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Bihar Board (BSEB) Class 12 Maths Latest Syllabus 2023-24


Bihar Board (BSEB) Maths Syllabus for Class 12

Class 12 Maths Bihar Board Syllabus can be your stepping stone for the best preparation and the entryway to become a topper in the Bihar Board examination. Starting your exam preparations as per the latest Bihar Board Syllabus allows the candidates to prepare in accordance with the marking scheme and pattern of the paper which is of utmost necessary to score higher in the final board examination. Students, who are pursuing education in Bihar Board, can get Bihar Board exam scheme and maths syllabus class 12 in PDF format on Vedantu.

Bihar Board (BSEB) syllabus for Class 12 Maths will be uploaded soon on this page.

Bihar Board (BSEB) Maths 2019-2020 Syllabus for Class 12

Competitive Exams after 12th Science

Maths Sample Syllabus Class 12 PDF

BSEB Class 12 Maths syllabus is available for free PDF download format on Vedantu. Students should go through all the topics mentioned in the BSEB exam pattern for their exam preparation.

BSEB Class 12 Maths Syllabus With Weightage


Marks Weightage

Relation and Function








Vector and 3D-Geometry


Linear-Programming Problem



Unit-wise Detailed Syllabus For Bihar Board Class 12th Mathematics

Let’s check what topics and sub-topics are included in the Class 12th mathematics syllabus of the Bihar board.

Unit 1: Relations and Functions

  • Types of relations: Equivalence, Symmetric, Transitive and Reflexive Relations

  • Functions: One to one and onto functions, the inverse of a function, and composite functions.

  • Binary operations

  • Inverse Trigonometric Functions And Graphs of inverse trigonometric functions: properties of inverse, range, domain, principal value branch.

Unit 2: Algebra

  • Matrices and operation on matrices: Concept, order, notation, equality, types of matrices, zero and identity matrix, symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices, transpose of a matrix

  • Properties of addition, scalar multiplication, and non-commutativity of multiplication of matrices

  • Existence of non-zero matrices

  • Concept of elementary row and column operations.

  • Invertible matrices and proof of the uniqueness of inverse

  • Determinants: properties of determinants, Determinant of a square matrix, adjoint, and inverse of a square matrix, and cofactors

  • Consistency and inconsistency

  • Solutions of systems of linear equations in two or three variables using the inverse of a matrix.

Unit 3: Calculus

  • Continuity and Differentiability: chain rule, derivatives of implicit functions derivative of composite functions, and derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions.

  • Concept of logarithmic and exponential functions.

  • Lagrange’s and Rolle’s Mean Value Theorems

  • Applications of Derivatives

  • Integrals: Integration as the inverse procedure of differentiation, Evaluation of simple integrals, Integration of a number of functions by substitution

  • Applications of Integrals in finding areas under Straight lines, simple curves, circles/ellipse/parabolas.

  • Differential Equations: Introduction, order, and degree

  • Formation of a differential equation, solution of differential equations, Solutions of the linear differential equation of the form: dy/dx + py = q

Unit 4: Vectors and 3-D Geometry

  • Vectors: Vectors and scalars

  • Magnitude and direction of a vector, direction ratios of a vector, and direction cosines.

  • Types of vectors, components of a vector, position vector of a point dividing a line in an assigned ratio.

  • Geometrical Evaluation, properties, and application of scalar (dot) product of vectors, a scalar triple product of vectors, vector (cross) product of vectors

  • Direction ratios and direction cosines of a line connecting two points.

  • Cartesian equation and vector equation of a line and a plane.

  • Angle between line and two lines

  • Angle between a plane and two planes

Unit 5: Linear Programming

  • Definition, objective function, optimization, and constraints

  • Different types of linear programming problems.

  • Mathematical formulation of linear programming problems.

  • Graphical method of solution for linear equation problems in two variables, feasible and infeasible regions, feasible and infeasible solutions

Unit 6: Probability

  • Conditional probability and Multiplication theorem on probability, total probability

  • Independent events

  • Baye’s theorem

  • Random variable, Mean and variance of the random variable and its probability distribution

  • Binomial distribution.

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FAQs on Bihar Board (BSEB) Class 12 Maths Latest Syllabus 2023-24

1. How will maths class 12 syllabus help me?

Course scheme plays a crucial part while preparing for board as well as school examinations mainly because it provides you the important topics and sub topics that you must read carefully. Studying with topics and sub topics available straight forward will allow students to save their time and prepare well. To obtain the updated syllabus for bihar board and class 12 maths syllabus, students must refer to the official page of Vedantu.

2. How to download Bihar Board exam class 12 maths syllabus?

Those students who are pursuing education from the Bihar Board can get their course scheme from the official website of Vedantu by following below mentioned steps:

Students have to visit the official webpage of Vedantu

  1. On the home page, click the link of the syllabus.

  2. You will be redirected to a new web page on your computer screen.

  3. There you will get a link as Senior Secondary (+2)

  4. Hit on the suitable stream link (science or commerce)

  5. Your course scheme will be shown in PDF file format.

  6. Download or carry a print out and keep it safe for further use.

3. Is there any power technique to double score in board exams?

Students must check their Bihar Board Syllabus and get updated with the paper scheme. This will help you prepare excellently without exhausting time and energy on unnecessary reading.

4. Where can I get quick access to the latest information on BSEB?

To get instant access to updated details in context to syllabus directly go through Vedantu official link or bookmark the page by pressing ctrl+d keys.