Marlin Fish
Large, agile and very quick, these kinfolks of swordfish share their long upper jaw which they typically use to catch fish. Besides this, there are several amazing facts about this giant marlin fish which are as follows:
There are about 10 species of Marlin (Merlin fish).
All the species of marlin are closely linked to marlin swordfish.
The Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans) is one of the giant species of fish in the world!
Not only is a blue marlin one of the biggest fish in the sea, but it’s also one of the fastest! They have been recognized to reach speeds of up to 68mph!
Marlin fish possess a long, sword-like upper jaw that they use to slit and stun fish, making them easier to catch.
Merlin fish are commonly found in the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific oceans.
Marlins are migrants and travel hundreds to thousands of miles in warm currents.
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Atlantic Blue Marlin Fish
The Blue Marlin is disposed to dive deeper and tire faster than other Marlin. But, it is a mighty and aggressive fighter that can run long and tough, leaping high in the air in amazing exhibits of acrobatics.
Blue Marlin is susceptible to overfishing and has been determined as susceptible to extinction. Efforts by the United States government have turned out successful in reforming North Atlantic populations, but the populations in the South Atlantic Oceans and North-western Pacific are unpredictable. Populations in the Indian and Mediterranean Oceans are perceived to be most threatened.
Appearance of Blue Marlin
Atlantic bluefish can weigh about 2000 pounds and grow to be 14 feet long.
Females blue marlin grow far bigger than males and can also weigh up to four times to that of males, which barely exceed 300 lb
This species of Atlantic fish is dark blue in colour along the back that fades to silver on the sides and white on the belly.
It has a long pointed bill, a steep dorsal fin that sprints across most of the body.
Blue marlin has two long pelvic fins.
Atlantic Blue Marlin Amazing Facts
The species name is Makaira nigricans
Blue marlin hunt on squid and epipelagic fishes such as Dolphins, Tuna and Mackerel
Young marlins are hunted upon by other huge pelagic predators. Adults are preyed on by massive sharks such as the shortfin mako shark and the white shark.
The most common way to catch a blue marlin is trolling with artificial lures. Large conventional reels, trolling rods and stronger monofilament lines are generally used when catching blue marlin.
Marlin larvae possess big eyes and pectoral fins. They don't develop a bill until they are older.
Atlantic blue marlin fish are greatly migratory and remain in warm waters.
Commercial fishing for Atlantic blue is forbidden in the USA.
Blue marlin holds high regard in Japan for sushi but consists of high mercurial content that can be harmful to humans.
Atlantic Blue is found from Canada to Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean, and tropical waters across the world.
The breeding history of blue marlin is not well recognized. They spawn near Cuba between May and November and conceive within a week of spawning.
The average lifespan of a blue marlin female is 27 years while for male is 18 years
How to Identify Blue Marlin?
An Atlantic Blue Marlin can be easily recognized with its descriptive cobalt blue back colour, pointed dorsal fin, foldable pectoral fins, and cylindrical body. The precise telltale signs of a Blue Marlin are listed below;-
A cobalt blue back colour that lightens to white in the belly and to silver on the sides. It has pale blue stripes which always grow dim after death.
A pointed front dorsal fin which is never as high as the utmost body depth
Pectoral (side) fins are flexible, and can also be folded back against the body.
The hairdo of blue marlin is never longer than the fish, especially if it is fat
The shape of the overall body is cylindrical.
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Black Marlin Fish
Black Marlin generally stays in the tropical Indian and Pacific oceans. They are found swimming in the near shore waters and around islands and reefs, but also wander around the open sea. Sometimes they come to temperate waters, often travelling around the Cape of Good Hope into the Atlantic.
Black Marlin are inclined to be larger than the Blue Marlin caught on reel and rod, although it’s disputable whether or not this is simply owing to the reason that they inhabit more accessible waters. The biggest ones are generally unwary of the coast of Australia, Panama, and Mozambique. While males can sometimes grow to over 15 feet long and weigh as much as 1600 lb, mostly they are smaller than females.
People sometimes refer Black Marlin as the “Bull of the Sea” owing to the massive size, tremendous strength, and remarkable endurance once hooked. All this evidently makes them a very well-recognized game fish. They can sometimes have a silvery haze blanketing their body, implying that they occasionally get tagged as a “Silver Marlin.”
How to Identify a Black Marlin?
A demonstration describing how to recognize Black Marlin is illustrated in the context of their slightly elongated body, short dorsal fin, rigid pectoral fins, and dark blue and silver colouring. Below are the best ways to know you’ve hooked a Black Marlin:
Dark blue back going dim towards a silver belly.
Low dorsal fin comparative to body depth (shorter mohawk than most Marlin).
Bill and body are relatively shorter than other species.
Rigid pectoral fins that are unable to be folded flat
White Marlin Fish
White Marlin stays in tropical areas and seasonally temperate Atlantic waters, including the Caribbean Sea, the Western Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. They can most commonly be found in comparatively shallow waters close to shore.
Although they are the smallest Marlin species, weighing as much as about 220 lb, they are much in demand because of their speed, sophisticated leaping potential and the trouble of baiting and hooking them. Unlike other Marlin, they seize their prey by outstripping it, instead of slashing and stunning it with their bill. White Marlins can also be occasionally referred to as ‘Spikers’.
