Introduction to Afghan Hound
An Afghan hound is considered to be one of the most elegant and royal dog breeds in the world. An Afghan Hound is a hound recognized for its thick, fine, silky coat and has a tail that has a curl at the end. The unique feature of an Afghan Hound is that it can survive in cold conditions, which is why it is bred in the cold mountains of Afghanistan. An Afghan Hound is also known as the King of Sight Hounds. It is called so as it is considered to be of the majestic breed which is considered to be one of the oldest breeds in the world.
An Afghan Hound, as its name implies, is from Afghanistan's mountainous area, where it was first known as Tazi Spay, and its origins are thought to date back to the pre-Christian period. According to legend, one of the dogs rescued in Noah's Arc was an Afghan Hound. Paintings and murals depicting Afghan Hounds hunting in ancient Afghanistan have been discovered in ancient Afghan caves. Afghan Hounds were initially used as hunting dogs in Afghanistan's desert and mountainous regions, where they could sprint and cover great distances while holding off their prey before their handler arrived. Afghan Hounds are now considered luxury dogs, especially in the United States and Europe. It is very important to consider the Afghan Hounds breed’s physical and temperamental character before adopting it as a pet.
In this article, we are going to discuss the Afghan hound, appearance, history, and Afghan hound India.
History of the Afghan Hound
The Afghan Hound has been described as a basal breed that precedes the 19th-century appearance of modern breeds. It has the most resemblance to the Saluki. Connections to other types and breeds from the same region could reveal information about the breed's past. Tazi (Sag-e-Tazi), the term for a desert coursing Afghan hound, implies a common ancestor with the Tasy breed from the Caspian Sea region of Russia and Turkmenistan. The Taigan, from the mountainous Tian Shan area on Afghanistan's Chinese frontier, and the Barakzay, or Kurram Valley Hound, are two other varieties or breeds with a similar look. It is believed that there are 13 breeds of Afghan Hound that are present in Afghanistan.
The Afghan hound is an ancient sighthound breed that was developed thousands of years ago by nomadic tribes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northern India. As warlike factions led by leaders like Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great overran the area, much of the breed's heritage was lost. The need to course game through rugged terrain influenced the breed's development and form.
The Afghan hound, who was trained to be a highly trained hunter and was used to take down both large and small game, including antelopes and perhaps leopards. About the fact that many modern experts deny leopards were the Afghans' traditional prey, eyewitness reports describe lone Afghans seizing leopards by the neck and severing their spines in their jaws.
Afghans made their first pilgrimage out of the Middle East in the 19th century, accompanied by British troops who took them back to England. In 1926, the American Kennel Club recognized the Afghan hound. It is known for its glitz and glitter, and its success peaked in the 1970s. Afghans are now more often kept as house pets and show dogs than as hunting dogs, but some daring owners still take them lure-coursing to imitate a chase. Afghans are perennial show ring champions thanks to their flowing tresses and noble demeanor.
Description of an Afghan Hound
An Afghan Hound is very tall and it stands at a height which is between 61 to 74 centimeters and a full-grown Afghan hound weights upto 30 kilograms. An Afghan Hound coat may be any color, but white marks, particularly on the head, are frowned upon; many hounds also have a black face mask. A specimen may have facial hair that resembles a Fu Manchu mustache, dubbed "mandarins" by others. While some Afghan Hounds are nearly white, parti-color hounds (white with red or black islands) are penalized by the AKC but not by the FCI.
The Afghan hound does have a long, fine-textured coat that requires considerable care and grooming. The Afghan Hound coat is distinguished by its long topknot and shorter-haired saddle on the dog's tail. The breed's large hipbones and one-of-a-kind narrow band on the end of the tail are both distinguishing features.
The standard Afghan Hound personality is aloof and dignified when not playing, but cheerful and clownish when playing. Like many other sighthounds, this breed has a strong prey drive and may have trouble with small animals. The Afghan Hound can be a competitive dog agility athlete as well as a compassionate service dog and friend. According to genetic research, the Afghan Hound is one of the oldest dog breeds.
