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Solanaceae, Fabaceae and Liliaceae: Family Plants

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An Introduction

Since the organisms are placed in the same taxonomic groups based on their common features, studying about a single taxon gives insight into the properties of all the organisms placed in it. Here, we discuss three of the most important families of flowering plants, their morphological characteristics, and the various medical uses of the plants belonging to those families. 


Hierarchy of Taxonomy

Family Solanaceae

The Solanaceae (also called nightshades) are a family of flower-bearing plants that can be perennials, biennials, or annuals. They comprise of all different plant types, for example, vines, epiphytes, lianas, shrubs, trees etc. They have widespread roles as crops and medicinal herbs. Some of them are also used as spices and condiments, and some have ornamental values. Plants of this family are found throughout the world except in the continent of Antarctica and show maximum diversity in South and Central Americas. Many species belonging to this family produce alkaloids as secondary metabolites. The name ‘Solanaceae’ is derived from the genus Solanum.

  • Vegetative Characteristics: As mentioned earlier, members of the Solanaceae family can have different forms. The leaves are usually alternately arranged or alternate to opposed, which is alternate towards the base of the plant and opposed in the inflorescence region. The foliar lamina is either simple or compound. The leaves of the plants belonging to this family can be herbaceous or leathery, or can be modified into spines. The leaves have reticulate venation and do not possess any basal meristem. The flowers of these plants are generally hermaphrodites (both sex organs on the same flower), but some can be monoecious, andromonoecious, or dioecious. In most of the species, the flowers are complete with proper calyx and corolla along with an androecium (consisting of five stamens) and gynoecium (with two carpels). Well-developed, branched, tap root system is present. The stem possesses proper nodes and internodes and can be erect or creeping. Some plants also have woody stems.

  • Medicinal Properties: The alkaloids produced by the members of Solanaceae are very potent and can be poisonous if used without supervision. However, they can also have medical benefits as well, when used properly. It is also speculated the name of the family is deviant of the Latin verb solare, which means, "to soothe” due to the calming pharmacological properties of some of the alkaloids, which are obtained from psychoactive plant species of the family. A group of alkaloids named tropanes, derived from Atropa belladonna, is used for the treatment of hypersensitive reactions and as an ophthalmological agent. It works by dilating the pupils and thus makes it easier to examine the interior of the eye.


Family Fabaceae

Commonly called legumes or the beans family, the family of Fabaceae or Leguminosae houses a large collection of flowering plants. The plants can be either perennial or annual and can take the form of trees or shrubs. A majority of plants belonging to this family have agricultural significance and some are used for ornamental purposes, as well. Except in Antarctica and the high Arctic regions, these plants are found throughout the world and show maximum diversity in the tropical regions. Another remarkable feature of the legumes is that they are known to increase the fertility of the soil in which they are cultivated as they can fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil by using the leghemoglobin that is present in their root nodules.  

  • Vegetative Characteristics: The plants of the Fabaceae family can be erect, vines or epiphytes. The leaves are generally compound and are arranged alternately. They always possess stipules that can be a thorn (e.g. Robinia) or leaf (e.g. Pisum). Some of the species possess leaflets that are modified into tendrils (e.g. Vicia). In many Fabaceae plants, roots have specialized structures called root nodules inside which bacteria reside. These bacterial species, which are known as rhizobia, form a symbiotic relationship with the plants and help in fixing nitrogen from the atmosphere. The microbes take nitrogen gas from the atmosphere and convert it to a form of nitrogen, which can be used by the host plant in the form of ammonia or nitrate. They usually have five fused sepals and five free petals, with ten stamens and one elongated superior ovary. 

  • Medicinal Properties: The plants of the Fabaceae family have great importance as food items and parts of them are used across countries in various cuisines. They are rich in fibers and various vitamins and mineral constituents, like calcium, iron, potassium etc. Recent research has also proved the presence of flavonoids, flavanols, alkaloids, saponins, rotenoids and trypsin inhibitors in legume plants. The compounds have extensive antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant properties and are often used in traditional medicines for the treatment of ulcers, anemia, and pregnancy-related complications. It has also been reported to be effective against deficiency syndromes like Kwashiorkor and in hyperglycemia.


Family Liliaceae

The family Liliaceae falls under the order Liliales and comprises more than 250 different genera and 4075 species of flower-bearing plants. In spite of their genetic similarity, the members of this family vary considerably in their morphological characteristics. Michel Adanson first described the family Liliaceae in 1763 and in 1789 Antoine Laurent de Jussieu officially named it. It has been found that this angiosperm family evolved almost 52 million years back. They are abundantly found in all parts of the world, especially in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They are mostly popular for their ornamental values but recent research has also revealed their significance as medicinal plants.

