Class 10 Social Science Syllabus 2024-25 - FREE PDF Download
CBSE Class 10 SST Syllabus 2024-25: Updated Curriculum
FAQs on CBSE Class 10 SST Syllabus 2024-25: Updated Curriculum
1. Vedantu’s study material is curated according to the new syllabus.
Yes, Vedantu’s study material is curated as per the new syllabus. Vedantu’s teachers have curated the study materials very carefully keeping in mind what is beneficial for their knowledge.
Every material is prepared in such a way that it helps every student to prepare well for the upcoming first big step. Vedantu is the best site to rely on when it comes to quality education. It prepares the mindset of students to score better and perform better.
2. How can we trust Vedantu in its quantity for the Class 10 SST Syllabus?
Vedantu is a place where you can find quality and quantity all together in one place. It’s one of the leading education platforms in India. It helps students to score better. It also clears their concepts.
Through their interactive lectures, they will urge the flame to know more about the subject. To get the benefits of interactive classes one should genuinely join Vedantu as it’s an education site.
3. Is Vedantu's study material curated according to the new Social Science syllabus?
Yes, Vedantu’s study material is curated as per the new syllabus. Vedantu’s teachers have curated the study materials very carefully keeping in mind what is beneficial for their knowledge.
Every material is prepared in such a way that it helps every student to prepare well for the upcoming first big step. Vedantu is the best site to rely on when it comes to quality education. It prepares the mindset of students to score better and perform better.
4. Why is the subject of social science important for Class 10 CBSE ?
The subject of Social science is important because it introduces the students to the world and the society around us. For example, topics such as nationalism introduce the students to the roots of such ideology, and how it developed in India and the world, also it gives students an Idea about the circumstances that lead to the spirit of Nationalism. The chapters covered in Economics give the students a fundamental understanding of the subject, such as the concept of Employment generation, etc. Therefore, the subject of the CBSE Class 10, social science plays a vital role in the overall development of the students.
5. How can I prepare for the subject of Social Science for the Class 10 CBSE to score good marks in the exam?
The marks of the Class 10 CBSE matters a lot for all the students, and to get good marks in the subject of social science, a thorough understanding of the subject is very important. Only after understanding all the topics can students prepare for the exam by practising as much as possible.
Therefore, preparation for the subject of CBSE Class 10 Social Science starts with the syllabus. Download the syllabus and after studying it thoroughly devise a plan and stick to it.
6. Is it necessary to study all the chapters included in the social science syllabus for Class 10, CBSE?
Yes, it is necessary to study all the chapters included in the syllabus of the Class 10 CBSE, social science subject for the Academic year 2024-25. Because all the chapters are there for a reason, and each of the chapters develops the understanding of the students regarding the subject to a greater extent. Also, if the students skip one chapter or a topic, it affects the other chapters as well, because many of the chapters are interlinked. For instance, if students skip the chapter on nationalism, then it gets difficult to understand nationalism in the Indian context.
7. Is the class 10 2024-25 syllabus released?
The CBSE board has unveiled the curriculum for both core subjects and electives. The CBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 holds significant importance for students enrolled in 10th grade across CBSE-affiliated schools.
8. How many chapters are coming in sst class 10 2024-25?
The book comprises a total of seven chapters. Social Science Class 10 CBSE – Understanding Economic Development delves into the segments of the Indian economy and the nation's economic advancement.
9. What is the syllabus of SST 2024-25?
The CBSE Class 10 Social Science syllabus for the academic year 2024-25 covers a wide range of topics across various subjects:
History: The syllabus includes chapters on The French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, the Age of Imperialism, the Russian Revolution, and the Making of Modern India.
Geography: Topics encompass the Biosphere, Natural Vegetation, Agriculture, Industries, Transportation, Communication, Human Settlements, and Disaster Management.
Democratic Politics: The syllabus includes Political Parties, Pressure Groups and Movements, Federalism, Local Government, and Gender Development.
Economics: Covered topics include Production, Consumption, Exchange, Distribution, Money and Banking, Public Finance, and Globalisation.
10. How to get 95 percent in class 10 Social Science?
To achieve higher scores in the CBSE Class 10 Social Science exam, students are advised to solve question papers from the past five years. Hence, it is recommended that students choose a Class 10 Social Science book that comprehensively covers the required chapters and topics while also including previous years' question papers.
11. Which chapters are deleted in SST class 10 syllabus 2025-25?
Units from the Democratic Politics-II have been excluded from the CBSE Class 10 syllabus for the academic year 2024–25.