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Test For Presence of Sugar in Urine

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Test For Presence of Sugar in Urine Experiment - Aim, Procedure, and Observation

The team working at Vedantu tries their best to provide a one-stop solution to their students. Be it a topic of Class 2 Maths or the syllabus of NEET or it can be an article explaining in detail the procedure of testing Sugar in the Urine.  Vedantu brings to you all the related and important concepts under the sun for the benefit of the students. 

Download the free PDFs or watch the video lectures explaining all the topics in detail. In this particular article, we will learn the following -  

What will You learn from the Article? 

  • Introduction of the topic

  • Aim of testing Sugar in Urine

  • Properties of Urine

  • Table explaining Sugar level and its associated colour

  • Methods of testing

  1. Benedict’s Test

  2. Fehling’s Test

  • Key learning from the chapter

  • Frequently asked questions 


Among the multitude of volatile and non-volatile waste substances produced in human and animal bodies, Urine is by far the most significant by-product. Produced and excreted by means of the kidney and urethra, Urine is the primary form of excreting water-soluble wastes from our bodies.

Urine has a light-yellowish colour thanks to the presence of a pigment called urochrome. It has a pH level that varies between 4.6-8 and is a complex aqueous solution of inorganic and organic matter. Besides, normal Urine constituents such as urea, oxalic acid, and lactic acid, Sugar, and blood may also be detected in case of an abnormal condition. Thus two general tests are performed to detect the presence of glucose in the Urine, which may be an indication of diabetes mellitus.

A Urine Sugar test helps detect levels of glucose that exceed the usual levels of 160-180 mg/dl. In the event of such an anomaly, the patient is diagnosed with a condition called glucosuria. 

The Aim behind testing the Urine - 

The procedure of testing the Urine is called a urinalysis. The test is conducted to identify a wide range of problems - 

  • To detect the presence or absence of Sugar/glucose in a sample of Urine.

  • To detect diseases related to the Kidney 

  • To detect  urinary tract infections

  • To detect metabolic diseases related to diabetes or any other liver diseases 

The colour, quantity, odor of the Urine itself specify whether something is wrong with the person or not. 


The following are the important properties of Urine:

  1. Urine has a light-yellowish colour, imparted by urochrome.

  2. The pH of Urine lies between 4.6-8.

  3. Organic compounds like urea, creatinine, and uric acid are generally found in Urine.

  4. Some inorganic compounds present in Urine are sulfates, phosphates, sodium chloride, and potassium chloride.

  5. In abnormal conditions, there may also be a Sugar trace in Urine, in addition to proteins, ketone bodies, blood, and bile.

  6. In case glucose is detected in blood, the patient may have a condition called diabetes mellitus.

The Following Table Helps illustrate the Urine Sugar Test Colour.

Percentage of Sugar Levels

Colour of Precipitate

No Sugar


0.5% to 1%


1% to 2%


2% and higher


Methods of testing Sugar level in Urine  

An Introduction

The Urine glucose test performed to detect Sugar presence in Urine can be done using the following two methods.

  1. Benedict’s Test

  2. Fehling’s Test

Benedict’s test employs Benedict’s solution as a reagent. It is a mixture of sodium citrate, copper sulfate pentahydrate (CuSO4.5H2O), and sodium carbonate. On the other hand, Fehling’s test employs two reagents. These are

  1. Fehling's Solution A: An aqueous blue solution of copper sulfate.

  2. Fehling's Solution B: An aqueous and colourless solution of sodium potassium tartrate.

When a sample of Urine is boiled with these reagents, the glucose present in the sample reduces the copper sulfate in Fehling’s solution and Benedict’s solution. This changes the colour of the solution. Depending on the levels of glucose in the solution, the colours vary from brick-red, green to yellow precipitates.

Let's learn the procedure in detail through the given explanation - 

Benedict’s Test

Materials Required:

  • Reagent (Benedict’s Solution)

  • A test tube

  • A test tube holder

  • Measuring cylinders

  • A sample of Urine

  • Burner


  1. Take a sample of Urine with the help of a measuring cylinder (2 ml).

  2. Pour the sample into a test tube.

  3. Pour 5 ml of Benedict’s solution into the test tube containing the Urine sample.

  4. Securely hold the test tube and heat it on the burner for two minutes.

  5. Keep stirring the tube.

Conclusion and Observation

Gradually, as the sample is heated, a yellow precipitate starts to form in the test tube. This indicates the presence of Sugar or glucose in the given sample. 

