Goliath Tigerfish
Tigerfish belong to the genus Hydrocynus (sometimes Hydrocyon) and are a preferred game fish of the characin family, Characidae (order Cypriniformes). Other common names for this fish are African Tigerfish, Tiger Characin, Ndweshi, and Tiervis. This fish is called so because when caught, it fights back ferociously like a tiger. The native habitat of this fish is the African freshwaters.
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Depending on their species, these fish are marked with one or multiple dark, long stripes. These salmon-shaped carnivores are swift, voracious, and have daggerlike teeth that protrude when the fish closes its mouth. Hydrocynus vittatus which is the second-largest species is characterized by its long slender shape and has a forked caudal fin. The scales of this fish may sometimes have a golden cast but mostly they are large, iridescent, and silver-coloured.
The colour of these fascinating fish species ranges from light to dark shades and ones that live over sandy bottoms sport a lighter hue. This fish can be easily distinguished by its large and sharp protruding teeth. There are a series of replacement teeth in the jaw of a tigerfish. These replacement teeth take the place of any lost or broken teeth.
Tiger Fish - Behaviour and Breeding
The African tigerfish can attack and catch birds in flight. The water depth affects the distribution of these fish. They are rarely found near river headwaters or in small tributaries and studies conducted along major river systems show this clearly. It is found near the river water surfaces because it is an open water predator. The primary prey of a tiger fish includes the fish eagle found along the Zambezi River and its major tributaries.
This fish is found in abundance as compared to all the other species in the river systems around the South African region. The natural habitat for tiger fish is the surface layers of warm and well-oxygenated waters. They thrive well in these conditions that are characteristic of major rivers and lakes. Most of the time the younger lot forms aggressive roving schools of similar-sized fish and swim around in the waters to hunt for any species of fish that they can find. Adult Tiger Fish hunt in schools of four or five fish and are equally dangerous as the young ones. While hunting its prey, this fish doesn’t get intimidated by the size of its prey and can attack prey as big in size as itself. Sometimes, it may also attack animals that are found standing close to the river banks. During scarce food conditions, it can turn to cannibalism.
Tiger fish living alongside the Zambezi river system breed during summer as this is the time when the adult fish migrate either upstream or downstream. They try to find a suitable breeding ground which is generally a shore or a flooded riverbank. Once they find suitable spawning ground, a single female fish can lay up to 780,000 ova. These get dispersed onto floodplains and aquatic vegetation. Baby fish feed on zooplankton and as they grow older and learn the ways to hunt, they graduate to tougher prey.
Tigerfish Species
There are about five species of tiger fish. Goliath tigerfish (H. goliath) is the largest one Another species, H. vittatus is considered one of the best game fishes in the world. In the Indo-Pacific region, marine and freshwater tiger fish of the family Theraponidae (order Perciformes) have bold stripes and are rather small. The three-striped tigerfish (Therapon jarbua) is a common species with vertical stripes and is about 30 cm (12 inches) long. It has sharp spines on its gill covers that can prove dangerous.
Types of Tigerfish
Goliath Tigerfish
Goliath tigerfish or (Hydrocynus goliath) is the largest member of the family. This giant tiger fish is a native of the Congo River basin, the Lualaba River, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Upemba in Africa. It has protruding dagger-like teeth that make this fish a fierce predator. The Goliath tiger fish has an olive-coloured back with a silver underbelly. It may grow up to 1.8 metres (6 feet) long and may sometimes weigh as much as 57 kg (125 pounds).
This fish has 32 razor-sharp teeth and every tooth is at least a foot long. The teeth are set at the edge of the jaw and contribute to its masculine and strong appearance. Goliath likes to swim in turbulent waters where it can prey easily on slow swimming fish.
Hydrocynus Vittatus Tiger Fish
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The scientific name Hydrocynus vittatus can be broken down into "Hydrocynus" which means "water dog" and "vittatus" which means "striped," and this African fish does look like a "striped waterdog." This species can grow to up to 33 pounds and is commonly found in the southernmost areas of the African continent. The Hydrocynus vittatus is also common in areas around the Zambezi River system and the Okavango Delta and.
Other tiger fish species found in the African continent include the Hydrocynus forskahlii (Northern Africa), the Hydrocynus brevis (Sudan), and the Hydrocynus tanzaniae (Tanzania).
Blue Tigerfish
Blue tiger fish or Hydrocynus tanzaniae is a large African freshwater fish that is predatory in nature. The natural habitat of this fish is the eastward flowing rivers of Tanzania and the Ruaha and Rufiji river systems. The dentition of this fish is similar to the fish found in Hydrocynus forskahlii. It can grow up to even 27 inches (70 cm) and can touch weight of 25 pounds (11 kg).
The body of H. tanzaniae is deeper than that of H. forskahlii or H. vittatus. This fish is silvery grey in colour and has distinct stripes on its body. The markings on their body are in blue, black, pink, green, and red colour and they are one of the most bright and colourful species of African tiger fish. While the other tigerfish species have a black adipose fin, the blue tigerfish has a unique blue adipose fin.