  • Vegetative Characteristics: The plants belonging to the family are herbaceous, perennial and are monocotyledonous. Their flowers are hermaphrodite (both sex organs are present in the same flower) and are either radially or bilaterally symmetrical. The perianth is usually undifferentiated and is formed from six tepals (undifferentiated sepals and petals) arranged into two separate whorls of three parts each, with a superior ovary and six stamens. The flowers are insect-pollinated. The aerial stem is usually not branched. The leaves are simple, parallel-veined and are alternately arranged. Most of the species grow from bulbs, but some also have rhizomes. Some of the species have been known to have poisonous effects when consumed by humans or animals. 

  • Medicinal Properties: Even though the plants of the lily family gave great aesthetic and ornamental value, some have been noted to have useful medicinal benefits and are often used in traditional therapeutics. Asphodel (Asphodelus aestivus), a plant bearing white flowers, is speculated to stop bleeding from wounds and reduce pigmentation of the skin. It is usually found in abundance in the Mediterranean regions. Mediterranean smilax (Smilax aspera) has been known to reduce hypertension and hyperglycemia and act as a diuretic. It is also used in pharmaceutical industries in the production of certain steroids. In spite of their name, they are not exclusive only to the Mediterranean regions but are also found in parts of Asia, Ethiopia and some Atlantic islands. The most popular plant of this family, aloe (Aloe vera) is widely used for its medical benefits in numerous hair and skincare products. The viscous gel obtained from the leaves of aloe is extremely effective and soothing in sunburns, deep wounds, dermatitis etc.  

Characteristics of Solanaceae Family

The important characteristics of the Solanaceae family are given below - 

Vegetative Characteristics :

  • The Solanaceae family has a Taproot system of roots.

  • The stem of the Solanaceae family are Erect or climber and the Solanaceae includes shrubs, climbers, small trees and herbs. 

  • The leaves of Solanaceae family are alternate, pinnately compound or simple, reticulate venation, exstipulate. 

Floral characteristics : 

  • The Inflorescence found in the Solanaceae family are Cymose - solitary in Solanum, Racemose - terminal or axillary raceme. 

  • Complete, hypogynous, actinomorphic and bisexual are the types of flowers which are present in the Solanaceae family. 

  • Under Calyx, Five sepals, valvate aestivation and gamosepalous are present in the Solanaceae family. 

  • Five petals, valvate aestivation and gamopetalous are the corolla in the Solanaceae family. 

  • Androecium: Five stamens, epipetalous; anthers basifixed.

  • The Gynoecium in the Solanaceae family are bicarpellary, superior ovary, bilocular, axile placentation and Syncarpous. 

  • The fruits which are there in the Solanaceae family are Berry or capsule.

  • The seeds which are there in the Solanaceae family are endospermous and numerous.


Characteristics of Fabaceae Family

The important characteristics of Fabaceae family are mentioned below - 

Vegetative Characteristics :

  • The roots in the Fabaceae family are taproot with root nodules and dicotyledons. 

  • The stem which can be found in the Fabaceae family are Erect or climber as Fabaceae includes trees, herbs, shrubs and majorly climbers. 

  • The leaves which are there in the Fabaceae family are stipulate, pulvinus leaf base,  petiolate, pinnately compound or simple, reticulate venation. 

Floral Characteristics : 

  • The inflorescence found in the Fabaceae family is Racemose.

  • The flowers which can be found in Fabaceae family are bisexual, complete, hypogynous, zygomorphic, bracteate/ebracteste. 

  • You can find five sepals, valvate or imbricate aestivation and gamosepalous, of calyx in the Fabaceae family. 

  • In corolla, five petals, papilionaceous, polypetalous and vexillary aestivation can be found in the Fabaceae family.

  • The androecium contains diadelphous, Ten stamens and anther dithecous in the Fabaceae family.

  • The gynoecium in the Fabaceae family are monocarpellary, unilocular, superior ovary, single, hairy - stigma and short -style and flat. 

  • The fruit which is there in the Fabaceae family is legume.

  • The seeds which are there in the Fabaceae family are non - endospermic and have one or more seeds.


Characteristics of Liliaceae Family

The important characteristics of the Liliaceae family are mentioned below - 

Vegetative Characteristics : 

  • You will find a fibrous root system in the Liliaceae family. 

  • The stem which can be found in the Liliaceae family is Erected as liliaceae includes the perennial herbs which propagate through the bulbs or the rhizomes.

  • The leaves which are there in the Liliaceae family are simple, Alternate, parallel venation and exstipulate. 

Floral Characteristics : 

  • The inflorescence found in the Liliaceae family are umbellate clusters and Cymose- solitary. 

  • The flowers which can be found in Liliaceae family are complete, bisexual, perianth present, actinomorphic and hypogynous. 

  • In the perianth, six tepals, indistinctive sepal and petal, valvate aestivation and united tepals can be found in the Liliaceae family. 

  • The androecium contains six stamens in two whorls in the Liliaceae family. 

  • The gynoecium in the Liliaceae family are trilocular, syncarpous, superior ovary with axile placentation and tricarpellary.

  • The fruits which are found in the Liliaceae family are mostly capsules and sometimes berries.

  • There are endospermic seeds present in the Liliaceae family. 

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