Computer Science Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus 2024-25: Updated Curriculum
1. What is the Project Work in the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus?
The project work which is part of the Computer Science Syllabus for Class 12 is a class project which requires group work which aims for students to create something original and useful. This project requires students to look out for a real-life problem faced by the world and think of a possible solution for it, and then create a user-friendly application, game, software, etc. that shall be programmed to solve that problem as best as it can be solved. This kind of project requires students to not only think, but to also do some extra learning for the same in their own time. The project must have a minimum of 500 lines of code and there is a strict rule against plagiarism.
2. What is the Marks Weightage in the Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus?
The Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus is divided into the theory component for 70 marks and the practical component for 30 marks, adding up to a total of 100 marks.
The theory paper includes the following units:
Programming and Computational Thinking - 2 (PCT-2) - 30 marks
Computer Networks (CN) - 15 marks
Data Management-2 (DM-2) - 15 marks
Society, Law and Ethics-2 (SLE-2) - 10 marks
The practical component includes the following units:
Lab test only Python - 7 marks
Lab test Python with SQL queries - 3 marks
Report file - 7 marks
Viva voce (report file) - 2 marks
Project - 8 marks
Viva voce (project) - 3 marks.
3. What all programs have been removed from the revised course of CBSE Class XII Computer Science?
The following are a few python programs that the CBSE board has removed from the Class 12 computer science course:
Write a program to find the factorial of a natural number recursively.
Write a program to generate a recursive code to find the sum of all elements of a list.
Write a program to generate a recursive code to compute the nth Fibonacci number.
4. How can we download the CBSE Class 12th Computer Science Syllabus?
Follow the steps given below to download the revised computer science syllabus of 2024-25 for CBSE Class 12th:
Visit Vedantu.
Go and Click on 'Study Material.'
Click to CBSE and search for CBSE Syllabus under the same header!
Now, you can select your class, such as the Class 12th Syllabus, and check out all the latest updates regarding the syllabus.
5. What tips should one keep in mind while preparing for CBSE Class 12 Computer Science?
Following are some relevant tips that one should keep in mind to pass exams with flying colours:
Go through the complete syllabus and highlight the most important topics.
Solve previous year question papers of class XII to get accustomed to the examination pattern and marking scheme. This will also increase your speed and accuracy during examinations.
Practice programming and SQL queries as much as you can to avoid any silly mistakes during the examination.
6. What type of python programs can be asked during the practicals of class XIIth Computer Science?
Here is a list of python programs that can be asked during the practical examination of the CBSE Class XII Computer Science examination:
Write a program in python to implement a queue and stack using a list data structure.
Create and input a binary file with the name, roll no and marks of students.
Write a program to generate random numbers between 1 and 6.
7. What is the programming language covered in the Computer Science Class 12 Syllabus?
Python is the programming language covered in the Computer Science Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25. The syllabus PDF also highlights the different practical programs suggested by CBSE.
8. What other language is taught in the CBSE Computer Science Class 12 Syllabus?
Students are also taught SQL (Structured Query Language) in Class 12 Computer Science. It is taught as a supplementary language to python, and most of the topics align between both the languages to provide for a systematic approach.
9. How can CBSE Computer Science Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 PDF help the students?
The latest Computer Science Class 12 Syllabus PDF highlights the different chapters and topics covered in the curriculum and provides a comprehensive view of the syllabus. Students can use this PDF to gain a quick glance of the portions, or even go for a more structured reading of the entire syllabus.
10. Are there any supporting materials for Class 12 Computer Science?
You can find a lot of supplementary study materials for Class 12 Computer Science from topic pages to Previous Year papers, Revision Notes and NCERT Solutions on the Vedantu website. You can use these materials to headstart your exam preparation and expand your understanding of the subjects.