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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 1 A Letter To God


English Class 10 Chapter 1 - A Letter to God: Question and Answer (FREE PDF Download)

English Chapter 1 Class 10 of the book, First Flight  “A Letter to God” is the brainchild of G.L. Fuentes. It encircles around a poor farmer named Lencho who writes a letter to God asking for help after finding out that his crop field was devastated entirely due to a natural calamity.

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The English Chapter 1 Class 10, A Letter to God, explains the author managing to captivate us by portraying the farmer’s immense patience, diligence, and absolute faith in God. Lencho, the protagonist of this story, inspires you to have the same qualities as him that are essential in life. The story, “A Letter to God” teaches you to remain optimistic even when you are confronting difficult circumstances in your life.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 1 First Flight are prepared by a team of dedicated English teachers with several years of experience in aligned with CBSE Class 10 English Syllabus. They make sure that all the answers are well-structured and cover the entire story. You’ll find solutions to all kinds of questions that are relevant for your class 10 CBSE exam.

Note:Unlock your dream college possibilities with our NEET College Predictor!

This next section covers the Class 10 English Chapter 1 Summary that has proved to be helpful for all students. It effectively informs the outline of the story and helps to prepare for exams especially when there are time constraints.

Glance on “A Letter to God”

  • Lencho writes a letter to God asking for 100 pesos after his crops are destroyed in a hailstorm, seeking divine help.

  • Amused by the letter, a postman shares it with the postmaster, who is impressed by Lencho's faith and collects 70 pesos from friends and colleagues to help him.

  • Lencho receives the money, believing it is from God, but is upset that it is only 70 pesos and suspects the post office of stealing the rest.

  • The story illustrates themes of faith, belief, and disappointment through Lencho's unwavering trust in God and his misunderstanding of the post office's goodwill. Comprehensive NCERT solutions for "A Letter to God" can be found in this article and on Vedantu.

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This section highlights the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 English Class 10 - A Letter to God:

1. What did Lencho hope for?

Ans: Lencho was a farmer. The only thing he desired and prayed for were showers for his field of ripe crop, so that it could harvest well. If the showers did not come, the crop would die, and it would lead to a big loss.

2. Why did Lencho say the raindrops were like ‘new coins’?

Ans: Lencho had planted corn crops that were ready to be harvested. The crops still required some rain to provide a proper harvest. Since his profit depended on the rain, he called the raindrops ‘new coins.’ Also, he represented big drops as ten cents and smaller ones as fives.

3. How did the rain change? What happened to Lencho’s fields?

Ans: The season welcomed good rains and Lencho was certain he would get a good harvest this time. But the rains soon turned into storms and were accompanied by winds and hailstorms. The harsh weather destroyed his crops completely.

4. What were Lencho’s feelings when the hail stopped?

Ans: Lencho had to see the ripe harvest getting destroyed in front of his eyes because of the hailstorm. His soul was filled with sadness at the sight of his damaged crop. The lack of harvest meant shortage of food and money which would make survival difficult for the family. All he could see was a dark, gloomy future ahead.

5. Who or what did Lencho have faith in? What did he do?

Ans: Amidst the adversity Lencho was in, he still had faith in God. He believed that God from the heaven above, had seen him suffering and would ease his pain. His faith was so strong that he wrote a letter to God stating that he wanted a hundred pesos to cultivate a new crop again, as the previous crop was destroyed by the hailstorm.

6. Who read the letter?

Ans: The postmaster read the letter since the letter had an address that was too absurd.

7. What did the postmaster do then?

Ans: When the postmaster first saw the address, he laughed at the stupidity of the sender. But after that he thought it may imply something serious and hence out of curiosity checked the letter. After going through the letter, the feelings of the writer really touched him, and he decided to help the writer somehow. For this, the postman contributed a part of his salary, and collected some money from his acquaintances, friends and relatives, and sent it to the writer of the letter(Lencho).

