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CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus 2024-25: Updated Curriculum

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Biology Syllabus Class 12 CBSE 2024-25 - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu has developed the CBSE Class 12 Biology syllabus 2024-25, aigning it with the latest NCERT guidelines. This comprehensive syllabus covers essential areas such as cell structure, genetics, ecology, biotechnology, and human physiology. It emphasises a structured study approach and practical applications, including hands-on experiments and specimen identification, to develop essential lab skills. The syllabus also provides insights into the exam pattern, question paper design, and internal assessment structure. Students can download the detailed NCERT Class 12 syllabus PDF from Vedantu for a thorough understanding and effective exam preparation.

toc-symbolTable of Content

The Updation in the New Curriculum Includes:

  • New Topics: The new curriculum includes two new topics: Plant Physiology and Biotechnology and its Applications.

  • Changes to Existing Topics: The new curriculum includes changes to some existing topics, such as Cellular Respiration and Evolution.

  • Emphasis on Experiential Learning: The new curriculum emphasises experiential learning, with a focus on hands-on activities and projects.

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CBSE Class 12 Biology Revised Syllabus 2024-25 - Course Structure


Unit Name






Genetics and Evolution 



Biology and Human Welfare 



Biotechnology and its Applications 



Ecology and Environment




Unit-VI: Reproduction

Chapter-2: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

Flower structure; development of male and female gametophytes; pollination - types, agencies and examples; out breeding devices; pollen-pistil interaction; double fertilization; post fertilization events - development of endosperm and embryo, development of seed and formation of fruit; special modes- apomixis, parthenocarpy, polyembryony; Significance of seed dispersal and fruit formation.

Chapter-3: Human Reproduction

Male and female reproductive systems; microscopic anatomy of testis and ovary; gametogenesis -spermatogenesis and oogenesis; menstrual cycle; fertilisation, embryo development upto blastocyst formation, implantation; pregnancy and placenta formation (elementary idea); parturition (elementary idea); lactation (elementary idea).

Chapter-4: Reproductive Health

Need for reproductive health and prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs); birth control - need and methods, contraception and medical termination of pregnancy (MTP); amniocentesis; infertility and assisted reproductive technologies - IVF, ZIFT, GIFT (elementary idea for general awareness).

Unit-VII: Genetics and Evolution

Chapter-5: Principles of Inheritance and Variation

Heredity and Variation: Mendelian inheritance; deviations from Mendelism – incomplete dominance, co-dominance, multiple alleles and inheritance of blood groups, pleiotropy; elementary idea of polygenic inheritance; chromosome theory of inheritance; chromosomes and genes; Sex determination - in humans, birds and honey bee; linkage and crossing over; sex linked inheritance - haemophilia, colour blindness; Mendelian disorders in humans - thalassemia; chromosomal disorders in humans; Down's syndrome, Turner's and Klinefelter's syndromes.

Chapter-6: Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Morphology of different parts of flowering plants: root, stem, leaf, inflorescence, flower, fruit and seed. Description of family Solanaceae

Chapter- 7: Evolution

Origin of life; biological evolution and evidences for biological evolution (paleontology, comparative anatomy, embryology and molecular evidences); Darwin's contribution, modern synthetic theory of evolution; mechanism of evolution - variation (mutation and recombination) and natural selection with examples, types of natural selection; Gene flow and genetic drift; Hardy - Weinberg's principle; adaptive radiation; human evolution.

Unit-VIII: Biology and Human Welfare

Chapter-8: Human Health and Diseases

Pathogens; parasites causing human diseases (malaria, dengue, chikungunya, filariasis, ascariasis, typhoid, pneumonia, common cold, amoebiasis, ring worm) and their control; Basic concepts of immunology - vaccines; cancer, HIV and AIDS; Adolescence - drug and alcohol abuse.

Chapter-10:  Microbes in Human Welfare

Microbes in food processing, industrial production, sewage treatment, energy generation andmicrobes as bio-control agents and bio-fertilizers. Antibiotics; production and judicious use.

