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Tibia - Bone

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The Tibia is the large bone that is located right beneath the lower front section of a human leg. The tibia is also called the shin bone. It is known to be the second-largest bone that is present in the human body. The fibula and the tibia constitute the major bones that are situated in the shin region of the leg. The tibia is larger and thicker than the fibula.

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The two bones of the shin region connect the knee and the ankle together. One of the major functions of the tibia is the stabilization of the ankle and providing support to the different muscles that are situated in the lower leg section. The tibia is also responsible for carrying a significant amount of body weight. In this article, students are going to learn about tibia vara and the different fractures that occur in the tibia.

Anatomy of the Tibia 

The lower section of the leg is situated below the human knee and has two different bones. The larger one is known as the tibia. It is also called the shinbone and has to bear most of the weight that exists between the ankle and the knee. The fibula is situated laterally to the tibia and it helps with the ankle rotation. The tibia is a pretty long bone and that means that the structure is longer than wider. There is a spongy bone present at the end of the tibia. The anterior tibial section consists of this bone and has pockets of marrow and circulation. The entire tibia is covered with a compact bony layer and that provides maximum strength to the structure. 

The topmost section of the tibia is a component of the knee and it is called the tibial plateau. The femur rests upon the tibial plateau. Hence the femur and tibia tend to have a pretty close connection as they join together to create the knee hinge. There are 2 condyles present in the tibia that properly fit into the femur’s bottom. One is known as the lateral condyle and it is situated above the fibula’s head and the other is known as the medial condyle. The anterior side of the tibia’s top is known as tibial tuberosity. This is where the patella gets its attachment with the patellar ligament. There is also the tibia posterior that contains other important components. The inferior or the bottom section of the tibia will rest right on top of the talus. The medial portion that is situated in the tibia is known as the medial malleolus. 

What are the Functions of Tibia? 

Tibia has a lot of long bones and hence they have a pivotal role to play in weight-bearing as well as the movement of the different body parts. The bone marrow that is found in the shaft region of different long bones, also including the bone of the tibia, is red in color. This means that it is really significant in the production of different red blood cells that are found in the body. With the increase of age, the bone marrow that is red in color will turn yellow which is filled with fat. 

The anterior tibial region is responsible for providing stability to the leg. Not to mention that it also helps in bearing a lot of the weight of the lower leg. The leg is provided with leverage in order to propel the person through different movements with the help of the tibia. It also facilitates other activities such as running, walking, kicking, and climbing. 

Fractures in the Tibia 

Since the tibia is considered to be a limb bone, it is very fragile. In fact, the case of a fractured tibial plateau is one of the most common forms of fractures that happen in the tibia. This traumatic injury requires different forms of treatment that are non-surgical and sometimes surgical. 

The position of the tibia is in such a location that the person can easily fracture the bone if they are hit by a car. Knee fractures that occur in the tibia can be the result of blunt trauma or any form of force such as impact exercise and other factors. A stress fracture in the tibia is another very common type of fracture that can cause a broken tibia. Pain is the most common symptom that one can experience when their tibia is broken. In case of a fractured tibial plateau, the person is recommended to check up with their doctor to get the proper treatment and rehabilitation that is required. 


This article above provides some important details regarding the tibia bone in the body as well as the important parts of it such as the distal and proximal tibia and much more. Students can use this information in the article to know more about the topic. 

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FAQs on Tibia - Bone

1. What are some common functions of the Tibia?

As has been discussed before, the tibia bone tends to contain a lot of long structures and hence it has a very important role to play when it comes to movement as well as weight-bearing. The tibia is responsible for holding a major share of the weight that comes from the lower leg. The tibia shaft has bone marrow and the color of it is red. This means that the bone marrow also helps in the formation of the red blood cells in the leg region. Another one of the main functions of the proximal and distal tibia is the stabilization of the ankle. Not to mention that it also provides a lot of support to the entire region of the leg. 

2. What are the common fractures that happen in the tibia?

The tibia or more commonly known as the shinbone is a pretty limb structure since it contains a lot of long bones. Hence, the entire structure tends to be pretty fragile in nature. In fact, the tibia is one of the bones that are most prone to having a fracture. In the case of a fractured tibial plateau or any other type of fracture in the tibia, it is important for the person to opt for medical treatment. There are different forms of treatment that are non-surgical and sometimes surgical. Stress fractures and broken plateau of the tibial section are some of the most common examples of fractures that happen in the tibia.

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