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CBSE Class 10 IT Syllabus 2024-25: Updated Curriculum

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CBSE Class 10 Information Technology Syllabus 2024-25 - FREE PDF Download

IT Syllabus Class 10 CBSE 2024-25 revised syllabus outlines the essential topics and updated content designed to enhance your understanding of IT concepts. The free PDF download provides a detailed overview of the curriculum, including practical skills, project work, and assessment criteria. Equip yourself with the latest information to streamline your study plan and excel in your IT exams. Download now for a comprehensive guide to the Information Technology Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 academic year.

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Students can check and download the revised syllabus for their CBSE Class 10 syllabus and complete the curriculum here. Along with the details of the course content, students can also check the question paper design and evaluation scheme.

New Updations of CBSE Class 10 IT Syllabus 

  • IT syllabus class 10 CBSE 2024-25 is updated to reflect current IT advancements.

  • Added concepts and technologies for modern relevance.

  • Expanded hands-on sessions with new tools are included in CBSE class 10 IT syllabus 2024-25.

  • New evaluation methods focus on practical skills.

  • Integration of online tools to enrich learning.

CBSE Class 10 IT Syllabus 2024 -25 Course Structure

Information Technology Course Structure


No. of Hours

for Theory and Practical


for Theory and Practical

Employability Skills

Unit 1: Communication Skills-II



Unit 2: Self-Management Skills-II



Unit 3: ICT Skills-II



Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-II



Unit 5: Green Skills-II






Subject-Specific Skills




Unit 1: Digital Documentation (Advanced)




Unit 2: Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced)




Unit 3: Database Management System




Unit 4: Maintain Health, Safety and Secure Working Environment








Practical Work

Practical Examination


● Advanced Documentation

5 Marks

● Advanced Spreadsheets

5 Marks

● Databases

10 Marks

● Viva Voce

10 Marks




Project Work/Field Visit


Any Interdisciplinary Real World Case Study to be taken. Summarized data reports of the same can be presented in the base. Input should be taken using forms and output using reports using base. Documentation of the case study should be presented using the writer.

Portfolio/ Practical File:


(The portfolio should contain printouts of the practical done using Writer, Calc, and Base with minimum

5 problems of each)






Quick Overview of CBSE IT Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25

Class 10 Information Technology Blueprint 2024-25


Unit Name


Part-A (Employability Skills)


Communication Skills-I



Self-Management Skills-I



Basic Information and Communication Technology Skills-I



Entrepreneurial Skills-I



Green Skills-I




Part-B (Subject-specific Skills)


Digital Documentation (Advanced)



Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced)



Database Management System



Maintain Health, Safety and Secure

Working Environment




Practical Work

Advanced Documentation(05) + Advanced

Spreadsheets (05) + Databases (10) +

Viva voce (10) + Files (10) + Project Work (10)


Unit 1: Digital Documentation (Advanced)

S. No

Learning Outcomes




Apply Styles in the document

• Styles/ categories in Writer

• Styles and Formatting window

• Using Fill Format.

• Creating and updating new styles from a selection

• Load style from the template or another document.

• Creating a new style using drag-and-drop.

• Applying styles.

• List style categories in Writer. Select the style from the Styles and Formatting window.

• Use Fill Format to apply a style to many different areas quickly.

• Create and update a new style from a selection.

• Load a style from a template or another document.

• Create a new style using drag-and-drop.


Insert and use images in the document

• Options to insert images to document from various sources.

• Options to modify, resize, crop and delete an image.

• Creating drawing objects, setting, or changing their properties. Resizing and grouping drawing objects.

• Positioning image in the text.

• Insert an image to document from various sources.

• Modify, resize, crop and delete an image.

• Create drawing objects

• Set or change the properties of a drawing object

• Resize and group drawing objects

• Position the image in the text


Create and use the template

• Templates in Writer.

• Using predefined templates.

• Creating a template.

• Set up a custom template.

• Using a template

• Changing to a different template.

• Updating a Document

• Create a template.

• Use predefined templates.

• Set up a custom default template.

• Update a document.

• Change to a different template.

• Use the Template.

• Update the document.


Create a table of contents

• Table of contents. Hierarchy of headings. Customization of the table of contents.

• Character styles. Maintaining a table of contents.

• Create a table of contents.