Unit-IX: Biotechnology and its Applications

Chapter-11: Biotechnology - Principles and Processes

Genetic Engineering (Recombinant DNA Technology). 

Chapter-12: Biotechnology and its Applications

Application of biotechnology in health and agriculture: Human insulin and vaccine production, stem cell technology, gene therapy; genetically modified organisms - Bt crops; transgenic animals; biosafety issues, biopiracy and patents. 

Unit-X:  Ecology and Environment

Chapter-13: Organisms and Populations

Population interactions - mutualism, competition, predation, parasitism; population attributes - growth, birth rate and death rate, age distribution. (Topics excluded: Organism and its Environment, Major Aboitic Factors, Responses to Abioitic Factors, Adaptations)

Chapter-14: Ecosystem

Ecosystems: Patterns, components; productivity and decomposition; energy flow; pyramids of number, biomass, energy (Topics excluded: Ecological Succession and Nutrient Cycles)

Chapter-15: Biodiversity and its Conservation

Biodiversity-Concept, patterns, importance; loss of biodiversity; biodiversity conservation; hotspots, endangered organisms, extinction, Red Data Book, Sacred Groves, biosphere reserves, national parks, wildlife, sanctuaries and Ramsar sites.

Deleted Chapter List Class 12 Biology Syllabus

CBSE Class 12 Biology Deleted Syllabus



Deleted Topics

Unit-VI– Reproduction

Chapter 1: Reproduction in Organisms

Complete Chapter

Unit-VIII – Biology and Human Welfare

Chapter 9: Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

Complete Chapter

Unit-X – Ecology and Environment

Chapter 13: Organisms and Populations

13.1 Organism and Its Environment

  • 13.1.1 Major Abiotic Factors

  • 13.1.2 Responses to Abiotic Factors

  • 13.1.3 Adaptations

  • Summary (para 2)

Ques. 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12

Chapter 14: Ecosystem

14.6 Ecological Succession

  • 14.6.1 Succession of Plants

14.7 Nutrient Cycling

  • 14.7.1 Ecosystem – Carbon Cycle

  • 14.7.2 Ecosystem – Phosphorus Cycle

14.8 Ecosystem Services

Chapter 16: Environmental Issues

Full Chapter

Class 12 Biology Practicals Syllabus - Evaluation Scheme

The following table highlights the mark distribution for the Class 12 Biology lab experiments which students can refer to gain an overview of the syllabus for lab practicals.

Evaluation Scheme


One Major Experiment (5) 


One Minor Experiment (2&3)


Slide Preparation (1&4)




Practical Record + Viva Voce 


Investigatory Project and its Project Record + Viva Voce




Class 12 Biology Practicals Syllabus:

The following tables contain the list of experiments that comprise the Class 12 Biology Practicals Syllabus:


List of Experiments


Prepare a temporary mount to observe pollen germination.


Study the plant population density by quadrat method.


Study the plant population frequency by quadrat method.


Prepare a temporary mount of onion root tip to study mitosis.


Isolate DNA from available plant material such as spinach, green pea seeds, papaya, etc.


Study and observe the following (Spotting):


Flowers adapted to pollination by different agencies (wind, insects, birds).


Pollen germination on stigma through a permanent slide or scanning electron micrograph.


Identification of stages of gamete development, i.e., T.S. of testis and T.S. of ovary through permanent slides (from grasshopper/mice).


Meiosis in onion bud cells or grasshopper testis through permanent slides.


T.S. of blastula through permanent slides (Mammalian).


Mendelian inheritance using seeds of different colours/sizes of any plant.


Prepared pedigree charts of any one of the genetic traits such as rolling of tongue, blood groups, ear lobes, widow's peak, and colour blindness.


Controlled pollination - emasculation, tagging and bagging.


Common disease-causing organisms like Ascaris, Entamoeba, Plasmodium, any fungi causing ringworm through permanent slides, models, or virtual images or specimens. Comment on symptoms of diseases that they cause.


Models specimen showing symbolic association in root modules of leguminous plants, Cuscuta on host, lichens.