8. Was Lencho surprised to find a letter for him with money in it?

Ans: Lencho had blind faith in God, and he was sure God would address his problem. He was not surprised to find the letter with money in it.

9. What made him angry?

Ans: After he received the letter, he started counting the money that God sent him. On counting he found out that he had received only seventy pesos. Since he demanded a hundred pesos and did not receive the exact amount, he was furious. But he trusted God and knew God would not turn him down, so he concluded that the  post office employees stole his money.

10. Who does Lencho have complete faith in? Which sentences in the story tell you this?

Ans: Lencho had blind faith and trust in God, and he knew he would address and find a solution to all his problems. The following sentences from the story tells us about the same:

a. But in the hearts of all who lived in that solitary house in the middle of the valley, there was a single hope: help from God.

b. All through the night, Lencho thought only of his one hope: the help of God, whose eyes, as he had been instructed, see everything, even what is deep in one’s conscience.

c. “God,” he wrote, “if you don’t help me, my family and I will go hungry this year.”

d. God could not have made a mistake, nor could he have denied Lencho what he had requested.

e. He wrote ‘To God’ on the envelope, put the letter inside and, still troubled, went to town.

f. It said: “God: of the money that I asked for, only seventy pesos reached me. Send me the rest since I need it very much.”

11. Why does the postmaster send money to Lencho? Why does he sign the letter ‘God’?

Ans: Humans always had faith in God, and they rely on him for their problems. But Lencho’s faith was beyond anyone else’s. He wrote a letter to God and demanded money from him as if asking a friend for financial assistance. Since the postmaster was touched by Lencho’s letter to God, he wanted Lencho to maintain the faith he had in the almighty, hence, he sent him seventy pesos and signed the letter as God.

12. Did Lencho try to find out who had sent the money to him? Why/Why not?

Ans: No, Lencho had trust and faith in God. When he received the letter, he was so sure that it was sent by God that he did not even bother to find out who actually sent the amount to him. He was so sure about it that he even went to the post office to fight with the postmaster about the amount being less than a hundred pesos because he knew God will not leave his wish partially unfulfilled.

13. Who does Lencho think has taken the rest of the money? What is the irony in the situation? (Remember that the irony of a situation is an unexpected aspect of it. An ironic situation is strange or amusing because it is the opposite of what is expected.)

Ans: Lencho blames the postmaster for stealing money from his envelope that was sent by God since he received thirty pesos less than asked. The irony of the situation was that it was not God who actually sent him the amount but the postmaster himself, whom he was accusing of the crime.

14. Are there people like Lencho in the real world? What kind of a person would you say he is? You may select appropriate words from the box to answer the question.

Greedy Naive Stupid Ungrateful Selfish Comical Unquestioning        

Ans: Humans as a civilization have always worshiped or looked upon a greater power for assistance during challenging times but Lencho’s faith was beyond comprehension. I do not think people like him exist in the world who would actually write a letter to God and demand him for money. He was very naive and unquestioning in his reasoning by displaying such blind faith in God.

15. There are two kinds of conflict in the story: between humans and nature, and between humans themselves. How are these conflicts illustrated?

Ans: Lencho’s destruction of crops by nature is a sheer display of power that nature has over us. His crops were ripe and ready for harvest but were destroyed by the hailstorm and he could not do anything about it apart from cursing his luck and blaming God for it. He was very gloomy after the incident and had no resort other than writing a letter to God, complaining about the same and asking him to compensate.

Conflict between human and human is displayed by the conflict the postmaster and Lencho had. The postmaster felt bad for Lencho for having written a letter to God and having such blind faith in him. He did not want to shatter his hope and hence collected seventy pesos for him and sent it under the name of God. His good deed was not reciprocated well by Lencho, and he accused him of stealing money from his envelope. It shows the deep distrust humans have amongst themselves.

16. Look at the following sentence from the story. Suddenly a strong wind began to blow and along with the rain very large hailstones began to fall. ‘Hailstones’ are small balls of ice that fall like rain. A storm in which hailstones fall is a ‘hailstorm’. You know that a storm is bad weather with strong winds, rain, thunder and lightning.