• Define a hierarchy of headings.

• Customize a table of contents.

• Apply character styles.

• Maintain a table of contents.


Unit 2: Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced)

S. No

Learning Outcomes




Analyse data using scenarios and goal-seeking.

• Using consolidating data. Creating subtotals.

• Using “what if” scenarios. Using “what if” tools

• Using goal seek and solver.

• Use consolidating data

• Create subtotals

• Use “what if” scenarios Use “what if” tools

• Use goal-seeking and solver


Link spreadsheets data

• Setting up multiple sheets. Creating a reference to other sheets by using a keyboard and mouse.

• Creating a reference to another document by using a keyboard and mouse.

• Set up multiple sheets by inserting new sheets.

• Create references to other sheets by using a keyboard and mouse.

• Create references to other documents by using a keyboard and mouse.



• Relative and absolute hyperlinks

• Hyperlinks to the sheet.

o Linking to external data.

o Linking to registered data sources.

• Create, Edit and Remove hyperlinks to the sheet.

• Link to external data.

• Link to the registered data source.


Share and review a spreadsheet

• Setting up a spreadsheet for sharing.

• Opening and saving a shared spreadsheet.

• Recording changes.

• Add, Edit, and Format the comments.

• Reviewing changes – view, accept or reject changes. Merging and comparing.

• Set up a spreadsheet for sharing.

• Open and save a shared spreadsheet.

• Record changes.

• Add, Edit, and Format the comments.

• Review changes – view, accept, or reject changes.

• Merge and compare sheets.


Use Macros in a spreadsheet

• Using the macro recorder.

• Creating a simple macro.

• Using a macro as a function.

• Passing arguments to a macro.

• Passing the arguments as values.

• Macros to work like built-in functions.

• Accessing cells directly.

• Sorting the columns using macro.

• Demonstrate the use of a macro recorder.

• Create a simple macro.

• Use a macro

• Pass arguments to a macro

• Pass the arguments as values

• Write the macros that act like built-in functions

• Access cells directly

• Sort the columns using macro.

Unit 3: Database Management System

S. No

Learning Outcomes




Appreciate the concept of a Database Management System

• Concept and examples of data and information,

• Concept of database,

• Advantages of database,

• Features of database,

• Concept and examples of Relational database,

• Concept and examples of field, record, table, database,

• Concept and examples of Primary key, composite primary key, foreign key,

• Database management system (DBMS) software

• Relational Database management system (RDBMS) software.

• Identify the data and information,

• Identify the field, record, table in the database,

• Prepare the sample table with some standard fields.

• Assign the primary key to the field,

• Identify the primary key, composite primary key, and foreign key.


Create and edit tables using wizard and SQL commands

• Introduction to LibreOffice Base

• Database objects – tables, queries, forms, and reports of the database,

• Terms in database – table, field, record,

• Steps to create a table using table wizard

• Data types in database.,

• Option to set primary key Table Data View dialogue box

• Start the Libre Office Base and observe the parts of the main window,

• Identify the database objects

• Create the sample table in any category using Wizard,

• Practice creating different tables from the available list and choosing fields from the available fields.

• Assign data types of fields, set the primary key,

• Edit the table in the design view, Enter the data in the fields.


Perform operations on the table

• Inserting data in the table,

• Editing records in the table,

• Deleting records from the table,

• Sorting data in the table,

• Referential integrity,

• Creating and editing relationships – one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many

• Field properties

Demonstrate to:

• Insert data in the table,

• Edit records in the table,

• Delete records from the table,

• Sort data in the table,

• Create and edit relationships

- one-to-one, one to many, many-to-many,

• Enter various field properties.


Retrieve data using the query

• Database query,

• Defining query,

• Query creation using wizard,

• Creation of query using design view,

• Editing a query,

• Applying criteria in query – single field, multiple fields, using wildcard,

• Performing calculations,

• Grouping of data,

• Structured Query Language (SQL).

• Prepare a query for the given criteria,

• Demonstrate to create a query using wizard, and using design view,

• Edit a query,

• Demonstrate to apply various criteria in query – single field, multiple fields, using wild card,

• Performing calculations using query in Base,

• Demonstrate to group data,

• Use basic SQL commands,


Create Forms and Reports using the wizard

• Forms in BASE.