Flash cards models showing examples of homologous and analogous organs.


Lab Practicals


Study of flowers adapted to pollination by different agencies (wind, insects).


Identification of T.S of morula or blastula of frog (Model).


Study of Mendelian inheritance pattern using beads/seeds of different sizes/texture.


Preparation of pedigree charts of genetic traits such as rolling of tongue, colour



Study of emasculation, tagging, and bagging by trying out an exercise on

controlled pollination.


Identify common disease-causing organisms like Ascaris (model) and learn some common symptoms of the disease that they cause.


Comment upon the morphological adaptations of plants found in xerophytic conditions. 

Question Paper Design CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus (Theory) 2024-25


Demonstrate Knowledge and Understanding


Application of Knowledge / Concepts 


Analyse, Evaluate, and Create



  • Typology of questions: VSA includes MCQs, assertion–reasoning type questions, SA, LA-I, LA-II, and source-based/case-based/passage-based/integrated assessment questions.

  • An internal choice of approximately 33% would be provided.

Prescribed Books:

1. Biology, Class-XII, Published by NCERT 

2. Other related books and manuals brought out by NCERT (consider multimedia also) 

3. Biology Supplementary Material (Revised). Available on the CBSE website.

Why Should You Download Class 12 Biology Syllabus 2024-25?

  • The Biology Syllabus Class 12 CBSE 2024-25 PDF outlines all the different sections and chapters of the question paper so that students can easily grasp what to expect in the examination.

  • The PDF concisely and comprehensively highlights the Class 12 Biology Syllabus 2024-25, covering only the relevant details to keep it accurate and help students quickly find what they need.

  • The Class 12 Biology Syllabus PDF highlights the chapters and units of the textbook and covers the practicals and lab experiments to ensure students understand the curriculum completely.

  • The syllabus PDF provides a complete distribution of the weightage of marks across all the chapters and sections to give a complete sense of what can be asked in the exam.

  • The Class 12 Biology Syllabus PDF is available for FREE download so that students can access it anywhere, anytime as they like.

The Biology Syllabus Class 12 CBSE 2024-25 offers a complete, comprehensive insight into the curriculum. It covers all the different chapters, topics, and weightage across them to provide an easy and quick overview as and when the students want. These are available in FREE PDF format to enable offline viewing. Rest assured, students can use the Class 12 Biology Syllabus PDF to gain a headstart on their study process.

Important Topic Pages -  Class 12 Biology

Along with the syllabus structure for Class 12 Biology, students can also refer to the following table for further comprehension of the topics that comprise Class 12 Biology.

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FAQs on CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus 2024-25: Updated Curriculum

1. Is the syllabus given on the site accurate?

Yes, the given syllabus on the site is accurate. Everything in Vedantu is accurate and precise as per the requirements. You will never have to doubt Vedantu. It’s the site which will give you satisfaction and a trustworthy feeling. 

It’s the best place to come whenever students are facing difficulties while studying. It will be always available for you to clear your doubts easily and accurately. Vedantu is the best companion during online studies. It provides materials in PDF format so that people can easily download and study them offline as well. 

2. How is the NCERT Class 12 Biology Syllabus aligned with the CBSE curriculum?

The syllabus is developed according to the latest NCERT guidelines and is aligned with the CBSE curriculum. This ensures that students are well-prepared for board and other competitive exams.

3. What are the tips for CBSE Class 12 Biology syllabus Exams (Term 1& 2) 2024-25?

Students must use some basic yet efficient tips and methods when studying for the CBSE Class 12th exam in order to succeed. When it comes to Biology, it is a subject that will help you get excellent results if you take it seriously and give it your hundred percent. Experts at Vedantu provide a few last minute tips to ace your examinations. Examine some of the most effective CBSE 12th Biology preparation tips.

  • Complete the CBSE Class 12 Biology syllabus 2024 as soon as possible to provide ample revision time.

  • Students should consult the CBSE class 12 timetable 2024 to organize their studies.

