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The Strange Dream Story

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Dreams are mostly strange. Short stories related to strange dreams intrigue young minds to think.

  • The Strange Dream Story about a strange dream is based on science fiction.

  • Fictional dream stories can help develop storytelling skills.


The Story of a Strange Dream

This is a story of a small girl who had a strange dream. This is a fictional story where a girl dreams of saving the world from aliens. How did the girl save the world? What did the aliens do? How did the girl come in contact with the aliens? Find out more about the aliens and the girl by reading this story.

The Little Girl Lorie

Lorie was a little girl who lived on a farm with his father and mother. The farm was far away from the city. She did not have many friends to play with. She used to play mostly with the farm animals in the daytime, study at night with her parents, and go to sleep early.

Her mother used to read her stories of all sorts. She liked science fiction stories the most. One day, her mother told her a story of green aliens. She was fascinated by the story. That night, she went to sleep early.

Lorie Went to Sleep Early

Lorie Went to Sleep Early

Lorie’s Dream and the Aliens

She fell fast asleep as she was tired of playing with the animals.

There was a huge sound outside. She woke up afraid. She saw a huge ball of fire coming slowly towards the earth. A small chunk of this ball of fire just hit her farm, which made the sound.

All the animals were running here and there. She went outside but did not find her mother and father. She was scared but determined to do something. She ran up the hill to see what was going on. Suddenly, she saw a disc-shaped bright object floating on her head.

The Aliens Approach Earth

This was one such weird dream story she had heard from her mother before going to bed. She was surprised to see that the disc stopped right above her head.

Suddenly, a strong beam of light fell on her. She started to float and went upwards towards the alien ship. Before she could figure out anything, the aliens had her on the ship. She was terrified to see the green aliens looking at her with surprise.

The Alien Commander

The Alien Commander

The aliens put a device on her head, and she started to understand their language. The leader explained, “Your planet is being attacked by another alien that destroys other planets in its way. It is shaped like a ball of fire. We need your help to do it.”

She said, “I am ready to do whatever it takes to save my home.”

The New Commander of the Alien Ship

She was given a pair of weird-looking gloves to wear. Interesting lights were blinking on them. The aliens' leader said, “We will upload the manual of using our defense system in your head. Use your arms to control it.”

She understood the assignment and started using the defense system. She open-fired the ball of fire and put a green shield up in the earth’s atmosphere. The notorious alien was destroyed. All the friendly aliens started to jump in joy.

Lorie saved the day. She was also jumping but slipped inside the spaceship and fell. Suddenly, she woke up in her bedroom. She fell from her bed, and it was all a dream!

She went back to sleep and told everything to her mother. Her mother said, “Did you enjoy your dream?” She said, “Yes! A lot.”

Her mother understood that she is engrossed in fictional stories and likes to imagine. Her mother felt happy for her.

Moral of the Story

The moral of the Strange Dream Short Story is: Be courageous in every situation, and never stop imagining.

Tips for Parents

This is a Strange Dream Story in English, where a little girl dreams about aliens and space wars. Children will love reading this story. Parents can use pictures to make this story more interesting.

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FAQs on The Strange Dream Story

1. Why did the aliens help Lorie?

The aliens were friendly. They wanted to save the Earth.

2. Why did they choose Lorie?

According to the Strange Dream Story PDF, Lorie was the only one capable of saving the earth.

3. What was the ball of fire?

The ball of fire in the sky was an evil alien that destroyed planets.


Dreams are mostly strange. Short stories related to strange dreams intrigue young minds to think.

  • The Strange Dream Story about a strange dream is based on science fiction.

  • Fictional dream stories can help develop storytelling skills.