• Creating a form using Wizard,

• Steps to create form using Form Wizard,

• Options to enter or remove data from forms

• Modifying form,

• Changing label, background,

• Searching records using Form,

• Inserting and deleting records using Form,

• Concept of Report in Base,

• Creating Reports using wizard,

• Steps to create a Report using Wizard.

• Illustrate the various steps to create

Form using Form Wizard,

• Enter or remove data from Forms,

• Demonstrate to modify Forms,

• Demonstrate to change label, background,

• Search records using Form,

• Insert and delete records using Form View,

• Illustrate the various steps to create

Report using Report Wizard,

• Demonstrate various examples of Report.

Unit 4: Managing Health And Safety

S. No

Learning Outcomes




Maintain workplace safety

• Basic safety rules to follow at the workplace – Fire safety,

• Falls and slips, Electrical safety, Use of first aid.

• Case Studies of hazardous situations.

• Practice to follow basic safety rules at workplace to prevent accidents and protect workers

– Fire safety,

• Falls and slips, Electrical safety, Use of first aid.


Prevent Accidents and Emergencies

• Accidents and emergency,

• Types of Accidents,

• Handling Accidents

•Types of Emergencies.

• Illustrate how to handle accidents at the workplace,

• Demonstrate to follow evacuation plan and procedure in case of an emergency.


Protect Health and Safety at work

• Hazards and sources of hazards,

•General evacuation procedures,

• Healthy living.

• Identify hazards and sources of hazards,

• identify the problems at the workplace that could cause accidents,

• Practice the general evacuation procedures in case of an emergency.

CBSE Class 10 IT Syllabus 2024-25: Major Updations (Deleted and Added Topics)

CBSE Class 10 Information Technology Syllabus (Theory) 

Unit I- Digital Documentation (Advanced)

Topics Added

Topics Deleted

Using a Template

Editing a Template

Advanced concept of mail merge in word processing

Creating a main document

Creating the data source

Entering data in the fields

Merging the data source with the main document

Editing individual documents

Printing a letter and its address label

S. No

Topics Added

Topics Deleted


Database management system (DBMS) software

Introduction to a RDBMS


Introduction to LibreOffice Base

Introduction to DDL (purpose of creating the database,

Create table, Alter table, and Drop table)

Insert date and time

CBSE Class 10 Information Technology Syllabus (Theory) 

UNIT IV: Web Applications and Security

Topics Deleted

Understand various types of impairment that impact

computer usage • Computer Accessibility Dialog box and its tabs • Serial Keys, Network, and its types.

• Client Server Architecture, Peer-to-peer (P2P) Architecture, • internet, World Wide Web,

• benefits of networking

• internet, getting access to internet, • internet terminology • Some of the commonly used Internet connectivity options • Data transfer on the Internet, Network, and its types. • Client Server Architecture, Peer-to-peer (P2P) Architecture, • internet, World Wide Web,

• benefits of networking • internet, getting access to internet, • internet terminology • Some of the commonly used Internet connectivity options

• Data transfer on the Internet, learn to chat with a contact that is already added to your contact list. • sending text chat messages instantly by double-clicking on a contact.

• set up title and other parameters in a blog posting comments 

• using offline blog editors, Concepts to create blogs using a blog application and publish the blog whenever internet connectivity is available. concept of e-commerce and various online applications

• importance of secure passwords, Need for internet security

• Cyber threats like phishing, email spoofing, char spoofing, etc.

• best practices for internet security and secure passwords

• concept of browser, cookies, backup, antivirus

• clearing data in browsers

• general rules and etiquette to be followed while chatting.

• chatting with various types of messengers, learn and appreciate a blog and its creation with the help of some blog providers

CBSE Class 10 Information Technology Syllabus (Practical)

Unit I- Digital Documentation (Advanced)

Topics Deleted 

  • Demonstrate to print the label using mail merge, do the following to achieve, Create a main document, Create the data source, Enter data in the fields, Merge the data source with the main document, Edit individual document, Print the letter and address label

  • Save the changes in a document

Unit II- Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced)

Topics Added 

  • Pass arguments to a macro, Pass the arguments as values, and Write the macros that act like built-in functions

Unit III- Database Management System

Topics Added 

  • Start the Libre Office Base and observe the parts of main window,

Topics Deleted

  • Create and edit table using DDL Commands

  • Start the RDBMS and observe the parts of the main window,

CBSE Class 10 Information Technology Syllabus (Practical)

UNIT 4: Web Applications and Security

Deleted Topics

Illustrate the use of various options under Computer Accessibility like Keyboard, mouse, sound, display setting serial keys, cursor

• use of toggle keys, filter keys, sticky keys, sound sentry, show sounds, etc.