Fehling’s Test


  • Fehling’s Solution A and B

  • A test tube

  • A test tube holder

  • A sample of Urine

  • Measuring cylinder

  • Burner


  1. Take a sample of Urine with the help of a measuring cylinder (2 ml).

  2. Pour the sample into a test tube.

  3. Pour 2 ml of Fehling’s solution A into the test tube containing the Urine sample.

  4. Pour 2 ml of Fehling’s solution B into the test tube containing the Urine sample.

  5. Securely hold the test tube and heat it on the burner for two minutes.

  6. Keep stirring the tube.

Conclusion and Observation

The formation of a green precipitate indicates the presence of Sugar in the sample of Urine. Based on the concentration of glucose in the sample, the Urine Sugar test will yield different colours every time.

Key learnings from the chapter - 

  • Urine which is yellowish in colour is the most significant by-product of human waste

  • Urine test is the most basic procedure recommended by every doctor to detect diseases in the human body

  •  The appearance of Urine in itself declares certain problems to an extent 

  • Full analysis of the problem is completed only after observing through two methods (discussed in the article). 

  • The presence of Sugar can be detected through the presence of green precipitate.


Now you know how to do a Urine Sugar test. For more on other chemical tests and related topics, register and sign up for Vedantu’s free live Classes today. You can also download our Vedantu app for convenient access to related notes and interactive online sessions.

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FAQs on Test For Presence of Sugar in Urine

What are the various types of tests that can be conducted on the Urine?

Some of the tests that can be conducted on Urine are - Red blood cell Urine test, a Glucose Urine test, a Protein Urine test, a Urine pH level test, Ketones Urine test.Bilirubin Urine test, Urine-specific gravity test. Students are not required to know all these tests in detail, however, the two tests discussed in detail in the article are important and should be read by the students.

What do you mean by a Urine culture test?

A Urine culture test is a type of Urine test which is used to identify the presence of germs in the Urine that can cause some form of infection. As bacteria can enter the urethra and can cause urinary tract infection. So, to obtain the culture a sample of Urine is added to a substance that promotes the culture of germs. If germs are not present in the Urine then the culture is negative.

What are the bacterias that get tested in a Urine test?

A Urine test is conducted to find the presence of bacterias in it that might cause some form of infection. Some of the bacterias that are generally tested in the Urine are - Proteus, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Staphylococcus, Acinetobacter. However, the most common bacteria of them all that cause most of the UTI is the Escherichia coli or E.coli bacteria.

What is bacteria colonization, a term frequently used in the Urine test procedure?

Bacteria colonization is the presence of bacteria in a group in the Urine of a person. A high bacteria colonization indicates more bacteria count in the Urine which means the number of colonies of a single organism is higher than 100,000 per ml. So, a Urine culture is normal if bacteria colonization

What are the benefits of learning the Urine testing procedure?

The benefits of learning the Urine testing procedure are - 

  • Students need to know the topic as it is an important part of the syllabus

  • It has frequent use in higher studies in the field of medical science

  • The concept is important for clinical practices

  • A person gets informed and aware about basic healthcare

And learning always help you in some of the other ways. So, students should focus on grasping every concept with full heart and mind.

Which Reagent is Used to Detect Sugar in Urine?

Benedict’s solution is the reagent which is used to detect sugar in urine and its concentration in the blood. If a higher level of sugar is detected the condition is called glucosuria.

What Can Be Used to Detect Abnormal Levels of Sugar in Urine? What is this Condition Called?

Benedict's solution can be used to detect abnormal levels of glucose in the urine, in turn also assessing its concentration in our blood. The condition is called glucosuria.

What Does the Presence of Glucose in Urine Indicate?

High levels of glucose in the blood, called glucosuria, is an indicator of diabetes mellitus. If unchecked, it can be detrimental to an individual’s health.