There are different names in different parts of the world for storms, depending on their nature. Can you match the names in the box with their descriptions below, and fill in the blanks? You may use a dictionary to help you.

gale, whirlwind, cyclone, hurricane, tornado, typhoon

1. A violent tropical storm in which strong winds move in a circle: _ _ c _ _ _ 

Ans: Cyclone

2. An extremely strong wind: _a_ _

Ans: Gale

3. A violent tropical storm with very strong winds: _ _ p_ _ _ _

Ans: Typhoon

4. A violent storm whose centre is a cloud in the shape of a funnel: _ _ _n_ _ _

Ans: Tornado

5. A violent storm with very strong winds, especially in the western Atlantic Ocean: _ _r_ _ _ _ _ _

Ans: Hurricane

6. A very strong wind that moves very fast in a spinning movement and causes a lot of damage: _ _ _ _l_ _ _ _

Ans: Whirlwind

17. Notice how the word ‘hope’ is used in these sentences from the story: 

(a) I hope it (the hailstorm) passes quickly. 

(b) There was a single hope: help from God. 

In the first example, ‘hope’ is a verb which means you wish for something to happen. In the second example it is a noun meaning a chance for something to happen.

Match the sentences in Column A with the meanings of ‘hope’ in Column B.



  1. Will you get the subjects you want to study in college?

I hope so.

  • a feeling that something good will probably happen

  1. I hope you do not mind my saying this, but I do not like the way you are arguing.

  • thinking that this would happen (It may or may not have happened).

  1. This discovery will give new hope to HIV/AIDS sufferers.

  • stopped believing that this good thing would happen

  1. We were hoping against hope that the judges would not notice our mistakes.

  • wanting something to happen (and thinking it quite possible)

  1. I called early in the hope of speaking to her before she went to school.

  • showing concern that what you say should not offend or disturb the other person: a way of being polite

  1. Just when everybody had given up hope, the fishermen came back, seven days after the cyclone.

  • wishing for something to happen, although this is very unlikely

Ans: The matched sentences are given below:



  1. Will you get the subjects you want to study in college?

I hope so.

wanting something to happen (and thinking it quite possible)

  1. I hope you do not mind my saying this, but I do not like the way you are arguing.

showing concern that what you say should not offend or disturb the other person: a way of being polite 

  1. This discovery will give new hope to HIV/AIDS sufferers.

a feeling that something good will probably happen

  1. We were hoping against hope that the judges would not notice our mistakes.

wishing for something to happen, although this is very unlikely


  1. I called early in the hope of speaking to her before she went to school.

thinking that this would happen (It may or may not have happened).

  1. Just when everybody had given up hope, the fishermen came back, seven days after the cyclone.

stopped believing that this good thing would happen

18. Relative Clauses Look at these sentences 

(a) All morning Lencho — who knew his fields intimately — looked at the sky. 

(b) The woman, who was preparing supper, replied, “Yes, God willing.’’ 

The italicised parts of the sentences give us more information about Lencho and the woman. We call them relative clauses. Notice that they begin with a relative pronoun who. Other common relative pronouns are whom, whose, and which. 

The relative clauses in (a) and (b) above are called non-defining, because we already know the identity of the person they describe. Lencho is a particular person, and there is a particular woman he speaks to. We don’t need the information in the relative clause to pick these people out from a larger set. 

A non-defining relative clause usually has a comma in front of it and a comma after it (some writers use a dash (—) instead, as in the story). If the relative clause comes at the end, we just put a full stop.

Join the sentences given below using who, whom, whose, which as suggested.

1. I often go to Mumbai. Mumbai is the commercial capital of India. (which)

Ans: I often go to Mumbai, which is the commercial capital of India.

2. My mother is going to host a TV show on cooking. She cooks very well. (who)

Ans: My mother, who cooks very well, is going to host a TV show on cooking.

