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Introduction to Plasmolysis

Plant cell and animal cell both are eukaryotic, still there are various differences between them; whether it is the presence of cell walls in plants or the varying size of vacuole. These differences are a clear indication of the variation in their functions and the processes these cells go through. One of these essential processes is Plasmolysis. Now, the question is, what is plasmolysis, and how can it be defined in science?

What is Plasmolysis?

Plasmolysis is the process by which a plant cell loses water when placed in a hypertonic solution(a solution having a higher amount of solutes than the cell). The actual process behind this is the movement of water outwards due to osmosis, resulting in the shrinkage of the entire cell. As osmosis requires zero energy, Plasmolysis becomes an out-of-control process, even though excessive water loss can lead to the collapse of the cell wall. 

Plasmolysis can be overturned if the cell is kept for some time in a hypotonic solution. Stomata assists in keeping water in the plant to help it not dry out. Wax also helps in retaining water inside the plant. The corresponding procedure in animal cells is so-called crenation.

Internal as well as external factors have a great impact on the process of plasmolysis form along with plasmolysis time. The most significant factors of a  cell affected by the process of plasmolysis are protoplasmic viscosity, cell wall attachment, and cell wall pore size for some of the cell species. These impacting factors can vary largely as the cell type changes, plant age becomes more, and the stage of development the plant is at the time of this process.

Types of Plasmolysis

One can easily deduce Plasmolysis has occurred by looking at the gap between the cell wall and the plasma membrane. Well, there are two types of Plasmolysis based on the appearance of protoplasmic shrinking : Concave and convex plasmolysis.

Concave Plasmolysis-  In this, both the protoplasm and the plasma membrane shrinks and detaches from the cell wall. Due to the detachment of protoplasm( then called protoplast), a 'half-moon-shape' is formed in the cell. Nonetheless, concave plasmolysis can be reversed by placing the cell in a hypotonic solution.

Convex Plasmolysis- This is an irreversible process. The excessive loss of water from the cell loosens the plasma membrane and protoplasts, leading to the detachment from the cell wall. As this process cannot be reversed, it results in the destruction of the cell. Hence, this is what happens when a plant withers and dies from lack of water.


Plasmolysis is a comeback used by the plant cell in contradiction of a hypertonic environment as known by the masses. It is the outcome of the detachment of the protoplasm in contradiction of the surrounding cell wall. When this happens to the cells, the space amid the cell wall and the protoplasm gets stuffed with solutes. Subsequently, water disperses to this area. The fractional detachment of the protoplasm from the cell wall directs that the plant is in need to rectify its state of it and thus provokes the plant to absorb water from its roots and avoid additional water loss by means of the stomatal machinery. Therefore, this could be interpreted as a benefit of plasmolysis given that cytolysis has not occurred yet. Or else, the extreme plasmolysis could end up in the permanent loss of operational integrity, and sooner or later lead to the death of that cell.

Plasmolysis Process

The complete process of plasmolysis can be understood in three stages.

  • Stage1- This is the initial stage of the process when the cell starts losing the water, the size of the cell decreases, and the cell wall can be identified.

  • Stage2- This is the second stage when the cell has reached its maximum level of contraction, and the cytoplasm gets detached from the cell wall, becoming spherical.

  • Stage3- In the final stage, the cytoplasm completely detaches from the cell wall and lies in the center. 

This entire process can be better understood by the plasmolysis diagram below. On the left is a cell placed in Isotonic solution( a solution having an equal amount of solute to that of the cell), and on the right is the plasmolyzed cell. You can quickly note the difference in the shape of cytoplasm in both of these diagrams mentioned below.

Plasmolysis vs. Flaccidity

In a firm definition, plasmolysis is the lessening in size of the protoplasm due to contact with hypertonic surroundings. Flaccidity, on the other hand, is the loss of turgor resulting from the lack of net water flow among the plant cell and the isotonic environment. Flaccidity, still, is comparable to plasmolysis when it comes to losing cell turgor and resulting in the bending of that plant.

Also, both of these conditions can be reversed back to the normal state in the plant cell turgor by the creation of the solution that is enclosing the cell to be hypotonic. Nevertheless, a flaccid cell is on no occasion turgid or plasmolyzed.

Plasmolysis Examples

Plasmolysis takes place in the extreme loss of water from the cell, and this makes it a rare occurrence naturally. It can be witnessed when the plants are exposed to coastal flooding or chemical weedicides. Few common plasmolysis examples include the shrinking of the food and pickle that we put in excessive salts to preserve them.

Cause of Plasmolysis

Plasmolysis happens due to the Exosmosis state in which the molecules of water move from the area of higher levels of concentration to the area of lower levels of concentration of the cell everywhere in the surroundings throughout the entire cell membrane. When the cell is placed inside a hypotonic solution which is a solution with higher levels of solute concentration the cell begins to shrink. 

When the plant cell is kept inside a hypotonic solution it engrosses water by the procedure of osmosis and the capacity of the water upsurges in the cell that rises the pressure which then forces the protoplasm to touch the walls of the cell. This state is commonly known as turgor where the cells of a plant are hard-pressed against each other in a similar way and counter-attacks other water entrances to a given point which is commonly known as full turgor. Plants keep standing in an upright position due to the turgor in the plants that are used to push them and halts the plant cell from overflowing. It offers toughness to the plant cells just and if that stiffness is no longer there the plant would fall from the pressure of its weight. The cell starts deteriorating the turgor burden when there are no more air spaces left around it and it then results in a greater osmotic pressure that belongs to the cell itself.


Although plasmolysis is today made use of in many biology experiments relating to cells and student courses, the procedure itself and the experienced cytoarchitectural movements are still not clear to many students. The best way to get a clear understanding of this process is to make your own notes and do experiments. Self-understanding and clearing any kind of doubts are important when it comes to learning this topic or any other one.

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FAQs on Plasmolysis

1. What is the Significance of Plasmolysis?

Plasmolysis is the process in which the cells lose water through osmosis when placed in a hypertonic solution. Through this, we can understand the process of osmosis rightly and distinguish the semi-permeable nature of the cell wall.

2. Why is Plasmolysis Harmful to the Call?

Water rushes out of the cell, right after they are placed in the hypertonic solution, and the cell starts shrinking. These plasmolyzed cells are dehydrated and are then devoid of all physiological functions, sometimes leading to the death of the plant.

3. Is Plasmolysis a Process Associated only with Plants?

Yes, Plasmolysis occurs only in plants because only plants have a cell wall. Animal cells only have cell membranes, no cell wall.

4. How is Plasmolysis Essential for Food Preservation and Storage?

Plasmolysis plays a vital role in food preservation and storage. We add salt to preserve the meat, jam, jellies or pickle, etc. that increase the osmotic pressure of the food, thus plasmolyzing the bacteria and Fungi. 

5. What is Turgidity in a Plant Cell? 

Turgidity is the swollen state of a plant and helps a plant to stand upright. Now you know what plasmolysis is. Turgidity and plasmolysis are the results of the osmotic movement of water because of different concentrations of solutes. In simple words, more is the turgidity, more rigidly the plant stands.

6. What is the Main Difference Between Both Types of Plasmolysis?

The two types are: Convex and concave. They both differ in the shape the cytoplasm makes once the cell loses water. Another significant difference is that the concave Plasmolysis is reversible, while convex Plasmolysis is not.

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