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Infertility in Males and Females: An Introduction

Infertility is typically defined by doctors as the inability to conceive after 12 months of regular sexual activity without the use of birth control. Infertility is the inability of a man or female to conceive as a result of an issue with either partner's reproductive system.

What is Infertility?

A woman may also be diagnosed with infertility if she is able to conceive but is unable to carry a pregnancy to term. The issue of infertility affects men and women equally. Infertility can also affect men. In actuality, both men and women are just as prone to experience fertility issues. Female infertility accounts for about one-third of infertility cases, while issues with men account for another third of infertility cases. A combination of male and female infertility may be to blame for the remaining third of instances, or there may be no recognised cause.

Types of Infertility

Infertility includes two types: main and secondary. Primary infertility is when a person is absolutely unable to conceive. Secondary infertility is the inability to conceive after having done so in the past.

Causes of Infertility

Reasons for Infertility in Males: Male infertility is frequently brought on by issues with sperm and semen. The milky fluid that the penis secretes after ejaculation is called semen, and it contains fluid and sperm. The fluid is produced by the seminal vesicle, the prostate gland, and other sex glands. In the testicles, sperm is created. When the ejaculate exits the penis, semen aids the sperm's trip toward the egg. Having a sperm count below 15 million, having low sperm motility, or having sperm with an odd shape and a harder time fertilising the egg are all factors that can make it more difficult for sperm to fertilise the egg.

These sperm problems may affect 2% of men in the male gender. They may follow by cancer, surgery, or a testicular infection. An undescended testicle, a varicocele, a varicose vein in the scrotum, the use of saunas or hot tubs, wearing tight clothing, and working in hot conditions are some of the causes of overheated testicles. Semen may be ejaculated into the bladder if the ejaculatory ducts are blocked. Hypogonadism can result in a lack of testosterone due to a hormonal imbalance.

Reasons for Infertility in Females: Female infertility cases are caused by ovulation issues. Ovulation is the term for an egg's monthly discharge. The eggs might only be released sometimes, or they might never be released at all. Ovulation problems can result from:

Hyperprolactinemia: A woman's fertility and ovulation may be affected if her prolactin levels are high and she is not pregnant or breastfeeding.

Thyroid issues: A hormonal imbalance brought on by an overactive or underactive thyroid gland might prevent ovulation.

The hormonal disorder known as a polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can lead to irregular or extended menstrual cycles and interfere with ovulation. If there are problems with the uterus or fallopian tubes, the egg might not be able to go from the ovary to the uterus or womb. If the egg does not migrate, it could be more challenging to conceive naturally.

Infertility Treatment

The age of the couple seeking to conceive, the length of infertility, the couple's personal preferences, and their overall health will all influence the course of treatment to aid in natural conception. The first method a couple seeking to conceive might want to consider is increasing their frequency of sexual activity around ovulation. However, sexual activity might not be enough to support infertility in a relationship on its own. The underlying reason for infertility will affect the treatments.

This can include erectile dysfunction drugs for men. A clogged epididymis or a varicose vein in the scrotum can both be treated surgically. To control or stimulate ovulation in females, doctors may give fertility medications. Clomiphene (Clomid, Serophene), letrozole (Femara), dopamine agonist medicines, and several hormonal treatments might all fall under this category.

Infertility Testing in Males

  • Semen Analysis: A sample of the male reproductive fluid can be used to check for blood or infections as well as sperm concentration, motility, colour, and quality. Since sperm counts can vary, multiple samples can be required.

  • Blood Test: The lab will check your hormone levels, including testosterone.

  • Ultrasound: This can spot problems like retrograde ejaculation or ejaculatory duct occlusion.

  • Chlamydia Test: Chlamydia can impair fertility, but it is treatable with antibiotics. Antibiotics, however, are unable to reverse any fertility-related damage that has already occurred.

Infertility Testing in Females

  • Blood Test: This can determine a woman's hormonal status and whether she is ovulating.

  • Hysterosalpingography: A technician injects a liquid into the uterus while taking X-rays to check whether the fluid exits the uterus and enters the fallopian tubes properly.

  • Laparoscopy: This procedure allows a doctor to view the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes by inserting a small, flexible tube into the belly and pelvis. The uterus and fallopian tubes may show indications of endometriosis, scarring, obstructions, and certain abnormalities as a result.

Infertility Management

  • Yoga: Yoga involves breathing exercises and postures to encourage relaxation and lower levels of tension.

  • Vitamins: Several vitamins and minerals, including folate, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E, and iron, can help to increase fertility.

  • Dietary Supplements: Green tea's antioxidant components may enhance sperm motility and count, two factors that can affect fertility. Probiotics, which support a healthy digestive system and enhance general wellness, can also be taken into consideration.

Interesting Facts

  • The sperm must have sufficient strength to get through the fallopian tubes and reach the egg in order to become pregnant. To fertilise the egg, the sperm also needs to have the right morphology.

  • Problems that prevent sperm and egg from moving through the oviduct affect some infertile couples. Fertilisation and the initial stage of cell division take place here.

  • Although they are rarely used, infertility treatment technology methods, including In-vitro fertilisation, may improve the likelihood of fallopian tube birth.

Important Questions

  1. Define in-vitro fertilisation.

Ans: The process in which sperm and eggs from a woman's ovary are combined externally to create embryos.

  1. Define ZIFT (Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer).

Ans: When a blockage in the fallopian tubes hinders the usual binding of sperm to the egg, zygote intrafallopian transfer, or ZIFT, is utilised as an infertility treatment.

Key Features

  • It may take some time, but many infertile couples will finally be able to have children.

  • A fertility issue might not always be able to be treated. The doctor might advise the couple to think about surrogacy, adoption, or using donor sperm or eggs.

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FAQs on Infertility

1. What’s the difference between traditional Surrogacy in comparison to Gestational?

In gestational, both egg and sperm are taken from the couple who are planning to have a baby. In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate mother’s egg is fertilised by the father's sperm. As a result, the surrogate mother has her genes present in the kid. But with the gestational method, no genetic is involved, and the child is completely made from the genes of a couple. In this method, doctors take help from some other individual who is not from the couple that is planning to have a baby. In this kind of fertility, the process of reproduction involves a donation of eggs, sperm, or embryos. In addition, gestational-carrier arrangements will be provided in which the pregnancy will be carried by the individual who is not intended to be a parent.

2. Is Infertility a Male problem?

Ans. No infertility can occur in both men and women. The causes of infertility in both men and women can be same and different depending on their medical problems etc. but in most of the cases, infertility is related to an unhealthy daily routine.

Causes of Infertility 

  • First, men and women are so busy in their daily lives that they lack proper diet, which leads to a lack of nutrients. 

  • Stress is also one of the issues which cause infertility in both men and women. 

  • Too much exposure to a specific type of toxic chemicals such as alcohol, tobacco, smoke, Marijuana, etc.

  • Lastly, diabetes, any type of kidney disease.

3. What causes men's infertility?

Azoospermia (no sperm cells are created) and oligospermia (low sperm count) are the two most common factors in male infertility. Sometimes sperm cells die before reaching the egg. Chromosomal defects or genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis can cause male infertility.

4. How can infertility affect one's mental health?

Infertility is frequently one of the most excruciating life situations a couple has ever experienced together. Having trouble getting pregnant for a long time may result in intense sadness. Most couples may experience severe mental distress as a result of having to deal with the variety of medical options and concerns that infertility implies.

5. Name the infertility treatments available for females.

In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT) and GIFT(Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer).

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