3. These sportspersons are going to meet the President. Their performance has been excellent. (whose)

Ans: These sportspersons, whose performance has been excellent, are going to meet the President.

4. Lencho prayed to God. His eyes see into our minds. (whose)

Ans: Lencho prayed to God, whose eyes see into our minds.

5. This man cheated me. I trusted him. (whom)

Ans: This man, whom I trusted, cheated me.

19. Using Negatives for Emphasis We know that sentences with words such as no, not or nothing show the absence of something, or contradict something. For example: 

(a) This year we will have no corn. (Corn will be absent) 

(b) The hail has left nothing. (Absence of a crop)

(c) These aren’t raindrops falling from the sky, they are new coins. (Contradicts the common idea of what the drops of water falling from the sky are). 

But sometimes negative words are used just to emphasise an idea. Look at these sentences from the story: 

(d) Lencho…had done nothing else but see the sky towards the northeast. (He had done only this) 

(e) The man went out for no other reason than to have the pleasure of feeling the rain on his body. (He had only this reason) 

(f) Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on seeing the money. (He showed no surprise at all) 

Now look back at example (c). Notice that the contradiction in fact serves to emphasise the value or usefulness of the rain to the farmer.

Find sentences in the story with negative words, which express the following ideas emphatically.

1. The trees lost all their leaves.

Ans: Not a leaf remained on the trees.

2. The letter was addressed to God himself.

Ans: It was nothing less than a letter to God.

3. The postman saw this address for the first time in his career.

Ans: Never in his career as a postman had he known that address.

20. Metaphors The word metaphor comes from a Greek word meaning ‘transfer’. Metaphors compare two things or ideas: a quality or feature of one thing is transferred to another thing. Some common metaphors are 

  • the leg of the table: The leg supports our body. So the object that supports a table is described as a leg. 

  • the heart of the city: The heart is an important organ in the centre of our body. So this word is used to describe the central area of a city. In pairs, find metaphors from the story to complete the table below. Try to say what qualities are being compared. One has been done for you.



Quality or Feature Compared


Huge mountains of clouds

The mass or ‘hugeness’ of mountains




An epidemic (a disease) that spreads very rapidly and leaves many people dead

An ox of a man

Ans: The metaphors are:



Quality or Feature Compared


Huge mountains of clouds

The mass or ‘hugeness’ of mountains


A curtain of rain


The draping or covering of an area like a curtain by heavy raindrops.

The money that would be earned when the crops will be sold.


The frozen pearls

The resemblance in color and hardness of a pearl


A plague of locusts

The consequences (destruction) of plague


A plague of locusts

An epidemic (a disease) that spreads very rapidly and leaves many people dead


An ox of a man

Working hard for something


21. Have you ever been in great difficulty, and felt that only a miracle could help you? How was your problem solved? Speak about this in class with your teacher. 

Ans: There are various instances in life where we can be in great difficulty and only a miracle could save us. 

I had a graded college project in which we were asked to make groups and volunteer. My friends and I were already late for work, so we planned a distribution event only about a week before the deadline. We did not check the weather report for the day and went ahead, feeling content about our plan. Unfortunately, on the day of the distribution, the sky was overcast with clouds and there was no chance we could proceed with the distribution. We just went ahead in the hope that it would not rain for the time being. But the clouds and wind declared otherwise. 

We left our homes but were still very anxious seeing the dark clouds in the sky. We started our distribution along the streets, praying the whole time. I believe it was a miracle that saved our day, and it didn't rain for the two hours we were proceeding with the work. After we all reached back home it started raining heavily. It appeared as if the rain was waiting for us.


22. Listen to the letter (given under ‘In This Lesson’) read out by your teacher/on the audio tape. As you listen fill in the table given below. 

The writer apologizes (says sorry) because 


The writer has sent this to the reader 


The writer sent it in the month of 


The reason for not writing earlier 


Sarah goes to 


Who is writing to whom? 


Where and when were they last together? 


Ans: The filled table is shown below:

The writer apologizes (says sorry) because 

She has not written about art for long. 

