Information on Yorkie Dogs
Yorkshire Terriers have a hunting instinct and are brave, fearless characters. They were originally trained to capture rats in mills. They make good pets for families with older children and excellent companions for those who live alone, as long as children are taught how to communicate with them properly. They are vivacious and enjoy spending time off the leash and playing games.
Vital Stats of Yorkie Dog Breed
History of the Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkshire terriers can be traced back to the mid-nineteenth-century migration of weavers from Scotland to Yorkshire, England. They were created by crossing the Waterside terrier with a number of other terriers. Weavers used them as working dogs to monitor pests, but they became very popular during the Victorian era. Since their introduction to the United States in the 1870s, the Yorkies have grown to become one of the most common breeds in the country. In 1885, the American Kennel Club (AKC) registered the first Yorkie.
During World War II, an American soldier discovered a noble Yorkie called Smoky in the jungles of Papua New Guinea. She performed a brave act by pulling communications cable across an 8-inch-wide culvert that was 60 feet deep. She also served as a service dog for injured soldiers and is honored with many memorials. Smoky's story is told in the book Yorkie Doodle Dandy by her trainer, Corporal William A. Wynne.
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Behaviour and Personality of Yorkshire Terrier Dog Breeds
Yorkshire Terrier dogs are small, energetic, and self-assured dogs.
Yorkies are much more assertive and adventurous than their ‘companion' status would imply, as they are still eager to be a part of the action.
They are ideally suited to families of older children, as younger children may be prone to causing problems for these small dogs. Yorkshire Terrier dogs should be kept away from small pets, but if properly introduced from a young age, they will live happily with cats.
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Health & Nutrition
What is the maximum size of a Yorkshire Terrier? This breed has been increasingly miniaturized over time, first for use as ratters and then as a trendy pet. Yorkshire Terriers today are usually 20-23cm tall and weigh about 3kg.
Yorkies will live a long time if they are well cared for and fed. Vets recommend feeding your Yorkshire Terrier a breed-appropriate, high-quality pet food two or three times a day to keep them healthy. Bear in mind their activity levels and adhere to the portion sizes on the back of their pet food packaging. Including dry food in your diet will also help to prevent gum disease.
Common Health Issues
As a dog owner, you'll do the best for your pet's welfare in order for them to enjoy a long and happy life. Yorkshire Terriers, like all breeds, are susceptible to certain health issues. We've compiled information on the health conditions that we see the most in Yorkshire Terriers to help you be more aware of and prepared for these possible ailments if they occur.
Yorkshire Terriers have long been associated with well-heeled, elderly ladies who wouldn't dare to live in a house without a doorman and who can't afford to miss the local arts fundraiser. Despite this, there aren't nearly enough society dames to account for Yorkie's success.
Because of his shoe-button eyes and silky, soft-to-the-touch hair, he appeals to a wide variety of dog lovers.
The Yorkie is a quintessential "big dog in a little dog's body," alert, trainable, and insatiably curious. Yorkies, who typically weigh less than seven pounds, are the darlings of the purse-dog family, but they often need a lot of ground time. He enjoys long walks and can be a tenacious — and boisterous — watchdog.
Aside from his tough-guy demeanor, the Yorkie isn't a good fit for families of young children because of his small size, which puts him at risk of injury. He may also be abrasive with overly excitable children, territorial with other dogs, and stubborn when it comes to housebreaking. The Yorkie requires consistent and organized training to understand that he cannot fight any dog that crosses his path. The other stumbling block is that this inherently yappy guy will never be completely silenced.
Other Quick Facts
The Yorkshire Terrier has an inquisitive nature, as well as a witty sense of humor.
Yorkies are known for their beautiful blue-and-tan coats, but they are not born with them. Puppies are born black, and when they get older, their coat color changes.
Despite their Toy status, these dogs enjoy speed, action, and a lot of applause, so agility and rally are ideal sports for them.
Show Yorkies should weigh four to seven pounds, but pet Yorkies will weigh up to twelve and a half pounds.
A Yorkie who weighs less than four pounds is more vulnerable to health issues and is more likely to have anesthesia complications.
Exercise and Training for Yorkshire Terrier Dog Breeds
Yorkshire Terriers were raised to work and would rather be active than sit on a lap for long periods of time. They rely on mental and physical stimulation, and they play indoor and outdoor games in addition to taking frequent walks. Adequate exercise can help them burn off energy in a healthy way, making them less prone to territorial behavior and repetitive barking, two common Yorkie behavior issues.
Yorkies are naturally eager to please and will learn easily, but they can be reluctant to housetrain, like most toy breeds. Although they have a dominant side to their personalities, proper training will bring out their more sociable and affectionate characteristics.
Diet and Nutrition
Feed your Yorkshire terrier about half a cup of dry dog food twice a day. Refuse to share your food with your dog on a regular basis. When given such treats, this breed has been known to have intestinal issues such as vomiting and diarrhea.
It's not a good idea to give your dog free food or bites from your plate because you could end up with an overweight dog. This puts the dog at risk for a shorter lifespan and other health issues. Consult your doctor for any weight gain and get advice on a feeding schedule, specialty dog food, and exercise requirements.
