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Cockroach Life Cycle

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Introduction to Cockroach

Cockroaches (order Blattodea), also known as roaches, are a group of over 4,600 insect species that are among the earliest living flying insects, having been discovered in 320-million-year-old fossils. The Cockroach is a misspelling of Cucaracha, a Spanish term.

The cockroach is distinguished by its flattened oval shape, strong threadlike antennae, and a shiny black or brown leathery integument. The mouthparts point backward rather than the front or below, and the head is curved downward. Female Cockroaches are normally wingless or have vestigial wings, whilst males have two pairs of wings. Cockroaches consume both plant and animal matter, including food, paper, clothing, and books, as well as dead insects, particularly bedbugs. Insecticides are used to control roaches.

The American cockroach is the largest common species of cockroach and mostly they are considered to be pests. In certain areas of the world, they are also known as waterbugs. It has an average length of 4 cm and they are mainly reddish-brown and have a yellowish margin on the pronotum. The body of cockroaches is divided into three parts: head, thorax, and abdomen. The scientific name of cockroaches is Americana Periplaneta. It has a long and coiled alimentary canal divided into three parts-Prothorax, Mesothorax, and Metathorax. They are known for leaving behind a stinky smell, attacking household food items, and are considered carriers of diseases.

The social structure of the gregarious German cockroach, for example, is complex, with shared shelter, social dependence, information transfer, and kin recognition. Cockroaches have been a part of human culture since the beginning of time. Even though the majority of species are harmless and live in a variety of habitats around the world, they are frequently portrayed as filthy pests.

Classification of Cockroach

  • Phylum: Arthropoda

  • Class: Insecta

  • Subclass: Pterygota

  • Superorder: Dictyoptera

  • Order: Blattodea

  • Family: Blaberidae, Blattidae, Corydiidae, Cryptocercidae, Ectobiidae; Lampron Blattidae, Nocticolidae, Tryonicidae

Life Cycle of Cockroach

A Cockroach's life cycle is separated into three stages, which are as follows:

Stage 1:  Reproduction - The Eggs (Ootheca) 

Their life cycle begins with laying eggs, they mainly give 10 to 50 eggs in one term in warm, humid conditions. It takes cockroaches about one to two months to hatch, but the egg stage lasts for 14 to 100 days depending on climatic changes in the environment. Higher temperature leads to an increase in the rate of development. Most of the females create multiple eggs during their lifetimes. Example: 300 eggs in a year.

The eggshell covering the abdomen of female Cockroaches is known as ootheca. The eggs are carried in the ootheca by the Cockroaches to protect them until they reach the nymph stage. 

The number of eggs an ootheca may hold varies depending on the species. Depending on the habitat in which they live, these eggs hatch into nymphs.

Stage 2:  Baby Cockroach - The Nymph 

This is the second stage of development and is known as the nymphal stage. This process undergoes several molts, growing little each day by day and after this, they shed their skins. In their earlier stage, they have soft, white bodies that harden and change the color to brown or gray. They are fully developed in their last molt. 

The nymph stage lasts a different amount of time depending on the species. It also depends on the surroundings and whether or not predators are there. The nymph stage can last anywhere from 11 to 14 months. The nymph enters the adult stage after completing many stages of molting and developing features such as wings.

Stage 3: Developed Cockroach- The Adult 

From nymph cockroaches to adult cockroaches they develop a pair of wings. Their life span varies from species to species, some live for two months, or some two live for two years. They are omnivorous in nature-they feed on paper to the leftover food material. When female cockroaches are fully developed they lay mainly 500-600 offspring. 

The nymph Cockroach's pair of wings is one method to tell them apart from adult Cockroaches. Adult Cockroaches have a lifetime that varies by species. Some species live for only two months, while others live for nearly two years.

Cockroaches are omnivorous, eating everything from paper strips to leftover food from the night before. 

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LifeSpan of Cockroach

The Length of American cockroach life depends upon the environment, diet, and many other conditions. If conditions are favorable lead to the rapid growth of the cockroach body while unfavorable conditions lead to the death of cockroaches. An American cockroach will live for about a year. It will reproduce, lay more eggs and give birth to more and more cockroaches. For their lives, they need food, shelter. The lifespan of cockroach depends on several factors like:

  1. Breed:

Different species live under different conditions, that is the environment.

  1. Diet:

Diet also plays a crucial role in the life span of cockroaches.

  1. Environment:

Environmental factors such as humidity, temperature also play a crucial role in their development.

