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Facts about Animals

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How many hearts does an earthworm have? Why do parrots talk? Can pigeons really tell the difference between a Monet and a Picasso painting? Animals are incredible beings – and although we often find ourselves cuddling furry little puppies or stray kittens, we hardly know much about the rest of this fascinating world of animals.

There are around two to three million different animal species all over the world, which are grouped into the animal kingdom. According to natural historians at the University of California (Los Angeles) and the California Institute of Technology, humans form a deeply emotional response to animals, in a part of their brain called the amygdala.

Whether majestic or tiny, mysterious or seemingly ordinary, animals are intelligent creatures that make the world a beautiful place. Here are some amazing facts about animals that will convince you that they are smarter than you think they are.

Interesting Facts about Animals

  1. Animals are multicellular, aerobic and eukaryotic organisms that feed on other plants and animals and cannot make their food.

  2. They usually reproduce sexually and live freely in the territory of their choice. Animals like dogs and cats can be very territorial and even get into fights with each other to claim their territory.

  3. The blue whale, a beautiful marine animal, is also the largest mammal in the animal kingdom. They are warm-blooded and can weigh anything between 130 and 150 tonnes.

  4. Squirrels may be small, but they play a very crucial role in helping plant thousands of trees all over the world. The little acorns and seeds that they go around burying everywhere go a long way into increasing the green cover around us.

  5. A sign of spiritual growth, the dragonfly, embodies love and creates a heart-shaped structure with its tail while mating.

  6. Baby elephants, like all infants, are prone to nervous bouts of fear, and they are known to soothe themselves by sucking on their trunks.

  7. Our oceans are home to the endlessly mysterious octopus, an incredible marine cephalopod with eight tentacles or arms. What is more, it also boasts of nine brains, three hearts and blue blood.

  8. While checking some interesting facts about animals, you must note that seahorse is the only species where the male gives birth to the young. In addition, the male seahorse also goes through the rites of pregnancy and can give birth to 2000 baby seahorses at a time.

  9. Penguins are among the most faithful creatures out there. Not only do they stay with their chosen mates for a lifetime, but they also propose to one another with the help of pebbles.

  10. Polar bears do not really have white hair – their fur is colourless. Each strand of fur is hollow and reflects light, making it appear white. Beneath this colourless fur, lies a layer of black skin that helps absorb heat from the sun and keep the polar bear warm and cosy.

Rack Your Brains: Check out the Internet and the latest issues of your favourite science magazines for some super-cool science facts about animals. Then discuss these with your teacher and friends.

Pop Quiz 1

  1. Which of the following animal facts is correct?

  1. Animals are unicellular.

  2. All animals are cold-blooded.

  3. Octopuses have three hearts.

  4. All animals have red blood.

Let us look at some of the more unique and unknown facts about animals.

  1. All earthworms are hermaphrodites – that is, they do not have specific sexes and possess both make and female parts.

  2. Eagles have eyes that are almost four times sharper than that of a human’s.

  3. Huskies (a breed of dogs) are capable of running very fast, with speeds reaching up to 31km per hour.

These were some amazing facts about animals. For more interesting facts about animals and humans, check out our collection of free study material including reference notes, sample papers and solved question papers. Install the Vedantu app today and get access to hundreds of live demo classes for free.

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FAQs on Facts about Animals

1. What are a few amazing facts about animals?

Some facts about animals include that they are multicellular, aerobic and eukaryotic organisms. The blue whale, a marine animal, is the largest mammal in the Animal kingdom. The dragonfly embodies love and creates a heart-shaped structure with its tail while mating. Baby elephants are known to soothe themselves by sucking on their trunks. Octopuses have nine brains and blue blood. The seahorse is the only species wherein the male gives birth to the young. Polar bears do not really have white hair. Their fur is colourless which reflects light, making it appear white.

2. What type of cellular beings are animals?

Animals are multicellular and eukaryotic organisms.

3. How many hearts do octopuses have?

Octopuses have three hearts and blue blood.