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The Two Dogs Story

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Short moral stories about dogs teach great lessons to young readers. This story is about two dogs that have different opinions about life.

  • This story explains how adults bring up children.

  • The habits of children depend upon the treatment received.


The Story of Two Dogs: Aesop’s Fable


This is an old Aesop fable that explains a lot about the upbringing of children and its effects. He used two dogs to explain the story. Even if the story is concise, it describes how the treatment and upbringing of parents can affect children. Find out the hidden message by reading this story.

The Two Dogs and their Master

Once upon a time, there was a master who had two dogs. One dog was trained for hunting and sports. The other one was trained to look after the house.

The hunting dog was fast and powerful. He spent time with his master in the jungle looking for fowls, rabbits, foxes, and other small animals to hunt. He also participated in races and other sports activities he was trained for.

The master was proud of his hunting dog.

The Hunting Dog of the Master

The Hunting Dog of the Master

The other dog spent time inside the house eating food and sleeping all day. The master was also proud of his house dog.

The Difference in Lifestyles

The hunting dog worked more than the house dog. It was visible. The master used to share a good amount of his spoils with the house dog. The hunting dog also received the same amount.

To the hunting dog’s surprise, he saw how his master treated them the same. He had to chase down prey, catch birds, and put a lot in the field. On the other hand, the house dog rested all day with little or no work at all.

He got jealous and angry with such a difference in lifestyle whereas the treatment was the same for both.

He said to the house dog, “This is unfair! I spent hours in the jungle and sports field to make my master proud. I sweat doing hard work while you rest at home all day. Even though I work more than you, I still get the same treatment from him.”

The House Dog’s Reply

The house dog was leisurely listening to what the hunting dog had to rant. He said, “Listen to me, my friend. Do not blame the consequences. I might be spending time in luxury while you do immense labour but this is not my fault. It is my master’s wish to raise us this way.”

The Lethargic House Dog

The Lethargic House Dog

He added, “Do not find my fault rather ask your master why he did not teach me to work hard like you or why he did not let you guard the house. You can ask why he trained me to depend on the labour of others.”

The hunting dog had no answer as he cannot question his master’s authority.

Moral of the Two Dogs Story in English

The Two Dogs Story moral suggests children cannot be blamed for their upbringing. It is the parents to be blamed. They have made choices for the children. The children cannot be blamed for the consequences. It is the upbringing of the parents that made them what they are now.

Tips for Parents

The Two Dogs Story PDF is a perfect example of how the upbringing of two children in the same house can differ. It all depends on how a parent chooses to treat, nurture and care for his child. This story is a good read for children and parents. The hidden message is the moral of this story. It explains what a child becomes considering his upbringing.

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FAQs on The Two Dogs Story

1. What does the hunter dog represent in this story?

The hunter dog represents the child of a house who is trained to work hard and earn. He is trained to give labour and make both ends meet.

2. What does the house dog represent in this story?

The house dog represents the child that depends on the labour of the other hard-working child. It tells us that the house dog is a lethargic child that likes to spend time in leisure rather than work as he was not trained that way.

3. What do we learn from this story?

We learned that the upbringing of a child determines his character. If he is taught to work hard, he will be a laborious person. If not, he will always depend on someone else’s labour the whole life.


Short moral stories about dogs teach great lessons to young readers. This story is about two dogs that have different opinions about life.

  • This story explains how adults bring up children.

  • The habits of children depend upon the treatment received.