Learn About Various Types of Hog
In British English, the hog is referred to as a male pig which is usually larger in size. But in American English Hog is referred to as any kind of pig. Hog is a domesticated pig who usually weighs more than 54 kg or 120 lb. Pigs are usually omnivore (they feed on both animals and plants) and can feed on a wide range of food. They belong to the genus Sus. It is the most popular large domesticated mammal found in the world. Also, the hog or whole hog is considered the most intelligent among other animals. Pigs are used for medical research purposes as they have the same biological similarity with humans. They can highly socialize with humans which is the main reason why pigs are domesticated by humans even today.
Piglet is a term given to the Juvenile form of a pig. The farm-raised pigs of the United States are given a corn-based diet. Again in Europe pigs are given barley-based diets. They have sharp tusks which help them to dig. Often farmers remove their tusks so that they cannot harm others. The whole hog is nothing but pigs.
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Types of Hogs
American Hog
The American Yorkshire or English Yorkshire is a breed of domesticated pigs. As it gets its name from Yorkshire where its breed was first developed in 1961. Today Yorkshire pig is among the most famous breeds found everywhere in America and also in parts of Canada, Indiana, etc. It can attain a height of up to 6.5 feet. These are also called English Large White Pigs in England. They have a slow growth rate for this reason they have been neglected for years. Their large fat deposition in the back and lean meat have resulted in this breed being the most popular breed in the United States. Male Yorkshire hogs weigh about 550 to 750 pounds whereas female Yorkshire weighs about 450 to 550 pounds. They look very cute and are light pink. From a distance, they can appear white sometimes.
Hampshire Pig
It is mostly found in the United Kingdom. It has erect ears and a black body. It is among the oldest American pig breeds. It is the fourth most recorded breed of pig. The breed is believed to be northern England and Scotland. The average Hampshire pigs are a medium-sized breed. The average weight is 650 pounds while female sows are around 550 pounds. Hampshire has very distinct colouring. Is the lifespan of Hampshire about 12 years? They are herbivorous, they feed on grain and vegetables. They drink a lot of water up to 12 gallons. They have lean meat and are delicious.
Angle Saddleback
Also known as Angker Sattelschwein .It is one of the rarest breeds of pigs found in the areas of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. The male pigs usually weigh about 350kg and the females are about 300 kg. The sows produce a large amount of milk and are very fertile. It is a large black pig. Though the market value of Agen Saddleback has reduced due to the higher percentage of fatty meat. The sows measure a height of 84cm while the male pig has an average height of 92cm.
Swedish Landrace
This breed is one of the most popular breeds of Sweden. Swedish Landrace is generally characterized by white coats and long, heavy drooping ears. Though the name suggests that the breed originated from Sweden, it originated from Denmark. The Swedish Landrace is farmed for its fresh meat and other manufactured products. The fresh pork is very suitable as it lacks wrinkles and fat.
Hereford Hog
It is also a domesticated breed. It is given this name due to its colour and pattern. The body is usually red with a white face. The male weighs about 360kg and the sow weighs about 270kg. Their ears are also drooping but have a cute small curly tail. Their body is muscular and somewhat matches with the big pig breeds. Their body is suitable for outdoor production but to avoid sunburn they should be kept in shade. Hereford pigs are considered to be hardy animals. They are suitable for both intensive and extensive pig farming. Their growth rate is quite faster and so is the maturity rate. They are good for lean meat.
Duroc -The Ancient Breed
It is considered the oldest breed of Duroc pig. Its colours vary from golden yellow to reddish-brown. The ears of Duroc pigs are medium-sized dropping and are not erect. They have an average weight of 225 to 270 kg. They grow rapidly, faster than Yorkshire pigs, and maintain a balanced diet. Duroc is a mixed breed. They were traded to England from Africa during the slave era. The name Duroc was given by Napoleon. Duroc can produce pig litres of about 12 piglets. Duroc becomes muscular as they turn adult. Durocs have short and curly tails. Duroc is considered to be a friendly animal as they are aggressive. They can socialize very easily. Pigs are considered the most intelligent animals even though they are smarter than chimpanzees. The intelligence of a pig is somewhat equal to the intelligence of a two years old child. They are very focused and can easily learn anything very fast. Duroc’s average lifespan is about 15 to 18 years. As they are obedient, they can be pet easily. They are interactive and emotional.
From the ancient ages, pigs were domesticated by humans. It was among the first animals domesticated by humans. Pigs weigh between 140 to 300 kg. The heaviest pig is the Eurasian wild pig which weighs around 320kg. The smallest among all pygmy hogs and weigh about 6 to 9kg. There are considered to be intelligent animals and are very cute in appearance. The road hogs are the hogs that are found almost everywhere, usually in the roadsides. This road hog is generally not considered to be of wild nature. The importance of pigs in the medical field is increasing, more and more research is going on. Pigs are found almost everywhere from the Eurasian and African continents to the Pacific Islands. The pygmy hog is native to South Asia, the warthogs are African in origin.
