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Bihar Board (BSEB) Question Paper for Class 10 Maths 2016


Bihar Board Maths Class 10 Question Papers 2016 with Solutions - Free PDF Download.

Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) Class 10 maths question paper 2016 and other previous year question papers - are actually the best guide in order to prepare for the matric final examination. You can find the officially released model question paper with the solution of the class 10 Bihar board year-wise in PDF for free download at Vedantu. Exam papers for BSEB class 10 are based on a certain pattern. In order to excel, studying right is more crucial than studying hard.

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Class 10 Maths Bihar Board 2016 Question Paper

Bihar Board Class 10 sample papers are the actual previous year question papers which can be used by the class 10th board students in order to know the weightage of chapters, type of questions that will be asked in the exam, exam duration and marking scheme etc from the given syllabus. Considering that studying right is more crucial than studying hard, Vedantu has compiled previous year question paper and bihar board 10th maths question paper 2016 for all BSEB students.

Here you will find the important units and mrks weightage of the class 10 BSEB maths.

Bihar Board (BSEB) Class 10 Maths Syllabus


Important Topics



Arithmetic Frequency, Polynomial,

Linear Equation & Quadratic Equation in Two variable



Circle, Triangle, Texture




Trigonometric Effect,

Height and distance


Regulatory Geometry

Regulatory Geometry


Number Method

Actual Number




Area of Flat Surface


Statistics and Probability




Topics Covered in Unit Wise Class 10 Maths Bihar Board 2016 Question Paper

Unit Number

Unit Name



Unit I

Number System

Chapter 1-Real Numbers

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic,

Euclid’s division lemma,

Decimal expansions of rational numbers,

Proofs of results – irrationality of √2, √3, √5.

Unit II


Chapter 2- Polynomials

Zeros of a polynomial,

Link between zeros (0’s) and coefficients of a polynomial in context to quadratic polynomials, Statement and problems on division algorithms for polynomials having real coefficients



Chapter 3 - Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables

Algebraic conditions for number of solutions,

Pair of Linear Equations in 2 Variables, Geometrical presentation of various possibilities of solutions,

Algebraic Solution of pair of linear equations in 2 variables



Chapter 4-Quadratic Equations

Standard quadratic equation in the form of ax2 + bx + c = 0, Solution of quadratic equations by factorization, Solution of quadratic equations using quadratic formula

Link between nature of roots and discriminant



Chapter 5- Arithmetic Progressions (AP)

Finding the nth  term,

find the sum of first n terms

Unit III


Chapter 6- Introduction to Trigonometry

motivate the ratios, (defined at 0° and 90°,

Trigonometric ratios of a right-angled and an acute angle triangle, Values (with proofs) of the trigonometric ratios, Relationships between the ratios

Proof and applications of the identity



Chapter 7-Heights and Distances

Problems on heights and distances, Angles of depression/elevation must be only 30°, 45°, and 60°.

Unit IV

Coordinate Geometry

Chapter 8-Lines

Evaluating the concepts of coordinate geometry including graphs of linear equations, Distance between two points,

Sections formula

Unit V


Chapter 9-Triangles

Definitions, examples,

Prove and Motivate



Chapter 10- Circles

Tangents to a circle motivated by chords,

Prove that tangent at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius,

 Prove that the lengths of tangents constructed from an outside point to a circle are equivalent



Chapter 11- Constructions

Construction of a triangle same as a given triangle,

Tangent to a circle from a point on its external,

Division of a line segment

Unit VI


Chapter 12- Areas Related to Circles

Area of sectors and segments of a circle,

Problems solving on areas, perimeter/circumference of the plane figures



Chapter 12-Surface Areas and Volumes

Problems solving on finding surface areas and volumes of combinations

Finding surface areas and volumes of cubes, cuboids, cones, cylinders, spheres, hemispheres,

Problems solving to  convert one type of metallic solid into another

Unit VII

Statistics and Probability

Chapter 13-Statistics

Mean, median and mode of grouped data,

Cumulative frequency graph



Chapter 14- Probability

Definition of probability,

Simple problems on single events

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FAQs on Bihar Board (BSEB) Question Paper for Class 10 Maths 2016

Q1. What are the Advantages of Knowing the Bihar Board Class 10th Maths Syllabus 2020-21?

Answer: The Maths Syllabus of BSEB Class 10, offers an outline for a course of content. The purpose of BSEB syllabus is as follows:

  • Helps plan and organize a course and a course of action.

  • Conveys efficiently the nature of the content.

  • Orients learning towards important topics.

  • A detailed description of what it objects at conveying across.

  • Lesson planning guidelines are given.

  • Describes expectations and rubrics.

  • Enables setting the tone for the academic year.

  • Delineates responsibilities of students.

Q2. What can I Find in the Bihar Board 10th Maths Question Paper 2016?

Answer: Studying through previous year question papers holds its own importance in terms of making the candidates well-informed and prepared. You can simply download the Class 10 Maths Previous Year Question Paper of Bihar Board Class 10, as well as download the BSEB board class 10 maths, question paper 2016 from the official website of Vedantu. The page contains class 10 maths Bihar board 2016 question paper and previous 10 years question paper with solution for free PDF download.

You can also find the question paper of class 10 Bihar Board of all other subjects (Hindi, English, Maths, Science, Social Science, Urdu, Bhojpuri, etc.) in which the exam is being held.

Q3. What are the Benefits of Referring to the Bihar Board 10th Maths Question Paper 2016?

Ans: All BSEB matric students could use the Bihar board question papers given on Vedantu’s official page in order to prepare well for the exam and score high marks.