The writer has sent this to the reader 


After sending the birthday card. 

The writer sent it in the month of

September 2005 

The reason for not writing earlier 

Was the writer shifting from Bangalore to Kanpur

Sarah goes to 

‘Little Feet’, a primary school. 

Who is writing to whom? 

Jaya is writing to Arti. 

Where and when were they last together? 

They were in Bangalore


23. Lencho suffered first due to drought and then by floods. Our country is also facing such situations in the recent years. There is flood and there is drought. There is a need to save water through water harvesting. Design a poster or prepare a documentary (PPT) for your area on how to save water during summer and when it is available in excess. 

Ans:  The poster is given below:

Poster for Environment Conservation.


24. One of the cheapest ways to send money to someone is through the post office. Have you ever sent or received money in this way? Here’s what you have to do. (As you read the instructions, discuss with your teacher in class the meanings of these words: counter, counter clerk, appropriate, acknowledgement, counterfoil, record. Consult a dictionary if necessary. Are there words corresponding to these English words in your languages?)

Ans: Yes, I have sent and received money from relatives in this way.

The meaning of the words are: 

  • Counter: A long fitment across which business is conducted.

  • Counter clerk: A person who completes customer orders and aids the payment procedure.

  • Appropriate: Proper

  • Acknowledgement: Acceptance

  • Counterfoil: A part of cheque, kept as a record.

  • Record: Sum of the tasks done or achieved by a person or organization.

25. Fill out the Money Order form given below using the clues that follow the form.

Money Order Form

  • Think about who you will send the money to, and how much. You might want to send money for a magazine subscription, or to a relative or a friend.

  • Or you may fill out the form with yourself as sender and your partner as receiver. Use a part of your pocket money, and submit the form at the nearest post office to see how it’s done. See how your partner enjoys getting money by post!

  • Notice that the form has three parts — the Money Order form, the part for official use and the Acknowledgement. What would you write in the ‘Space for Communication’?

Ans: The filled form is shown below:

Money Order

Now complete the following statements.

(i) In addition to the sender, the form has to be signed by the ____________.

Ans: payee

(ii)  The ‘Acknowledgement’ section of the form is sent back by the post office to       the ____________ after the ____________ signs it.

Ans: sender, payee

(iii)  The ‘Space for Communication’ section is used for _____________.

Ans: writing a note to the payee

(iv)  The form has six sections. The sender needs to fill out ___________ sections and the receiver ________________.

Ans: four, two

What are the Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English - First Flight Chapter 1? 

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Chapter 1 English - A Letter to God, is made available to you in PDF format which you can download for FREE from Vedantu App or by visiting Vedantu's official website. It helps you to study on the go. It is now possible to prepare for your exams whenever you want.

  • This PDF includes all the questions and answers which are crucial for your upcoming exams. 

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 10th English Chapter 1(First Flight) includes all the meanings and phrases for difficult words which you might be coming across for the first time.

  • These NCERT Solutions are created, curated and vetted by the top professionals in the field who have years of experience dealing with CBSE and NCERT Syllabus. These solutions are in compliance to the CBSE syllabus and NCERT standards.

Download the PDF today with just one click on the pdf link given below and start preparing for your exams now.


The English class 10 Chapter 1 ,A letter to god is a very sympathetic, eye-opening and inspiring story of a man, Lencho, whose crops are destroyed in a hailstorm. His utmost and blind faith in God compelled him to write a letter to God himself. The events that unfold next, as his letter is read by the postman and the postmaster is thoroughly portrayed in this tale of belief and empathy. Vedantu provides complete Free download PDFs of NCERT solutions for “A Letter to God” question answers which are checked, clarified and evaluated by top experts who have more than 5+ years of experience with NCERT and its syllabus.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 1 A Letter To God

1. How do NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 1 Help the Students?

English Chapter 1 Class 10 First Flight solutions have been extremely beneficial for students preparing for their CBSE exams. Detailed answers have made it possible for students to gather in-depth knowledge regarding the story and the author.

