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Bihar Board (BSEB) Last 5 Previous Year Question Papers for Class 12 Maths


Bihar Board (BSEB) Last 5 Previous Year Question Papers for Class 12 Maths with Solutions - Free PDF Download

In order to score well in your Class 12 Maths examination, you should be well prepared and must have solved Previous 5 last Year Questions Papers. We at Vedantu provide the last 5 years question papers of mathematics for class 12 in PDF format along with accurate solutions. Solving the previous years’ question papers is very important as it helps students to understand and evaluate the question paper pattern, difficulty level of questions, type of questions, etc.

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Download BSEB PYQP Class 12 Maths PDF

Solving previous year papers helps students by providing them an idea of the exam pattern. Downloading the BSEB PYQP will help the students in testing their preparation level for the upcoming Class 12 final exam. Hence, it is recommended to refer to the solved previous year’s question papers on Vedantu and solve as many papers as possible before appearing for the final exam.

It is recommended that you refer to the solved previous year’s Question Papers to make your preparation easier. Vedantu provides a set of 5 previous year question papers for Class 12 Mathematics in PDF format for your reference. This PDF is free to download. After downloading students can use it anytime from anywhere.

Importance of Solving Previous 5 Year Question Papers

  • Previous year question papers give you the overall idea about the nature of the question, the time duration, marking scheme, all the weightage, and much more. By practicing the previous year's papers you will get more ideas about the nature of the topics.

  • It is advised to practice the sample paper first. After completing the sample papers, revise all the important topics and then take the previous year's question paper for practice. Solving more and more question papers will increase your speed and accuracy of solving maths problems. Once you get the speed and accuracy it becomes easy for you to attempt the entire question paper.

  • While you take tests and practice sample papers repeatedly, you get in the process of measuring your ability and analyze your problem areas. After the analysis, you can start working on it, so you can perform better in solving the previous year’s question papers and prepare yourself for the final examination.

  • It is observed from various experiences of exam toppers from the past, the more you practice question paper, the better you get with solving the papers. Overall with hard work and practice, your exam fears vanish and you build high confidence for the final exams.

We hope that now you know the importance of solving the previous year's question paper of the Class 10 exam. As is the must for strengthening your preparation.

Features of Vedantu Previous Year Question Papers Class 12

Practising Bihar Board Class 12 Maths Previous Year Question Papers provided by Vedantu has many advantages. Some of them are:

  1. Previous Year Question Papers Help in Realizing and Correcting Your Mistakes

It is always better to make mistakes at home than to make the same mistakes in the examination hall. Solving previous year’s question paper and referring to Vedantu’s Solution students can realize their mistake and correct it. Therefore practicing previous year question papers helps in reducing the probability of making mistakes in your final exam paper and helps in scoring good marks.

  1. Increases Speed & Accuracy

Speed and accuracy are two things that you can earn only with lots of practice. It comes automatically by practicing more and more questions. Therefore it is suggested to solve as many previous year question papers to increase your speed and accuracy. As it is rightly said, “Practise makes a man perfect.”

  1. Help in Gaining Confidence

Like speed and accuracy, confidence comes automatically by practicing questions from previous year’s question papers. Solving previous year’s questions helps in boosting up your confidence which can have a big impact on your score.

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FAQs on Bihar Board (BSEB) Last 5 Previous Year Question Papers for Class 12 Maths

Q1. How Does Developing Time Management Skills Improve the Student's Speed and Accuracy for Appearing in Maths Exams?

Students work hard all the year round but often they fail to attempt all the questions within the given time. Solving previous year papers helps the students in improving their speed and accuracy, hence they are able to complete the paper within the allotted time. Students understand the proper time management for solving the paper.

Q2. How Vedantu Helps You Evaluate Your Performance and Analyze Your Preparation Level?

You will be able to analyze and evaluate your strengths and weaknesses when you will solve previous year question papers on your own. You can identify your weaknesses and work on them.

So, you must use previous year questions and sample questions and devote a few hours every day to practice the solved previous year papers available on Vedantu. This way you can refer to the solutions to evaluate your preparation and performance level.

Q3. How can a Student Appearing for the Bihar Board Class 12 Reduce Exam Fear?

For those who have practiced a lot from previous year’s question papers the final Class 12 paper seems to be much easier. Some of the essential tips are as follows.

  1. Revise all the topics as many times as possible.

  2. Prepare a revision timetable and set what portions you have to cover over a daily basis.

  3. Practice sample test papers and previous years’ question papers.

  4. Try to keep your stress level to a minimum by staying relaxed.