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Bihar Board (BSEB) Last 5 Previous Year Question Papers for Class 12 - All Subjects


Bihar Board (BSEB) Last 5 Previous Year Papers for Class 12 All Subjects with Solutions - Free PDF Download

Class 12th is the final year of school students. You have to appear in the last board exam of your school study in class 12. After that, you will be eligible for your higher education. If you want to study in a good institute for your higher education, you have to score good marks in the final board exam of class 12. Hence, you should study well in class 12, to score good marks. As your exam preparation tool, you can practice the BSEB previous year question paper of class 12. It will be more beneficial for you if you can follow the previous 10 year question paper of the class 12 Bihar Board.

Competitive Exams after 12th Science

Bihar Board Previous Year Question Paper 12th

The syllabus of class 12th science is huge. A good topic understanding and a clear concept of the science subjects will help you in scoring good marks as well as in your higher academic life. You should complete reading all the chapters of all the subjects first. Then, you should start revising and practising. For practice, you can download the previous year question paper of class 12 Bihar Board. You should practice the questions of the Bihar Board class 12 previous year question paper. It will be an efficient exam preparation tool for you.

Previous Year Question Paper of Class 12 Bihar Board Physics

Physics is a crucial subject for class 12 students. You should have your concept clear for all the chapters of physics. A great topic understanding and huge practice will make you score well in the physics exam. For the practice, you can follow the previous 5-year question paper of physics class 12. It will help you in practising different types of questions appearing in the exam. Hence, you should download the class 12 Bihar board physics question paper of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. The solutions of the question paper are also available online.

BSEB Previous Year Question Paper of Class 12 Chemistry

You have to read chemistry for your class 12 final board exam as well as for future convenience. This subject includes different theoretical and practical knowledge. To score a good mark in chemistry, a huge practice and capture on the subject are necessary. The more you practice the more your concept will be clear and you will have a good capture of all the topics of chemistry. Therefore, you should practice different types of chemistry problems. You can go through the previous year's class 12 chemistry question paper of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. You will find different types of chemistry questions for your practice.

Previous Year Question Paper of Class 12 Bihar Board Maths

Mathematics is a practice-based subject. There are many rules and formulas in the different branches of mathematics. You have to learn all the branches of maths included in the syllabus such as algebra, arithmetic, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, etc. You have to practice the numerical problems of all these branches. As different types of laws and concepts are included in the branches, you have to practice repeatedly to be efficient. Along with the problems of the textbook, you should solve the previous year question papers of maths. There are different types of problems from all the mathematical branches. You should download the maths class 12 question papers of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and practice them.

BSEB Previous Year Question Paper of Class 12 Biology

Biology is a vital subject of the Bihar board class 12 science curriculum. The entire syllabus of biology is divided into Zoology, Physiology and Botany parts. You have to learn all the chapters of these parts sincerely. The board exam question paper includes different types of questions from all the parts. To score good marks in biology, you have to read the chapters and understand the topics clearly. Your concept will be clearer by repeated practice. You can go through the previous year's class 12 question paper of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. From the question papers, you will get different types of biology questions for practice.

Previous 10 Year Question Paper of Class 12 Bihar Board

Class 12 Bihar board question papers of all subjects follow a particular pattern. You can download the previous 10-year question papers (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019) to know the question paper and practice.

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FAQs on Bihar Board (BSEB) Last 5 Previous Year Question Papers for Class 12 - All Subjects

1. Why Practising the Previous 10 Year Question Paper of the Class 12 Bihar Board is Beneficial?

Ans: Class 12th board exam is crucial for your academic career. The score of your class 12 board exam will decide how your higher education is going to be. If you learn properly and study sincerely, you can score good marks in every subject of the class 12 board exam. You have to practice different problems for all the subjects. You should practice the previous year's question papers. You will get benefits in many ways by practising previous year question papers, which are –

  • You will have an idea of the question pattern.

  • Repeated practice will give you efficiency.

  • You will know the chapter wise number and weightage division.

2. How Can I Download the Previous Year Question Paper of Class 12 BSEB?

Ans: You should prepare for the class 12 board exam from the starting of the session. First, you have to complete studying the entire syllabus of all subjects. After that, you should start revising the chapters and practising different types of problems. For practice, you can go through different practice sets and question papers available on several websites. You can have the previous year's BSEB class 12 question paper of all subjects. The question papers are available on different educational websites for free. You can go to the download link and download the question papers in pdf format. You should download the papers as soon as possible and start your preparation.