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Entamoeba Histolytica Life Cycle

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Entamoeba Histolytica

Entamoeba Histolytica is an infectious parasite found in the human intestine and several other primates. Furthermore, in specific chronic scenarios, it can reach to the liver, brain, lung, and other body organs by entering the blood circulation. As a result, it has the capability of causing critical diseases like amoebiasis or amoebic dysentery.

Before moving on with the entamoeba life cycle, first, you must know about its different forms. E. Histolytica is found in two different forms, and they are:

  • Magna or Trophozoite Form

This is the adult type of entamoeba which dwells in the anterior portion of the large intestine, which is the colon in humans. Moreover, it is similar to amoeba in terms of structure but distinguishes in parasitic means of life. Plasma lemma covers its body and cytoplasm is divided into endoplasm and ectoplasm.

Further, a single broad and blunt pseudopodium is formed out of ectoplasm. Also, the endoplasm comprises food vacuoles and a single nucleus of spherical shape. Its nucleus contains an outlying crown of chromatin chunks and also a nucleolus situated at the center.

By continuous binary fission, trophozoites multiply in number in the intestine walls of a human being. However, some daughter E. Histolytica become adults while few stops growing. Hence, these small size trophozoites are termed Minuta forms.

  • Minuta or Precystic Form

This form is comparatively small in size and remains a non-pathogenic state. It inhibits the intestinal lumen and is scarcely present in tissues. Moreover, these undergo encystation and assist in the transfer of parasites from one body to another.

Life Cycle

The life cycle of Entamoeba Histolytica gets completed in one body only (monogenetic).

Following are the steps of the E Histolytica life cycle:

  • Encystment

Entamoeba, in its precystic form, stays in the lumen of the intestine only, and they experience encystment. But before encystment, these parasites coil up, defecate food vacuoles and gather quite an amount of materials of food. Moreover, these food materials are in glycogen form and rod-like chromatoid fragments of black color. Also, every parasite releases a colorless, narrow, circular, transparent, and resistant cyst wall that surrounds the main body.

Furthermore, entamoeba cysts differ in size. The cytoplasm present in it is clear, and every cyst has one nucleus at this phase. One characteristic of E. Histolytica is the existence of chromatoid bodies, and they appear singly or in multiples of two or more. Moreover, the cysts’ nucleus always divides two times, such that each of them becomes tetra nucleate.

However, at this phase, cysts are infective to a new body (host), and the encysted forms eliminate with the fecal matter of an individual.

  • Transmission to Another Host

Cysts that are infectious stay outside the host’s intestine in working mode for a considerable period, under suitable environmental conditions. Infection among new human bodies occur when they intake drinks and food infected with cysts.

  • Excystment

The trophozoites sustain on the intestinal products and enlarge to become trophozoites of the succeeding generation. Also, these trophozoites remain in the intestinal lumen for a certain period and may strike an attack on the intestinal walls and resume their life cycle. Furthermore, E. Histolytica is responsible for causing abscesses in the lungs, liver, and brain, non-dysenteric infections, and amoebic dysentery.

Life Cycle of Entamoeba Histolytica Diagram

Below are several measures which may prove helpful in safeguarding the human body from E. Histolytica causing diseases:

  • Hygienic elimination of feces.

  • Appropriate sanitation and filtration of water and vegetables against dirt.

  • Proper cleaning of hands with soap or handwash before consuming food.

  • Preparing clean food and also cleaning the surrounding area of cooking.

  • Preventing food materials and drinks from the infection of flies, cockroaches, etc.

  • Avoid eating undercooked or raw food.

Do It Yourself

Fill in the blanks:

E. Histolytica can cause fatal disease like _________ or _________.

By now, we hope that you have understood the life cycle of Entamoeba Histolytica. For further insight on the topic or any other chapter of Biology, go through our extensive collection of study materials today. You can also install Vedantu’s app to access your notes with you anywhere.

