. He helped her by collecting wood for fuel and doing household chores.

She made fabulous carpets that people in the market liked. One day, she saw a beautiful painting of a castle with mountains at its back, a brook cascading alongside the castle, and sheep grazing in the pastures.

She was fascinated by the painting, but it was quite costly. She made up her mind and decided to put all her earnings to buy it.

The poor mother weaving a carpet

The Poor Mother Weaving a Carpet

Carpet for Painting

She came home with the painting and hung it on a wall. She was very attached to this painting. The youngest son advised making a carpet from the beautiful picture. His mother was motivated and started to weave a carpet.

She worked nonstop and woke everyone at midnight after completing the carpet. Everyone was stunned by seeing her amazing work. They admired the carpet when a strong wind came and blew it away. The mother went running behind the carpet, but her attempts went in vain. She was very sad.

The Sons’ Attempts

The mother stopped weaving carpets after this. She was not well and randomly fell sick. She kept on looking outside and waiting for the carpet to return.

Seeing her pain, the eldest son when out in search of the carpet but never returned. The middle son also did the same and did not return. The youngest son could not leave his mother and search for the carpet.

Seeing his mother’s deteriorating condition, he decided to take that risk. He had to leave his mother alone as he knew that the carpet would only bring her happiness back.

The Youngest Son’s Journey

In this Flying Carpet Story, the youngest son met with an old lady on the way. He explained everything to her. She gave her a bag of gold and told him to look for the glass castle where fairies had taken his mother’s carpet for drawing.

She also said that two other young men came, took a bag of gold each from her and went to the city. The youngest brother understood his brothers had forgotten about his mother.

He then approached the castle and told the fairies everything. A fairy in a beautiful gown felt his pain. She said, “We will borrow it for one night. You stay in the castle and enjoy our hospitality.”

The youngest brother fell asleep as he was tired. The fairy took advantage and drew her picture on the carpet.

When he woke up, he found himself on the same carpet, but it was flying. The carpet took him to his house.

The youngest son on the flying carpet

The Youngest Son on the Flying Carpet

The Happy Ending of the Magic Flying Carpet Story

Her mother rejoiced to see her youngest son and the carpet. She noticed a young fairy that she did not weave on the carpet. To her surprise, their old house turned into a castle with a brook and mountains. The young girl turned into that fairy.

She proposed her love for the youngest brother. They married each other and lived happily with their mother.

Moral of the Story

The Magic Carpet Stories moral teaches that love, care, courage, and dedication are the truest virtues of life.

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FAQs on The Flying Carpet Story

1.  Why did the two brothers not return to their mother?

In this Magic Carpet Story in English, the two brothers were selfish and intentionally left their mother to die of sickness.

2.  Why did the youngest brother return?

He cared for his mother the most as he was sympathetic to her.

3.  Why did the fairy fall in love?

She saw a loving, dedicated and caring son in the youngest brother.


The Magic Carpet Stories have a motive to explain moral values and life lessons to the readers. This story is about a flying carpet.

  • The Flying Carpet Story explains the value of love, care and dedication.

  • It also describes the value of responsibility towards parents.