Going through the Class 10 English Chapter 1 solution before the annual exam helps you to lessen your revision time significantly.

Most students from all over India have reaffirmed the fact that it has become easier for them to understand ‘A Letter to God’ and score significantly higher marks in their English exams.

Download the NCERT solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 1 PDF and unlock your true potential.

2. What was Going Through Lencho’s Mind After the Hailstorm was Over? Who did he Turn to for Help?

After the hailstorm was over, Lencho was utterly shattered. He visualised him and his family having a tough time ahead. He found out that his whole crop field was destroyed. He became anxious as food would be scarce the following year.

Lencho wrote a letter to God asking to rescue him from this dire calamity. His faith in God was immovable. He sincerely believed that God keeps an eye on everyone from above. He wrote the letter mentioning that he required a hundred pesos to survive this mishap and start all over again.

3. Why did Lencho not Try to Know Who had Actually Sent Him the Money? What Annoyed Lencho After Receiving the Money?

Lencho had unshakable faith in God. He was confident that God himself had sent him the money. The thought of someone else sending him the money to sow his field again did not even come across his mind.

After counting the money, Lencho found out that he received only seventy pesos rather than a hundred. He was sure that God could not have made any mistake while sending the money. He suspected that the people of the post office had taken his money.

4. What should I do to download the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 “A Letter to God” of Class 10 English First Flight?

If you want to download the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 1 English Class 10, follow the mentioned steps. 

  1. Firstly, visit the page NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 of Class 10 English First Flight.

  2. On this webpage, you will also find other study materials like revision notes, textbook questions answers, important questions, sample papers other than the NCERT Solutions. 

  3. Choose what study material you want and click on the download icon. For instance, to download the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 of Class 10 then click on its respective download icon. 

The NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 of Class 10 English First Flight are available free of cost on the Vedantu website and the Vedantu app.

5. What are the benefits of studying the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 of Class 10 English First Flight?

The benefits of studying the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 “A Letter to God” of Class 10 English First Flight book are as follows:

  1. The best English subject matter experts prepare these solutions. They have years of experience in a similar field and provide authentic information to Class 10 students.

  2. The solutions are made according to the rules provided by CBSE to understand the format of questions asked in the exams. 

  3. NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 of Class 10 English First Flight will help you understand the Chapter thoroughly. You can revise the entire Chapter just by reading its summary and textbook questions and answers. 

  4. The NCERT Solutions will strengthen the foundation of Class 10 so that they can frame their answers with maximum accuracy.

6. To whom does Lencho have complete faith? Which sentences tell you about this in the story?

Lencho had complete faith in God. He knew that God instructed him to perform any tasks. He says that God knows everything, and he is always there to help us with our issues. Here are the few sentences that signify his statements. 

  1. The people living in the solitary houses in the middle of the valley had some faith in God. 

  2. Lencho writes to God that if he does not help him, he and his family will go hungry this year. 

  3. He wrote "To God" on the envelope, put the letter into the letterbox, and went to town. 

  4. God did not make any mistake as well as he did not deny the request made by Lencho. 

  5. Lencho could only think of his one hope, that is God, who could save him and his family from hunger.

7. Why was Lencho angry?

Lencho was angry when he counted the money and realised that there were only 70 pesos. He had asked for 100 pesos. He could not accept that God had made a mistake nor could he believe that his request was denied. This made him angry and also led him to conclude that the post office employee might have taken the rest.

8. Why did the postmaster gifted money to Lencho in the name of God?

The postmaster gifted money to Lencho so that he could keep his faith in God. He never wanted Lencho's trust to break from God. When he read his letter, which was written to God, he became serious and decided to answer the letter in place of God to keep Lencho's faith alive. The postmaster collects money from his friends and co-workers in place of God and sends his reply to Lencho along with money, so his trust does not get shaken.

9. Where can I get the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 1 PDF?

You can view and download the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 1 PDF from this article or on the Vedantu website.

