ICSE Class 7 Computer Applications Syllabus 2024-25 Examination - Free PDF Download
FAQs on ICSE Syllabus for Class 7 Computer Applications
1. What is hardware in Computer Science according to the ICSE Syllabus for Class 7 Computer Applications 2024-25 Examination?
Hardware is a device that we can touch and feel physically. Devices such as Mouse, keyboard, printer etc are hardware devices.To know more hardware devices download the Vedantu app.
2. What are the chapters covered in ICSE Syllabus for Class 7 Computer Applications 2024-25?
ICSE syllabus for class 7 Computer Applications 2024-25 consists of 7 chapters. The chapters are as follows: Hardware Components of a Computer, An Introduction to Number System, Describing Computer Virus, The Importance of Safety Measures and Ethics in Computing, Introduction to DBMS and Database, Advanced features of HTML.
3. How to prepare for ICSE Syllabus for Class 7 Computer Applications 2024-25 Examination?
Solve the previous year question paper provided in the Vedantu app or website and practice a lot to increase accuracy and speed. Dedicate a certain amount of time to computer application only to clear all the concepts and doubts.
4. What is malware according to the ICSE Syllabus for Class 7 Computer Applications 2024-25 Examination?
According to ICSE Syllabus for Class 7 Computer Applications 2024-25,
Malware is a computer program that is designed to destroy Computer systems.
Examples of malware are worms, trojan viruses, spyware, ransomware etc.
Students can learn more about this while going through the whole syllabus for
better understanding.
5. How is it beneficial for an ICSE Class 6 student to know the Computer Applications syllabus 2024-25 from before?
It is very beneficial for an ICSE Class 6 student to know the syllabus from before so that they can manage to study all the chapters according to their timings. Students will be able to understand the topics and concepts from before. Students get their time to make their timetable and can learn all the chapters in a particular time. It also helps the ICSE Class 6 student to score good marks by knowing the syllabus from before.