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CBSE Class 11 Economics Syllabus 2024-25: Updated Curriculum


Syllabus of Economics Class 11 CBSE 2024-25 - FREE PDF Download

CBSE has announced the new Class 11 Economics syllabus 2024-25 course structure. The latest CBSE Class 11 Syllabus for Economics, provided by Vedantu contains comprehensive information about unit-wise segregation of topics, weightage of marks, internal assessment, question paper design, chapters, and practical requirements. It covers essential areas such as microeconomics, and Economic Statistics.

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The Syllabus of Economics Class 11 CBSE 2024-25 will not only help students with the exam preparations but also help them prepare for other competitive exams. Students are advised to thoroughly study the prescribed contents within each topic to gain a deep understanding of the subject. Hence, students need to have clarity over the newly updated Economics syllabus. You can download the CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Economics PDF for FREE at Vedantu.

New Updations of the Economics Class 11 Syllabus 2024-25

  • Recent Economic Trends and Events

  • Focus on New Government Policies or Reforms

  • Weightage Adjustments

  • Case Studies and Data Analysis

  • Digital Tools in Economics


CBSE Economics Class 11 Syllabus 2024-25 Course Structure

The table below shows the course structure and marks distribution in the updated Economics Class 11 Syllabus 2024-25.




Part A

Statistics for Economics








Collection, Organisation, and Presentation of Data



Statistical Tools and Interpretation







Part B

Introductory Microeconomics








Consumer's Equilibrium and Demand




Producer Behaviour and Supply




Forms of Market and Price Determination under perfect competition with simple applications











Part C

Project Work



Quick Overview of Economics Class 11 Syllabus 2024-25

The Class 11 Economics Syllabus 2024-25 provides interesting chapters and topics. It starts with the basics of Economics and later into complex concepts. Check out the description below for a breakdown of what you'll be learning in each unit.

Part A: Statistics for Economics 

In this course, the learners are expected to acquire skills in the collection, organisation, and presentation of quantitative and qualitative information about various simple economic aspects systematically. It also intends to provide some basic statistical tools to analyse, and interpret any economic information and draw appropriate inferences. In this process, the learners are also expected to understand the behaviour of various economic data. 

Unit 1: Introduction

What is Economics? 

Meaning, scope, functions, and importance of statistics in Economics 

Unit 2: Collection, Organisation, and Presentation of Data

Collection of data - sources of data - primary and secondary; how basic data is collected with concepts of Sampling; methods of collecting data; some important sources of secondary data: Census of India and National Sample Survey Organisation.  

Organisation of Data: Meaning and types of variables; Frequency Distribution. 

Presentation of Data: Tabular Presentation and Diagrammatic Presentation of Data:

(i) Geometric forms (bar diagrams and pie diagrams)

(ii) Frequency diagrams (histogram, polygon, and Ogive)

(iii) Arithmetic line graphs (time series graph). 

Unit 3: Statistical Tools and Interpretation 

For all the numerical problems and solutions, the appropriate economic interpretation may be attempted. This means, the students need to solve the problems and provide interpretation for the results derived.

Measures of Central Tendency- Arithmetic mean, Median and Mode 

Correlation – meaning and properties, scatter diagram; measures of correlation - Karl Pearson's method (two variables ungrouped data) Spearman's rank correlation (Non-Repeated Ranks and Repeated Ranks).

Introduction to Index Numbers - meaning, types - Wholesale Price Index, Consumer Price Index and index of industrial production, uses of index numbers; Inflation and Index Numbers, Simple Aggregative Method. 

Part B: Introductory Microeconomics 

Unit 4: Introduction

Meaning of microeconomics and macroeconomics; positive and normative economics  What is an economy? Central problems of an economy: what, how, and for whom to produce; concepts of Production Possibility Frontier and Opportunity Cost. 

Unit 5: Consumer's Equilibrium and Demand

Consumer's equilibrium - meaning of Utility, Marginal Utility, Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, conditions of consumer's equilibrium using marginal utility analysis. 

Indifference curve analysis of consumer's equilibrium-the consumer's budget (budget set and budget line), preferences of the consumer (indifference curve, indifference map), and conditions of consumer's equilibrium. 

Demand, market demand, determinants of demand, demand schedule, demand curve, and its slope, movement along and shifts in the demand curve; price elasticity of demand - factors affecting price elasticity of demand; measurement of price elasticity of demand – percentage-change method and total expenditure method.

