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The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats

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The short stories for children are compiled to deliver life lessons. The life lessons are revealed at the end of the stories.

  • Reading short stories will help children to increase their vocabulary.

  • They will learn life lessons from such stories.


The Short Story of the Seven Little Goats and the Wolf - Introduction

The story about an evil wolf and seven little goats is about how an evil deed is punished. The wolf was punished by the mother goat. What did he do? Why was he punished? Read the story to find out how the little goats survived.

The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats

Once upon a time, a mother goat lived with her seven beautiful little goats. They came to graze in the pastures every day with their mother and returned before sunset. Her mother was aware of the wild animals lurking in the jungle and told the kids to stay safe.

One day, they were grazing in the pasture. A wolf was passing by. He saw the little goats and decided to eat them.

He hid in the bushes and waited till the sunset. He did not want to attack the little goats as they would flee and he would not be able to catch them all.

As the sun came down in the evening, their mother told the goats, “Let us return to our house.”

The goats followed their mother and returned to their home.

They did not know that the wolf was stealthily following them to their address.

The Wolf Following The Goats

The Wolf Following The Goats

The Evil Deed of the Wolf

The mother goat said to the kids, “Don’t go outside without me. I have some work to do. Do not leave home until I return.” She also said, “Do not open the door if someone unknown knocks.”

All the little goats nodded. The mother goat left and they remained inside. The wolf was waiting for his turn. When the mother left, he approached the door and knocked.

The kids answered, “Who is it?” The wolf replied mimicking the voice of the mother goat, “It’s me. Open the door.”

The kids opened the door and the wolf pounced on them. He gobbled six of them and left one alone and afraid.

He then left the home and went to rest under a tree. His stomach was full. The little goat followed him in fear. He located him and went back to his house.

The Revenge of the Mother Goat

The mother goat returned to find that six of her children had been missing. Only one was left alone and frightened. She asked her, “Where are your brothers and sisters?”

The little goat replied, “All of them were eaten by a wolf. He is resting under the big tree.”

The mother goat was furious but did not do anything out of anger. She took a scissor, a needle, and threads.

The Mother Goat Took Revenge

The Mother Goat Took Revenge

She silently approached the wolf sleeping under the tree. He was snoring. She took out her scissor and cut open his belly. She took out the little goats one by one. Every one of them was safe. She then put some stones inside the wolf’s stomach and sewed.

The Wolf’s Fate

The wolf woke up and felt thirsty. He went to a well to drink water. He did not know that his stomach had stones. He could not maintain his balance, fell into the well and drowned.

The mother goat had her revenge.

The Moral of the Story Wolf and Seven Little Goats

The moral according to The Wolf And The Seven Little Goats summary is the wicked ones should always be punished for their deeds. It also explains that if one does bad to others, bad will happen to him too.

Tips for Parents

Explain the story with The Wolf And The Seven Little Goats pictures. Kids will understand the story well and will also get the hidden message properly. They will learn the moral of this story and will follow it.

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FAQs on The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats

1. Why did the little goat open the door?

The wolf mimicked the mother goat’s voice. The little ones were tricked to open the door.

2. Why did the wolf leave one little goat behind?

He was full after eating six of the seven little goats. He could not eat one more.

3. Why did the wolf drown?

The stones inside his stomach did not let him swim in the well.


The short stories for children are compiled to deliver life lessons. The life lessons are revealed at the end of the stories.

  • Reading short stories will help children to increase their vocabulary.

  • They will learn life lessons from such stories.