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BSEB Class 12 Business Studies Question Paper 2020


Class 12 Business Studies BSEB Question Paper 2020 - Free PDF Download

BSEB Class 12 business studies exam 2020 was conducted by the Bihar board like previous other years. Class 12 students prepare whole-heartedly for their exams, they do not leave any stone unturned hence they also take guidance of the past year question papers to prepare  for the exam.

Here, we are presenting the Business Studies Question Paper 2020 set by the BSEB Board. Students are advised to download the free pdf of the business studies question paper for the year 2020 through the link provided below and prepare better for the exams.

BSEB Class 12 Business Studies Question Paper 2020

Business Studies is a theory-based subject, students need in depth knowledge of the subject to attempt the questions in the exam. The previous year question papers help the students to prepare better for the exam. Students should solve the previous year questions in order to know the important questions that mostly are followed in the examination. Hence, students should inculcate the habit of solving and referring to previous year question papers.

Business Studies, this paper requires chapter reading and mainly solving of the question and answers. We have given free access to the question paper of 2020 to the Class 12 students of BSEB board in the subject of Business Studies. Further, we shall discuss the Question Paper Pattern, Checklist before the exam and also detail about how to attempt the paper in the exam hall. 

BSEB Class 12 Business Studies Question Paper Pattern 2020

BSEB Class 12 business studies question paper pattern 2020 is discussed below:

  1. The question paper is divided into three sections

  2. In the first part there are 60 MCQs, from which the student needs to choose only 50 MCQs, consisting of 1 mark each.

  3. The rest two sections consist of the rest 50 marks.

  4. The pattern is given by the BSEB Board.

  5. There are 95 questions in total.

  6. In Section B, there are 27 questions.

  7. In Section C, there are 8 questions.

Check-List Before The Exam

The students appearing for the BSEB Class 12 business studies paper, need to bear a few things in their mind, before entering into the examination hall. The check list is provided hereunder-

  • Practicing the previous question paper repeatedly helps students to solve the actual question paper with more confidence. They will gather knowledge about the subject which will give them confidence to solve any type of questions.

  • Students must know the Question Pattern to gain a firm hold during the exam.

  • Students should refer to past year papers to grasp the question base strongly.

  • Students are advised to refer to the previous year question paper thoroughly before the exam as this helps them to know the marks weightage, important questions, etc. 

  • Practice Writings part as this is a theory based subject, and students must know how to write the correct answers in a presentable format. They should practice writing while learning new chapters.

How to Attempt the Question Paper

In the question paper instructions itself, the students are given a brief knowledge on how to present and maintain the decor in the exam. Extra 15 minutes reading time is allotted too. It is a 3-hour paper that needs to be completed by the student successfully. In the first section only 50 out of 60 MCQ questions are required to be solved.

Students are required to solve the HOTS type questions (High Order Thinking Skills) as this will make their concepts clear regarding the chapter they need to deal with in the exam. Also, they should correctly write and form all their answers according to the marks allotted for each question.

Business Studies is a theoretical subject that is required to be analyzed deeply and understood by the students conceptually.

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FAQs on BSEB Class 12 Business Studies Question Paper 2020

1. How should I use business studies question paper to prepare for exams

In the revision time or even during the end period before the exam, students may refer to this 2020 business studies question paper, to test their own knowledge about the paper. Through this question paper they can know the board’s pattern that is being followed. Students can download the free pdf question paper of 2020 from our portal. 2020 is an updated version of the Business Studies paper hence it should be referred by the students. 

2. How do I choose the correct options in solving the MCQs?

In the Business Studies paper, solving the MCQs is quite easy. Once the student gets knowledge conceptually and reads the text properly, they can easily solve the MCQs correctly. They should only choose the correct answers during exams, if they are unsure about it, they can skip it for the next one as they have an option of answering 50 MCQs out of 60 MCQs.   

3. What are HOTS type questions?

High Order Thinking Skills, abbreviated as HOTS, is a type of question pattern that trains students to think creatively and analytically.

Students really need to be attentive and conceptually clear while studying the text then only they can solve HOTS well.

4. Is Business Studies a lengthy subject?

Business Studies is an interesting subject that gives knowledge to the students about the real business world.