The term "tigerfish" is often occasionally been used for a species of cichlid (genus Rhamphochromis). This fish is large, silver-coloured, and has one or more black lines running along the length of either flank like the African tigerfish. Their native habitat is Lake Malawi in Africa. Like the other African tigerfish fish species, this fish has large, prominent teeth, and is known to attack humans.
Several species of Coius (or Datnioides) are also referred to as "tigerfish" in books and magazines on fishkeeping. They are large and wide-bodied fish with flanks covered by vivid black stripes. Their tiger-like appearance is the reason for them being called tigerfish fish. They are commonly known as Datnoids and freshwater tripletail.
This variant is predatory and aggressive. It feeds on smaller fish so they are not recommended for an aquarium or the community tank. These fish however can be kept with other fish of similar size. By keeping these fish in groups with around five of their own species may also reduce their predation.
Siamese Tigerfish
The Siamese tigerfish is an attractive, large, and deep-bodied fish. Its golden body is covered with bold black bands and it can grow up to 18 inches (45 cm) in length. This species is an aquarium fish and in captivity, they grow only up to 9 to 12 inches (20-30 cm). These fish can be kept in any large tank with less aggressive, predatory fish.
The natural habitat of this fish is the coastal rivers and swamps of southeastern Asia. It is easy to distinguish the origin of this fish based on the number of bars on its body. Those from mainland Southeast Asia usually sport 5 full bars while those from Sumatra or Borneo usually have 6 to 7 full bars.
Fishing Methods for Tiger Fish
Sports Fishing
The tiger is considered an aggressive and fierce fish by sports fishing enthusiasts. Tiger fishing can be an exciting adventure in the inland waters of Africa because this fish is one of the most exciting freshwater game fish in this region. Before going on the fishing trip, the logistics need to be worked out well. Factors such as the weather in the area, fish distribution, and the behaviour of the fish at that time of the year must be taken into account to ensure a successful fishing trip. It is advisable to hire a professional fishing guide as they come with experience and knowledge about handling this aggressive fish. They can be of great help for first-time Tiger Fish anglers.
There are Many Sports Fishing Methods That Can be Used by Anglers in the Major Habitats:
Fly Fishing: Fly fishing is one of the most prevalent tiger fishing methods used in the South African region. This region has an abundant tiger fish populace along major rivers and large tributaries. During the months of May and June, fly fishing is a popular sports activity. This time of the year sees the river at its highest level and there is a short window before it recedes back to the main channel. The anglers try to catch the tiger and other predatory fish in the shallow floodplains before they go back to the main channel. The upper areas of the Zambezi River are the popular spots for tiger fishing and are frequented by professional and amateur anglers trying to catch these Fish. These areas experience seasonal flooding and are a good spot for tiger fishing.
Trolling: Trolling is another fishing method often used by sports fishermen for Tigerfishing when conditions are otherwise not that favourable. The water is at its warmest, cleanest, and lowest level during the hot season and it is also the time of the year when water eagles prey on tiger fish. The slow-moving water is not well oxygenated and it makes this fish less aggressive than usual. It gives the fisherman a chance to catch these fish without wading in the river and by covering massive areas of water easily.
Drift Fishing: This method is popular during heavy rains that make the waters muddy. During this time, the waters do not offer many food options to the tigerfish and they have to depend primarily on just one type of food source which is the Bulldog Fish. Drift fishing is a simple technique where a baitfish is rigged up using one fixed and one movable double-hook leader.
FAQs on Tigerfish
1. Why are the Tigerfish Considered Similar to a Piranha?
Ans: In the game fishing world, Hydrocynus vittatus is considered Africa's counterpart to the South American piranha. Although both fish belong to different zoological families there are some similarities between the two. Like the piranha, these fish have razor-sharp teeth that can interlock. They have muscular streamlined bodies and are as aggressive as the piranha when hunting. Both these fish are ferocious predators who prefer to hunt in groups. However, the tigerfish fish is generally bigger in size than the piranha.
2. Are the Tigerfish Dangerous to Humans?
Ans: Although most tigerfish species are not considered dangerous to humans, the Goliath is an exception to this behaviour. There have been reported incidents in the Congo River of unsuspecting swimmers having been preyed upon by the Goliath species. This fish is the only known African freshwater fish that attacks humans.
3. Are the Tiger Fish Being Conserved?
Ans: Tiger Fish has been given a high conservation status especially in Johannesburg, South Africa along the Komati River. Their conservation in their native African river habitats has become a priority among many maritime authorities that are consciously promoting a catch and release fishery basis. This is being done to ensure a better future, survival, and increased population of these fish.
Some of the prominent factors that threaten the survival of the tigerfish in most African river and lake habitats include overexploitation due to fishing activities, habitat degradation, environmental pollution, and the effects of introduced species. A detailed action plan is being charted by the fish conservation and management authorities to curtail these problems and facilitate the conservation of Tiger fish. The key steps taken in this direction include controlled fishing methods, habitat control, and pollution control. The giant tiger fish are not considered threatened or endangered in any way currently.