Unit 6: Producer Behaviour and Supply

Meaning of Production Function – Short-Run and Long-Run 

Total Product, Average Product, and Marginal Product. 

Returns to a Factor Cost – Short run costs - Total Cost, Total Fixed Cost, Total Variable Cost; Average Cost; Average Fixed Cost, Average Variable Cost and Marginal Cost - meaning and their relationships.

Revenue – Total Revenue, Average Revenue, and Marginal Revenue - meaning and their relationship. 

Producer's Equilibrium - meaning and its conditions in terms of Marginal Revenue

Marginal Cost. Supply, market supply, determinants of supply, supply schedule, supply curve, and its slope, movements along and shifts in the supply curve, price elasticity of supply; measurement of price elasticity of supply - percentage-change method. 

Unit 7: Perfect Competition - Price Determination and Simple Applications. 

Perfect competition - Features; Determination of market equilibrium and effects of shifts in demand and supply. (Short Run Only) 

Simple Applications of Demand and Supply: Price ceiling, Price floor.

Part C: Project in Economics

Class 11 Economics Deleted Syllabus 2024-25

The Class 11 Economics Deleted Syllabus 2024-25 is available here. There are a few topics, examples, and even entire chapters that are no longer part of the curriculum. The table below shows the removed sections, so you and your teachers can focus on the most relevant material for your exams.


Unit Name

Deleted Topics


Part A: Statistics for Economics



No Change



Collection, Organisation, and Presentation of Data

Sampling and Non-Sampling errors



Statistical Tools and Interpretation

Weighted mean

Measures of Dispersion

Simple aggregative method

Non-Repeated Ranks and Repeated Ranks

Part B: Introductory Microeconomics



No Change



Consumer's Equilibrium and Demand

Total expenditure method



Producer Behaviour and Supply

No change



Forms of Market and Price Determination under perfect competition with simple applications

Other Market Forms - monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly - their meaning and features


Guidelines for Project Work in Economics

The objectives of the project work are to enable learners to: 

  • Probe deeper into theoretical concepts learnt in Class XI.

  • Analyse and evaluate real-world economic scenarios using theoretical constructs and arguments.

  • Demonstrate the learning of economic theory.

  • Follow up on aspects of economics in which learners have an interest.

  • Develop the communication skills to argue logically. 

The expectations of the project work are that: 

  • Learners will complete only ONE project in each academic session. 

  • Project should be 3,500-4,000 words (excluding diagrams & graphs), preferably hand-written. 

  • It will be an independent, self-directed piece of study.

CBSE Economics Class 11 Syllabus 2024-25 - (030) Question Paper Design

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the question paper design for the upcoming 2024-25 academic year Economics exam for Class 11 (code 030). This breakdown outlines the format and types of questions you can expect for the test.

S. No

Typology of Questions






Remembering and Understanding: Exhibit memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts, and answers.

Demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by organising, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating main ideas.









Applying: Solve problems to new situations by applying

acquired knowledge, facts, techniques, and rules differently.











Analysing, Evaluating, and Creating:

Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. Make inferences and find evidence to support generalisations.

Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas, or quality of work based on a set of criteria.

Compile information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions.

















Benefits of Downloading CBSE Class 11 Economics Syllabus PDF

Access a key resource for the CBSE Class 11 Economics Syllabus PDF. Here are some reasons why downloading your syllabus is a must-do:

  1. The Syllabus outlines the topics you'll cover, the source of learning, and important deadlines. 

  2. The syllabus often lists learning objectives and assessment formats. Use this information to start researching key concepts, browsing recommended resources, or even forming study groups with classmates. 

  3. A syllabus often contains information beyond the textbook that can enhance your understanding and offer different perspectives on the material.

  4. The syllabus outlines the types of assessments you'll face and their weighting. With this knowledge, you can prepare your study strategies for each specific format.

  5. A downloaded syllabus is always at your fingertips. Need to double-check a due date, revisit a specific topic, or stay updated on any changes announced by your teacher.

  6. Having the syllabus readily available keeps you organised and ensures you're meeting all course expectations.

Economics Class 11 Syllabus 2024-25 Exam Preparation Tips 

  • Stay Updated with the new Syllabus

  • Understand the Concepts

  • Practise all Sample Papers

  • Learn with Diagrams and Schematic Representation

  • Form a Study Group

  • Time Management

  • Active Learning

  • Manage Stress

Prescribed Books for Class 11 Economics

1. Statistics for Economics, NCERT 

2. Indian Economic Development, NCERT 

3. Introductory Microeconomics, NCERT 

4. Macroeconomics, NCERT 

5. Supplementary Reading Material in Economics, CBSE

The CBSE Class 11 Economics syllabus for 2024-25 provides an understanding of economic principles. By familiarising yourself with the core concepts of microeconomics and statistical tools, students will learn about the key concepts. Consistent practice is key to understanding this subject. Access the CBSE Class 11 Economics Syllabus PDF for FREE for effective preparation.