  • Rather than just memorizing Biology theories, attempt to comprehend their meaning and make personal notes. These notes will aid you in last-minute revision.

  • Students must study CBSE Class 12 exam papers 2024 after completing the CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus 2024. This will assist them in understanding the exam pattern, marking method, and key themes.

  • Allow plenty of time for rewriting and don't dismiss any uncertainties. Remove them as soon as possible. In the event of confusion, seek assistance from others. Also, do not be concerned about the board; instead, give it your everything in order to achieve a good CBSE class 12 result 2024.

4. Where can I download CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus (Term 1& 2) 2024-25?

You can download the full syllabus of the CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus (Term 1& 2) 2024-25 on the website of Vedantu. Not just this, Vedantu's website provides all of the free CBSE Class 12 Biology study materials, example papers, and mock exams. Vedantu's website contains important questions for CBSE class 12 Biology test preparation. You can practice with the previous year's example papers and question papers. Practice exams can help you get a feel for the exam environment and question styles. Examining them will give you an advantage and help you comprehend the problems better. You'll be able to recognise a variety of paper patterns and manage your time effectively. Vedantu also offers live online sessions with experts who can assist you in resolving issues. The best aspect is that all of the sample papers with solutions and extra study aids are available for free download.

5. What is the benefit of the reduced syllabus of the CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus (Term 1& 2) 2024-25?

The CBSE Class 12 Biology exam will be held independently and will be based on the CBSE Class 11 Syllabus. The Board will conduct examinations based on the CBSE Class 12 Reduced Syllabus at the conclusion of each term, according to the Special Scheme of Assessment for Class 10 and 12 for the present academic year 2024-25.

The Class 12 Biology CBSE 2024-25 shortened syllabus in Term 1 and Term 2 gives students the favourable  chance of succeeding in their studies. Students can begin studying for the exam using the most recent CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus. On CBSE's official website, you may find a term-by-term shortened syllabus for Class 12 Biology CBSE. This page will give you a full curriculum for all topics in Class 12 CBSE, as well as a unit-by-unit distribution of marks, as well as chapters and concepts within each unit. The CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus 2024-25 must be well understood by all students in the 12th Standard.

6. What key topics are covered in the NCERT Class 12 Biology Syllabus 2024-25?

The syllabus covers essential topics such as cell structure and function, genetics, ecology, biotechnology, and human physiology. It provides a comprehensive understanding of these core biological concepts.

7. What is the importance of the CBSE Class 12 Biology syllabus?

The CBSE class 12 Biology syllabus 2024-25 provides thorough information on the major sections and units of each subject. Students must ensure that they understand the fundamentals of each chapter and idea. The points are listed below:

  1. The Biology syllabus outlines the full course structure, including the weighting of marks for each unit and duration.

  2. The CBSE curriculum defines the question paper format, allowing students to become familiar with the types of questions that will be asked on each topic.

  3. Exam papers are written in accordance with the CBSE board's class 12 curriculum.

  4. The CBSE Biology syllabus assists students in effectively preparing for the Class 12 board.

  5. The CBSE Biology syllabus is designed to benefit both students and teachers.

  6. It would also be beneficial to have a better comprehension of key chapters. If you take engineering and medical admission examinations like JEE (Main and Advanced), NEET, BITSAT, and others, it will help.

8. What resources are available to complement the NCERT Class 12 Biology syllabus?

Additional resources such as sample papers, previous year questions, and online tutorials are available to complement the NCERT syllabus. These resources help students practice effectively and better understand the subject.

9. Does the Class 12 Biology Syllabus PDF also cover lab practicals?

Yes, lab practicals and experiments corresponding to the latest CBSE syllabus are also covered in the PDF file, which you can download for FREE from the Vedantu website.

10. How many marks do the lab experiments carry in the Class 12 Biology Syllabus 2024-25?

The Lab experiments carry 30 marks across all the practicals and the viva, which is a considerable weightage covered in the syllabus. It makes up a significant portion of the weightage, which students can use to their advantage by referring to the Class 12 Biology Syllabus PDF available on the Vedantu website.