Afghan Hounds are often competitors in lure coursing events and are often common in the sport of conformation showing, even though they are seldom used for hunting in Europe and America, where they are popular.
An image given below shows the Afghan hound.
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Unique Aspects of the Afghan Hound
Tazi, or Afghan Hounds, are sighthounds that hunt by sight and speed rather than sound and stamina. Since they are part of the sighthound breed, they have a 270-degree vision angle, whereas most dogs can only have a 180-degree vision angle. The primary cause for this advantage is the Afghan Hound's dolichocephalic skull, which aids them in chasing their prey without losing sight of it. It is three times longer than its width, which aids them in chasing their prey without losing sight of it.
Afghan Hounds are a stunning dog breed that is often referred to as the canine runway supermodels. Afghan Hounds have been used in print, television, and online media with a variety of premium items due to their long, lustrous coats and sleek build. Afghan Hounds were trained to hunt deer, gazelle, and leopard, and as a result, they can run very quickly, reaching speeds of up to 40 miles per hour, which is about as fast as a racehorse.
An Afghan Hound's hypersensitivity to pain and illness is one of their most distinguishing characteristics. As a result, Afghan Hound owners must be cautious about the environment in which their dogs play, as even the slightest damage will cause them a great deal of discomfort. Many owners will attest to their funny methods, referring to them as clowns and sharing tales of their mischievousness and ability to steal items from under the nose.
FAQs on Afghan Hound
Q1: List Out a Few of the Afghan Hound Facts.
Ans: Here are a few of the Afghan hound facts:
They are considered to be one of the most ancient dog breeds in the world: According to legend, the Afghan hound was the dog saved on Noah's Ark. The dogs most likely crossed into Afghanistan with Alexander the Great's troops. This hypothesis is backed up by rock carvings in Afghanistan that depict the distinct-looking puppies. Owing to their similar looks, many scholars believe the Saluki is the ancestor of the Afghan hound; both have been dubbed the Persian greyhound.
The Afghan hound was used to the hunt: This breed of dogs might look very graceful and it would feel like they were red for a life of luxury but there have been records that show that the Afghan hound was used to aid the hunters in the deserts and mountains of Afghanistan for hunting. These dogs used to chase and corner wild animals such as the Leopards till the hunters could arrive and capture or kill the wild animal. These intelligent dogs are capable of hunting and thinking on their own, so they need very little guidance in the field.
The Afghan hound is as fast as racehorses: The typical Afghan hound can run up to 40 miles per hour. That's around the same speed as a purebred racehorse. The world's fastest horse will only go 43.97 miles per hour.
The Afghan hound is not only fast but also agile and easy to change directions. They can make short turns and walk through the uneven terrain of the Afghani mountains thanks to their unique hip placement, which is higher and broader than other breeds'.
The Afghan hound is a sighthound and is a breed of slender dogs. Greyhounds, whippets, borzoi, and Salukis are all members of this breed group. They have excellent vision, as their name implies. These dogs' heads are dolichocephalic, giving them a 270-degree field of vision.
Afghan hounds are sometimes referred to as "scented hounds" on occasion. The dogs' cheeks have scent glands that emit a sweet, musky odor.
Q2: What is the Average Lifespan of an Afghan Hound Dog?
Ans: In a survey that was conducted within the United kingdom, the Afghan hounds were known to have an average life span of about 12 years.
Q3: What is the Cost of Afghan Hound India?
Ans: Afghan hound dog or the Afghanistan hound is rarely found in India. The availability of the Afghan dog depends upon the demands of Dog lovers and it can be only found in high-quality expensive dog stores in cities such as Bengaluru, Mumbai, and Delhi. The Afghan Dog Hound is priced between 60,000 and 80,000 rupees. It's also highly doubtful that anyone who wants this breed of Dog would find one in a shelter. So communicating to breeders or finding out a way to import an Afghan Hound is the best option for someone who wants the Afghan hound.