FAQs on Hog
1. What are Water Hogs?
Answer: Capybara belongs to the genus Hydrocherous and is known as water hogs or Carpinchino. They are herbivorous and have an average lifespan of about seven years. Capybaras have an average height of up to 4 feet and about 2 feet high at the shoulders. It is considered the largest living rodent on the earth. They are semi-aquatic. They are great swimmers. Their pig-shaped body is perfectly fitted for adaptation in water. They have partially webbed feet perfect for paddling around. Their fur colour varies from dark brown to reddish. They have long and brittle fur which is perfect for drying in the land quickly. Capybaras have small eyes and ears located at the high region of their heads, which helps them to stay alert from any kind of danger. Capybaras and hippos have something very common in them, all their features like ears, eyes, and nostrils are located at the high regions of their head.
They feed twice a day in the evening and morning. They love to spend most of their time resting undercover. Capybara is a shy animal. They follow a very unusual diet. Like other rodents, their teeth keep on growing throughout their lifespan. They gaze on aquatic plants, phytoplankton, grasses, and other aquatic plants. In the morning they often feed on their faeces as their faecal matter is protein-rich and contains a large number of microorganisms. Capybaras love to stay alone but they can live in groups. Capybaras are closely related to cavies and guinea pigs. They are usually hunted for their teeth which are used for ornamental purposes, and for grease which is formed from its thick fatty acids. They are usually found everywhere in South America except for Chile. They live in floods, Savannah and tropical rainforests, etc.
2. What are Vietnamese Potbellied Pigs?
Answer: It is a small pig breed. The male pig weighs around 50 kg and the female ones weigh about 48kg. They reach full growth at around 5 years of age. They are mainly pitch black with some grey patches, their spots vary from one to another. Though they are physically mature at an age of six months and also become fertile. They are capable of interbreeding. Though now Vietnamese potbellied pigs are found in the mountainous areas of Vietnam and Thailand. Framers do not raise these pigs as they are not as profitable as the other breeds. They are smaller in size as compared to other pigs A research in 2004 showed that the genetic diversity of Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs is extreme. Initially, in the 90s people found them very cute and many bought them as they were small and cute. They are very affectionate animals, if given the proper care they can be the best pet one may like to keep at home.
3. Is Warthog a Pig?
Answer: It belongs to the wild member of the pig family. They represent the same pig family but their appearance is way more different from pigs. They are sturdy hard animals Warthogs have four sharp tusksThey are fast runners and have an average speed of 30 miles per hour. Warthogs are aggressive and ferocious but they are grazers. They usually love a plant-based diet. They are super adaptable in desert areas; they can stay without water for days and even months. When water is available they submerged into them. They swallow mud to soothe and get relief from the insects. Warthog are mostly bald, they have some spine-like hairs which are only present in the back of their bodies. Their head is larger than normal pigs and is flat in shape. They have a wart that acts as a protective bump. Warthogs are very aggressive towards predators and hunters. Warthogs can live up to 18 years but their average lifespan is about 8 to 10 years. Their weight varies between 60 kg to 100 kg.
4. What is Minipig?
Answer: Small miniature pigs are called Minipigs, These are small domesticated pigs including Vietnamese Pot Bellied pigs, Juliana pigs and. Göttingen minipig, etc.These miniature pigs weigh between 30 kg to 69 kg. They are small and have a very cute physical appearance. The Göttingen pig is the smallest pig breed known till now in the world. They are very clean-looking and have great health. As the Göttingen pigs are smaller in size they are highly favoured as pets. This breed was formed for research purposes as the physiology of pigs matches with the human. Juliana is a spotted pig. They have black and white spots which represent polka dots. Sports are random. Juliana pigs have muscular and lean bodies. Juliana has a small straight tail but when they are excited their tails curl up. Mini Pigs have a potbelly. Their hair is quite coarse and their hair grows quite long in winters. Pigs are intelligent and obedient animals and can be given proper training like dogs.
5. What are the Uses of Pigs in the Medicine and Research Field?
Answer: After the release of the genomic sequence of pigs. These animals have been used a lot in the research field. They are also considered the most intelligent species. Though it might shock you, the transplantation of pig organs to humans is another usefulness of pigs. A lot of research is still going on as the physiology of pigs is similar to humans. Humulin, the first Insulin which was made, was obtained from the pigs. Though Humulin was found allergic to few.GMO or Genetically Modified Pigs are specially modified to produce human haemoglobin (pigment of blood that carries oxygen). Heparin is an anticoagulant property obtained from the intestinal mucosa of pigs and is used in humans in cases of thrombosis. For babies who are born with pulmonary disorders, a surfactant is used. Surfactants are removed from pigs' lungs. Miniature pigs are used for making models, miniature form is used as it is called so it is more convenient. Models are made for the transplantation of kidneys, lungs, and heart.