•Identify applications of the Internet

• comparing various Internet technologies

• identifying types of networks and selecting internet,

Illustrate steps to create an instant messaging account

• Signing In to your Google Talk Account,

Illustrate chat with a contact and send messages,

• chatting with various messenger services, Illustrate Blog

•Creation and setting various parameters in it, Demonstration

•on how to create blogs using a blog application offline.

• posting messages in an offline application 

• Publish the blog

whenever internet connectivity is • available using various examples,

•Demonstration on how to create blogs using a blog application offline.

• posting messages in an offline application • Publish the blog whenever

Internet connectivity is • available using various examples,

• Illustration of online shopping using various e-commerce sites

• Demonstration of securing passwords for online transactions

•illustration of internet security threats through various ways

• cyber security tips • tips for secure passwords

• demonstration of strong passwords using various websites.

• clearing data stored in browser applications.

Importance of Downloading the IT Syllabus Class 10 CBSE 2024-25 PDF

  • Comprehensive Overview: Get a complete understanding of the topics and structure of the course.

  • Effective Planning: Plan your study schedule efficiently with a clear roadmap of what to cover.

  • Stay Updated: Ensure you are aware of the latest updates and changes in the syllabus in class 10 CBSE IT syllabus 2024-25.

  • Targeted Preparation: Focus on key areas and allocate time according to the weightage of each section. 

  • Resource Allocation: Identify and gather the necessary resources and materials for each topic in advance.

The revised IT syllabus for Class 10 CBSE 2024-25 aims to equip students with a thorough understanding of modern information technology concepts and practical skills. With the addition of new topics, improved practical work, and updated assessment criteria, the syllabus is designed to provide a comprehensive and relevant educational experience. By downloading the revised PDF, students and teachers can stay informed about the latest changes and ensure effective preparation for the academic year.

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FAQs on CBSE Class 10 IT Syllabus 2024-25: Updated Curriculum

1. What are the major updates in the CBSE Class 10 IT syllabus for 2024-25?

The major updates include the addition of new concepts and technologies, expanded practical sessions, updated software tools, revised assessment criteria, and the integration of digital resources.

2. Where can I download the revised CBSE Class 10 IT syllabus PDF for 2024-25?

The revised syllabus PDF can be downloaded from the official CBSE website or through the school’s official portal.

3. How has the practical section of the IT syllabus been enhanced?

The practical section has been expanded to include more hands-on experience with the latest tools and software, providing students with a practical understanding of current IT applications.

4. What topics have been removed from the new IT syllabus?

Topics such as RDBMS introduction, certain DDL commands, and some outdated internet and networking concepts have been removed to streamline the syllabus.

5. How has the assessment pattern changed in the updated syllabus?

The assessment pattern now places greater emphasis on practical skills, critical thinking, and application-based learning, with revised marking schemes and evaluation methods.

6. Are there any new software tools introduced in the syllabus?

Yes, new software tools and technologies relevant to modern IT practices have been introduced to keep the syllabus up-to-date.

7. What digital resources are recommended for the updated IT syllabus?

The syllabus recommends various online tools, platforms, and resources that complement traditional textbooks and provide interactive learning experiences.

8. How will the new class 10 CBSE IT syllabus 2024-25 syllabus benefit students?

The new syllabus is designed to provide a comprehensive and practical understanding of current IT trends and technologies, preparing students for higher education and future careers in IT.

9. Will the textbooks be updated to reflect the new syllabus changes?

Yes, the textbooks will be updated to include the new topics, software tools, and practical exercises outlined in the revised IT syllabus class 10 CBSE 2024-25 syllabus.

10. How should students prepare for the updated CBSE class 10 IT syllabus 2024-25?

Students should focus on understanding the new concepts, practising with the updated software tools, and utilizing the recommended digital resources to enhance their learning and practical skills.