Important Things to Remember

  • Amebiasis is a disease or infection caused by Entamoeba histolytica. It is a one-celled parasite.

  • Histolytica can occur to a person if -

  • Swallows food contaminated with Entamoeba histolytica.

  • Swallows the eggs of the Entamoeba histolytica picked up from fingers or surfaces.

  • The symptoms of Entamoeba histolytica are

  • Falling sick because of this infection.

  • loose feces,

  • stomach pain,

  • stomach cramping.

  • In some cases, the infection invades the liver and forms an abscess.

  • Amebic dysentery is a severe form of this disease associated with stomach pain, bloody stools, and fever.

  • In very few cases it is seen that it spreads to other parts of the body, like the lungs or brain.

  • To treat amebiasis many antibiotics are available.

  •  Amebiasis is more common in people who live in poor sanitary conditions.

  • Prevention of this infection. 

  • Stay in a clean environment.

  • Use of hand wash should be kept in practice.

  • Visit the doctor when the symptoms are seen.

  • Avoid contaminated food

  • Avoid eating food from unhygienic stalls.

  • Wash hands after using toilets this will reduce the risk of infection.

  • Animals are also affected by this infection and they are treated by injections.

  • Amebiasis infects the large intestine.


Tips to Study this Chapter

  1. Understand this topic -  Students should read the topic and understand it. It is recommended that they might complete reading this chapter beforehand because this has helped many students to understand the chapter on their own and they are taught in the class they can understand it in depth.

  2. Pay attention in the class - Always attend the class when this topic is covered because teachers tend to cover the important points of the topics in the class itself. Students can mark them as important and can refer to them while preparing for exams.

  3. Notes - Make notes while this chapter is covered in the class this will make the students get an idea about the topic in brief. The notes can be running notes and they can revise it after the chapter is completed by the teacher.

  4. Self-study - After School, students should do some self-study and should check what is taught in the classes when they have time when they get back to their home. 

  5. Guidance - Students can always keep a guide like a tutor in order to check their studies, this will improve in remembering the topic.

  6. Doubts - When a student studies a chapter they will have some doubts and it is normal, they can ask the school teacher or the tutors in order to have a clear idea about it. 

  7. Discuss - Try discussing with friends regarding this topic this will help the students and their friends too to understand the subject. Discussing a topic can lead to some new information about the topic which might be important in the exam.

  8. Learn the terms - Students should learn the terms which might be difficult for some to remember, they can practice using the term by understanding the meaning of it, this will make the students remember.

  9. Solve the questions - Try solving the questions given at the end of the chapters this will help the students to prepare themselves for their exams. Always refer to the solution papers which are available in the market or they can be downloaded from Vedantu's website for free. This will help them get the right answers for the questions which they are solving.

  10. Revise - Revision is the most important thing to the process of preparing for exams, they can always refer to the study materials and the notes which are available on the website to revise or they can rely on the notes which are made by them. This is for quick study or revision

  11. Daily Schedule - Students should make a routine for learning every day for every topic or every subject that they can cover.

Students can refer to the notes which are available on the Vedantu’s website if they are unable to make notes. The study materials are updated in a simple way so they don't have to worry about the topic. This topic is explained in a simple way, this will help them to prepare for their exams. The topics have been covered according to the updated syllabus of the subject so they will stay updated regarding the topic. Online classes are provided by Vedantu in case the students want to join an interactive class and study with a better understanding they can enroll in it.

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FAQs on Entamoeba Histolytica Life Cycle

1. What does Entamoeba Histolytica feed on?

It survives on cells present in colon of human beings.

2. What are the steps involved in life cycle of Entamoeba Histolytica?

 The processes include –

  1. Encystment.

  2. Transfer to another body.

  3. Excystment.

3. How widespread is Entamoeba Histolytica?

It is a parasite that is known to have infected more than 45 million people throughout the world. Also, it is responsible for death of 55,000+ individuals each year.

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