10. Is reading the Class 10 English Chapter 1 Summary enough for the examination?

While reading the summary will surely give you a broad insight and understanding of the English class 10 chapter 1, “The Letter to God”, it is always advisable to fully go through and understand the NCERT Solutions for the same as it is what the examination questions will be based on.  You can find the Class 10 English Chapter 1 question answers pdf here on Vedantu.

11. I am not able to understand “A Letter to God” question answer. What should I do?

First of all, do not panic. It is a common occurrence to sometimes not understand or retain any subject or topic. Take a break, do something else and come back. If you still do not get it, try seeking help from other classmates, elders. Sometimes, even a quick google search by copy pasting your question can help you understand it better.

12. What was Going Through Lencho’s Mind After the Hailstorm was Over? Who did he Turn to for Help?

After the hailstorm was over, Lencho was utterly shattered. He visualised himself and his family having a tough time ahead. He found out that his whole crop field was destroyed. He became anxious as food would be scarce the following year.

Lencho wrote a letter to God asking to rescue him from this dire calamity. His faith in God was immovable. He sincerely believed that God keeps an eye on everyone from above. He wrote the letter mentioning that he required a hundred pesos to survive this mishap and start all over again.

13. Why did Lencho not Try to Know Who had Actually Sent Him the Money? What Annoyed Lencho After Receiving the Money?

Lencho had unshakable faith in God. He was confident that God himself had sent him the money. The thought of someone else sending him the money to sow his field again did not even come across his mind.

After counting the money, Lencho found out that he received only seventy pesos rather than a hundred. He was sure that God could not have made any mistake while sending the money. He suspected that the people of the post office had taken his money.

14. What should I do to download the Class 10 English Chapter 1 Question Answers PDF(A Letter to God)?

If you want to download the NCERT Solutions of English Class 10 Chapter 1 Question Answer (A Letter to God), then follow the below steps:

Step 1: Firstly, visit the page NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 of Class 10 English First Flight.

Step 2: On this webpage, you will also find other study materials like revision notes, textbook questions answers, important questions, and sample papers other than the NCERT Solutions. 

Step 3: Choose what study material you want and click on the download icon. For instance, to download the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 of Class 10 then click on its respective download icon. 

Step 4: The NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 of Class 10 English First Flight are available free of cost on the Vedantu website and the Vedantu app.

15.  What are the benefits of studying the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 English Class 10 -  First Flight?

The benefits of studying the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 “A Letter to God” of Class 10 English First Flight book are as follows:

  • The best English subject matter experts prepare these solutions. They have years of experience in a similar field and provide authentic information to Class 10 students. 

  • The solutions are made according to the rules provided by CBSE to understand the format of questions asked in the exams. 

  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 of Class 10 English First Flight will help you understand the Chapter thoroughly. You can revise the entire Chapter just by reading its summary and textbook questions and answers. 

  • The NCERT Solutions will strengthen the foundation of Class 10 so that they can frame their answers with maximum accuracy.

16 . To whom does Lencho have complete faith? Which sentences tell you about this in the story?

Lencho had complete faith in God. He knew that God instructed him to perform any tasks. He says that God knows everything, and he is always there to help us with our issues. Here are a few sentences that signify his statements:

  • The people living in the solitary houses in the middle of the valley had some faith in God. 

  • Lencho writes to God that if he does not help him, he and his family will go hungry this year. 

  • He wrote "To God" on the envelope, put the letter into the letterbox, and went to town. 

  • God did not make any mistake as well as he did not deny the request made by Lencho. 

  • Lencho could only think of his one hope, that is God, who could save him and his family from hunger.

17. Why did the postmaster gift money to Lencho in the name of God?

The postmaster gifted money to Lencho so that he could keep his faith in God. He never wanted Lencho's trust to break from God. When he read his letter, which was written to God, he became serious and decided to answer the letter in place of God to keep Lencho's faith alive. The postmaster collects money from his friends and co-workers in place of God and sends his reply to Lencho, along with money, so his trust does not get shaken.