Related Topic Pages for Class 11 Economics

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FAQs on CBSE Class 11 Economics Syllabus 2024-25: Updated Curriculum

1. What is the Objective and Aim of Class 11 Economics Syllabus?

The Class 11 Economics Syllabus is designed to lay a firm foundation of the concepts of economics for the students of Class 11. Sound knowledge and a firm grasp of these topics will allow students to perform well in their examinations and higher studies. It introduces statistical tools of economics which are used in the treatment of data points. These are measures of central tendency, correlation, and index numbers. The syllabus also provides insight into the fundamental concepts of microeconomics. Sub-topics include consumer’s equilibrium, Indifference curve, supply and demand, producer’s behaviour, types of markets, cost, and revenue.

The aim is to create an understanding of basic economics concepts and reasoning students can apply in their day-to-day life as consumers. This will allow students to understand their role in nation-building and their contribution to the economy.

2. What are the Types of Questions that are Asked in the Final Examinations? What is the Class 11 Economics Exam Pattern?

The examination is for a total of 80 marks and students get 3 hours to finish the paper. The entire syllabus is divided into three parts:

  1. Part A: Statistics for Economics (40 marks)

  2. Introductory Microeconomics (40 marks)

  3. Project Work (20 marks)

The types of questions and their weightage in the examinations are as follows:

  • Remembering and Understanding (44 marks): Students have to answer according to the learned material and write in detail about the concepts and workings. Also, ideas are to be organised logically.

  • Applying (22 marks): Students have to apply their conceptual knowledge to case scenarios and answer the questions that follow accordingly.

  • Analysing, Evaluating, and Creating (22 marks)- Process the given information and then compile your judgments backing them with definite pointers and proposing solutions based on the information. 

3. What are the benefits of the CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Economics Term (1 & 2) 2024-25?

The Benefits are that the Class 11 CBSE Economics Syllabus is the introduction in the concepts of statistical Economics, microeconomics and macroeconomics. This is with  the studies of  demand, producer’s equilibrium, cost, data representation. treatment and its interpretation,market types, supply. There should be a well planned time which will help to grasp the course contents.Students can  download the CBSE Class 11 Economics Syllabus PDF

4. How to score good marks in a CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Economics Term (1 & 2) 2024-25?

You should practice as many problems as you can, Vedantu provides all the problems and solutions freely. Follow NCERT Solutions on vedantu.

5. What are the main areas covered in the Class 11 Economics syllabus?

The syllabus focuses on two broad areas:

  • Microeconomics: This explores individual decision-making of consumers and producers, market structures, and price determination.

  • Statistics for Economics: This equips you with tools to organise, analyse, and interpret economic data using measures of central tendency, dispersion, and correlation.

6. What's the weightage for theory and practical application in the exam?

The exam emphasises understanding and application of concepts. While there will be theoretical questions, a significant portion will involve analysing data and applying economic principles to solve problems.

7. What are some learning resources for Class 11 Economics?

  • Your NCERT textbook is the primary resource.

  • Use recommended reference books by CBSE or reputed publishers.

  • Explore online resources like Vedantu’s study materials, and practice problems.

8. How can I improve my analytical skills in Economics Class 11?

  • Practice analysing real-world economic scenarios using the concepts learned.

  • Look for news articles or case studies related to economic issues and try to analyse them.

  • Discuss economic concepts and current events with classmates or teachers.

9. What are some tips for interpreting data in Class 11 Economics?

  • Understand the different types of data (numerical and graphical) used in economics.

  • Learn how to calculate and interpret measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) and dispersion (range, standard deviation).

  • Practice drawing inferences and identifying trends from data analysis.

10. What's the importance of statistics in Economics Class 11?

Statistics provide tools to organise, analyse, and interpret economic data. This helps economists understand economic trends, make predictions, and formulate policies.

11. What are some effective ways to revise for the Economics Class 11 exam?

  • Regularly review your class notes and textbook chapters.

  • Practice solving problems from different sources like reference books, mock exams, and previous years' question papers.

  • Form a study group to discuss concepts and test each other's understanding.