How to Identify a White Marlin?
A drawing of a fish explaining their rounded dorsal fin, light colouring, and the blemished underside is a white marlin.
White Marlin is quite easy to identify. Here’s what to watch out for:
A rounded dorsal fin that often stretches their body depth.
A lighter, sometimes green colouring
Spots on the belly, and also the dorsal and anal fins.
Striped Marlin Fish
‘Stripes’ are most frequently found in the Indian and Pacific oceans, generally in colder waters than Black or Blue Marlin. They have a tendency to migrate by season, marching towards the equator in the winter and away from it during the warm season.
Popular for their competency of fighting, Striped Marlin owns an eminence of spending more time in the air than in the water once they’ve been hooked. They are recognized for long-tail walks and runs, as well as ‘greyhounding’ through the surface in an order of leaps and bounds.
How to Identify a Striped Marlin?
How to recognize Striped Marlin is very easy with their descriptive characteristics of long, pointed fins, flexible pectoral fins, noticeable blue stripes, and lean body shape.
The signature traits that are a telltale of a Striped Marlin are as given:
Noticeable pale blue stripes that stay forever, even after death.
A pointed dorsal fin which can be relatively taller than its body depth.
A thinner, leaner, more compressed body shape.
Flexible and pointed pectoral fins
How is Marlin Fishing in Hawaii?
Some of the amazing Marlin fishing adventures in the world happen in the warm Pacific waters around Hawaii. There are possibly more Atlantic Blue Marlin fish caught here by reel and rod than anywhere else in the world, and some of the largest Blues ever recorded were caught fishing from this island.
The western town of Kona is most popular worldwide for its Marlin fishing, owing not only to the number of grandeurs (over 60 fish more than 1000 lb have been recorded in Hawaii’s waters) but also due to the skill and experience of its top captains. Marlin fishing in Kona is inclined, depending upon the Honokohau Harbor. If anyone is planning in the area around the starting of August,s/he must ensure not to miss the Hawaiian International Billfish Tournament for the grandest Marlin fishing action.
FAQs on Marlin
Q1. What are Some of the Best Places to Fish for Marlin?
Answer: When you’re deciding where to make a reservation for your Marlin fishing trip it’s essential to seek out the season you’ll be going in and the exact Marlin swordfish species you want to go after. Fishing charters particularly picking out Marlin are especially common in Hawaii, Mexico, and Panama among many others.
An ideal way of working out the Marlin fishing season of a region is by accounting for the local water temperature at that time of year: both Black Marlins and Blue Marlin love warm water. In some destinations, Marlin fishing routes are up all year round.
Q2. How to Fish for Marlin?
Answer: Here we will let you know about some of the basic yet best Marlin fishing tips followed by catchers all around:-
1. Fishing for Marlin Using Artificial Lures
Marlins are macho and violent, extremely of a prey fish that respond very well to the splash and trail of a well-demonstrated artificial lure. Hawaii has long been spearheading in making artificial lures for catching Marlin, and it is recognized as being the first destination to develop this technique. They originally created lures from substances such as glass jars, carved out wood, and bath towels, but today Kona skippers have processed their methods and are developing some of the best Marlin lures out there.
2. Employ The Best Quality Tackle
The feel of pulling out a big fish on the end of the line seems amazing? It might appear evident, but you would not want to spend all your hard-earned money on hunting a Merlin fish or even a Marlin fishing adventure.
There are no right or wrong reels and rods to use for marlin fishing, but make sure your tackle is heavy and sturdy enough to combat the pressure it will experience. Charter fishing boats supply tackle, but the hunter needs to ensure that everything they supply is in good condition.
3. Don’t Write Off Live Bait
When the fishing area a hunter is targeting is quite small, they should use live bait, since trolling with live bait needs the boat to travel slower so as to keep the bait alive. Areas such as those close to the buoys and steep underwater ledges, where fish gather in flocks, are ideal places to use live bait. Live bait can be an excellent substitute to artificial lures if you’re in a dense fishing destination and want to confine the damage to your lures caused by Wahoo, Mahi Mahi (scombrid fishes), or other giant game bruisers.
Q3. What is the Diet and Habitat of the Marlin Swordfish?
Answer: The supposedly blue-water fish, spending the majority of their lives far out at sea, are extremely migratory. They tend to follow warm ocean currents for hundreds and even thousands of miles. Blue marlins are commonly in favour of higher temperature of surface waters, feeding on tuna and mackerel, but will also dive deep to eat upon squid. They are amongst the quickest fishes in the ocean, and quickly use their spears to slash and stun through dense schools, resuming eating their stunned and injured victims.
Q4. What is Meant by Commercial and Sport Fishing of a Marlin?
Answer: Known for putting up an enormous quarrel when hooked, these rare marine monsters are the crowning glory for sport fishers. Their meat is recognized as a delicacy, especially in Japan, where it is served raw as “Sashimi”. Although not currently at the line of jeopardy, conservationists are concerned that they are being unsustainably fished, especially in the Atlantic.