Yorkshire Terrier Care
Yorkies aren't just for sitting on the couch. At times, this breed can be very vocal and obstinate. Early training and socialization with people and other dogs are critical for the Yorkie to avoid developing an out-of-control "huge personality." A Yorkie that has been well educated is much more attentive to its trainer. It's much easier to treat your Yorkie at places like the vets with proper care.
It's common knowledge that a Yorkshire terrier would struggle in a home with young children. Children's rough handling causes issues, as does the dog's reaction to nip when triggered. Yorkies are also prone to dominance displays around other dogs and are unafraid to challenge larger dogs, which may place them at risk.
A Yorkie would not thrive in a home where it is left alone for the majority of the day. This breed needs a lot of care and thrives in the company of a human friend. Otherwise, it may develop bad habits and show signs of separation anxiety.
Because of their compact scale, Yorkies are ideal for apartment living. They are not, however, couch potatoes. Yorkies are active dogs that need regular exercise. While many Yorkies need to run and play in addition to strolling with their owners, daily walks can keep the average Yorkie happy and safe. Yorkies tend to chase stuff and pick fights with dogs big and small, so keep an eye on their actions on and off-leash.
Yorkies do well in temperate climates and indoors because they are not well-suited to extreme weather, hot or cold. In hot weather, take your Yorkie for a walk during the coolest part of the day, and in cold weather, have a jacket.
Yorkies have silky, ever-growing hair that should be brushed on a daily basis if held long. Many Yorkie owners keep their dogs' hair short (usually by a groomer every several weeks). Yorkies, in any case, need a moderate amount of grooming on a regular basis. If left untrimmed, a Yorkie's facial hair will grow to the point that it requires a hairband to keep it out of the way when feeding.
Yorkies are sometimes referred to as hypoallergenic because they do not shed as much as other breeds. Allergies are triggered by the dog's dander or saliva, so a Yorkie will also cause an allergic reaction in those who are allergic.
Yorkshire terriers are notoriously difficult to housebreak, so be prepared to put up a fight before you succeed. Throughout this lengthy process, keep plenty of puppy pads on hand. You will need a protected area for potty breaks if your dog refuses to go outside in the rain.
Common Health Problems
Responsible breeders aim to uphold the highest breed standards set out by kennel clubs such as the American Kennel Club (AKC). Hereditary disorders are less likely to occur in dogs bred to these requirements. However, some hereditary health problems can occur in the breed. The following are some things to keep in mind:
Patellar Luxation: This is a condition in which the kneecap is loose and can dislocate. While the knee will usually pop back into place, in extreme cases, surgery may be needed.
Collapsing Trachea: This is a common problem in Yorkies, and it can get worse as they get older. The dog may have a persistent cough.
Portosystemic Shunts (PSS): This is a blood flow problem between the liver and the rest of the body. It is normally diagnosed before the age of two years and can be treated with surgery and a special diet.
Intervertebral Disc Disease: Back herniated discs may be caused by a genetic predisposition or an injury.
FAQs on Yorkshire Terrier
Question 1: Explain the Pros and Cons of Yorkshire Terriers or the Yorkshire Terrier Characteristics.
Ans: Pros and Cons of Yorkshire Terriers are:
The Good
Fine-boned, sleek, simple to bear, and doesn't take up a lot of room (one of the best breeds for allergy sufferers)
Lively and inquisitive, she moves quickly and gracefully.
It does not necessitate a lot of exercises.
Strangers will be announced by this vigilant watchdog.
Companionable with other animals
The Bad
Physically unstable, necessitating constant control and supervision
Housebreaking challenges are well-known.
Barking is a problem for you if you're prone to it.
Brushing and combing on a regular basis, or trimming/clipping the coat short on a regular basis
Suspiciousness, shrillness, and nastiness in children who have been babied or spoiled, or who have not been properly socialized or forced to act.
Question 2: How Sociable are Yorkshire Terriers? Explain Yorkshire Terrier Characteristics with Strangers?
Ans: Most Yorkshire Terriers, with their keen eyes and sharp tongues, are quick to announce strangers at the door. Some Yorkies will be polite and outgoing until the guest arrives. Many others, on the other hand, have the wary or suspicious demeanor of a real terrier.
Unfortunately, suspicious dogs will quickly deteriorate into shrill dogs that refuse to stop barking. And shrill dogs can quickly become aggressive. You must teach a Yorkshire Terrier that strangers do not have to be liked, but they must be accepted respectfully.
Question 3: Explain the Grooming Process of Yorkshire Terriers?
Ans: Yorkshire Terriers have a long, silky coat that, like human hair, continues to grow. Although Yorkies do not shed as much as other breeds, they do necessitate a high degree of grooming. Brushing them on a daily basis will help avoid matting of their long fur, and professional grooming is needed on a regular basis.
Your groomer will be able to assist you in selecting from a variety of Yorkshire Terrier types and cuts. Long-haired Yorkies typically wear their hair in a top knot to keep it out of their eyes, whereas shorter-haired Yorkies get a trimmed-all-over puppy cut.