Medical and Economical Significance of Cockroach

American cockroaches create public problems as they are associated with human waste and disease and their ability to move from sewers into homes and commercial establishments. The cockroach is found in caves, mines, sewers, sewage treatment plants, and dumps. They are claimed to be mechanical transmitters of disease-causing microorganisms such as intestinal parasites, bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

  1. The one thing common between Earthworm and Cockroach is

  1. Nephridia

  2. Ventral nerve cord

  3. Closed blood vascular system

  4. Cocoon

Answer: b) Ventral nerve cord

  1. Blatta Cockroaches are also referred to as

  1. German Cockroach

  2. American Cockroach

  3. Australian Cockroach

  4. Oriental Cockroach

Answer: d) Oriental Cockroach

3. The Heart of Cockroach comprises of how many chambers

  1. 6 chambered

  2. 9 chambered

  3. 13 chambered

  4. 26 chambered

Answer: c) 13 chambered

4. Scientific name of cockroach is:

a) Periplaneta americana

b) Pheritima Posthuma

Answer: (a)

5. Lifespan of cockroach is:

a) 3 Month

b) 2 Months 

Answer: (a)

6. Head of the cockroach is made up of a fusion of how many segments:

a) Two

b) Three

c) Four

Answer: (b)

7. Nature of cockroach sexuality:

a) Unisexual

b) Bisexual


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FAQs on Cockroach Life Cycle

1. What are the elements that influence Cockroach eggs?

Cockroaches require one to two months to hatch, but the egg stage can last anywhere from 14 to 100 days depending on environmental conditions. Higher temperatures cause an increase in the pace of development.

2. Describe the characteristics of an Oriental Cockroach.

One of the dirtiest household pests is the Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis). It has an oval shape, is shiny black or dark brown, and measures 25 to 30 mm (1 to 1.2 inches) in length. The life cycle of an Oriental Cockroach is similar to that of the American cockroach. Males have fully developed short wings, whereas females have vestigial wings. Through commercial vehicles, this cockroach has spread from its Asian origins to all temperate regions.

3. What are Malpighian Tubules? What are its functions?

Cockroaches have Malpighian tubules, which are excretory organs. These can be found near the intersection of the midgut and the hindgut. These tubules are 100-150 in number and are fine, long, unbranched, yellowish, and blind. They aid in excretory product clearance from the hemolymph.

4. What are the 3 tips to combat cockroaches?

1. Keep the house clean; cockroaches love to feed on leftover food and scrapes that accumulate on countertops or in the pantry. Pet food can also be a tempting late-night snack.

2. Ecomist Sniper can be used to create an impenetrable barrier for cockroaches attempting to enter your property. Spray around the doors, particularly the front and back, along the skirting boards, and in the laundry room. Sniper is also great for deterring cockroaches, spiders, and other crawling insects in the garage and on outdoor furniture.

3. Cockroaches looking for winter snacks and a place to hide may be drawn to trash cans. To prevent access, clean bins regularly and cover them with an airtight cover.

5. Define the Life Cycle of Cockroaches?

One species to the other. These eggs hatch into nymphs depending on environmental conditions they live in.Life cycle of cockroaches is divided into three parts:

  • The Eggs (Ootheca):

Ootheca is known as the egg shell covering located at the abdomen of female cockroaches. The fertilized female cockroach produces around 50 eggs in a ootheca sack. The cockroaches carry the eggs in ootheca in order to protect them, till it enters the nymph stage. 

  • The Nymph:

The cockroach enters the second stage as a tiny nymph. The nymph cockroach undergoes several stages of molting and shedding of skin. It transforms into a white colored body and with each molting. Gradually the nymph becomes larger in size and their exoskeleton becomes more rigid and darker in color. The time period for the nymph stage varies from one species to another. It also depends on the environmental factors and presence of predators. The nymph stage lasts for a span of 11 to 14 months. Once the nymph finishes multiple stages of molting and develops parts like wings, it enters the adult stage.

  • The Adult:

One way to differentiate the nymph cockroach from that of an adult cockroach is their pair of wings. The lifespan of an adult cockroach varies from species to species. While some species live for two months, some other species survive for almost two years. Cockroaches are omnivorous in nature as they feed on anything – from stripes of paper to your last night’s leftover food. An adult female cockroach is capable of producing 300 to 400 offspring in her lifetime.

6. Factors on which Life Cycle of Cockroaches depends?

There are several factors on which life cycle of cockroaches depends, they are:

  • Food:

proper and regular food leads to proper development of cockroaches.

  • Shelter:

For complete life cycle they need proper shelter for their well growth.

  • Environmental condition:

temperature, humidity and several other environmental factors also determine proper growth of cockroaches.

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