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The Little Girl and the Witch Story

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Short stories with life lessons are great mediums for teaching good values. Young minds read such stories and easily imbibe life lessons.

  • The Little Girl and the Witch Story emphasises listening to the elders.

  • Disobedience can result in suffering.


The Story of an Old Witch and the Little Girl

This is a famous short story about a little girl who did what she wanted. She was stubborn and always ignored what the elders had to say to her. Once she decided to meet an old witch, but her parents refused. She went anyway. What happened to her? Was the old witch good or evil? Read this story and find out the fate of the little girl.

The Old Witch Story in English

Once upon a time, there lived a little girl with her parents. She was stubborn and disobedient to all the elders in the village. She did not even listen to what her parents said to her.

She did mischievous things, and the elders talked to her. She was never happy when the elders spoke and ignored what they asked her to do.

One day, she heard from her little friend that an old witch lived at the edge of their village. She did marvellous things that no one could explain.

She was fascinated by the witch's description and wanted to visit her to witness her doing magic. She told her plans with her parents. Her parents saw her excitement regarding the old witch.

They explained that whatever she had learned about the witch was wrong. She is not a good person rather, the whole village is terrified of her. Her magic is not for doing well. They said, “Don’t go there on your own.”

The Adamant Girl and the Old Witch

The girl, due to her disobedient nature, felt compelled to visit the witch. She decided to do the exact opposite of what her parents told her to.

One day, when her parents were busy, she went to the edge of the village and found the witch’s house in a secluded place.

The Old Witch’s House

The Old Witch’s House

She was terrified to see the dark, leafless trees surrounding the house. Before entering the house, she wanted to be sure whether her parents were right or wrong. She peeked from the house's window to see what was going on inside and was terrified.

The Old Witch

Seeing some movements near the windows, she opened the door. The girl was standing there shaking.

She asked her, “Why are you shaking, poor girl?” The young girl said, “A huge black man was inside your house.” The old witch replied, “He was a coal miner.”

The old girl said, “I saw a man grey in colour.” The old witch said, “He is a sportsperson.” The little girl was confused.

The Old Evil Witch

The Old Evil Witch 

She again said, “I saw a man blood-red in colour.” The old witch replied, “He is a butcher by profession.”

She exclaimed in terror, “I could not find you inside but spotted a vicious beast with fire on its head.”

To her surprise, the old witch laughed and said, “Oh! That was me. You have seen my true form.”

The Result of Disobedience

The old witch said, “Now that you have seen my true form, you will not see the light to speak of it to anyone. You will become wood and give me light.” She cast a spell on her and turned her into a piece of wood.

The little girl thought while getting turned into wood slowly that she should have listened to her parents.

Moral of the Old Witch Story

The Old Witch Story With Moral disobedience and stubbornness never does good to you. She suffered from a bad fate because she did not listen to her parents or any adult.

Tips for Parents

Read The Old Witch Story With Pictures out loud and use the pictures to make it more interesting for the kids. They will easily understand the life lesson.

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FAQs on The Little Girl and the Witch Story

1. What made the girl terrified?

She was terrified to see an unidentified creature with fire on its head.

2. Why did the witch turn her into wood?

The little girl has seen her true form. This is why she turned her into the wood.

3. Why did the parents tell her not to go near the old witch?

The old witch did ungodly and evil things. She was not a good person.


Short stories with life lessons are great mediums for teaching good values. Young minds read such stories and easily imbibe life lessons.

  • The Little Girl and the Witch Story emphasises listening to the elders.

  • Disobedience can result in suffering.