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Biology and Microbiology

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What is Biology and Microbiology?

Biology is a life science that is concerned with the study of principles and the governing life processes. This subject contributes widely to the existence of life on the Earth. Hence, Biology is taught in all the educational institutions as a main and compulsory subject. The subject also helps you to gain knowledge with the aim of exploring relationships between the living and the nonliving, the living world, the diversity of the living organisms and much more. Microbiology is a scientific study of microorganisms which includes their life cycle, habitat, cell structure, and their relation with other organisms like humans, plants, and animals, along with several other beneficial and harmful microorganisms present in biodiversity. In this article, we will learn about what is Biology, what is Microbiology, and Microbiology vs Biology.

The word Biology is derived from the Greek words “bios” meaning life and “logos” meaning study. Biology has three main branches: zoology, botany and Microbiology. Although there are several other branches of Biology. The term “Biology” was used in a broader sense by Michael Christoph Hanow in 1766 through his works and later on by Thomas Beddoes, Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. All organisms are made up of cells that contain hereditary information which is encoded in the DNA. 

Biology allows us to understand the functions of all living things. With the advancement of research and fundings, Biology helps us understand why things happen the way they do. It helps us to understand the human body and the causes of illness and solutions to those problems. 

Microbiology is a scientific study of microorganisms which includes their life cycle, habitat, cell structure, and their relation with other organisms like humans, plants, and animals, along with several other beneficial and harmful microorganisms present in biodiversity.

Microorganisms are essential to virtually all processes on Earth. They affect every aspect of our lives and some microorganisms live inside our bodies and are part of the vital processes inside the body. These microorganisms play a key role in the cycling of nutrients, biodegradation, change in the chemical composition of food, and are causes and spread of diseases. Louis Pasteur is regarded as the father of Microbiology and Robert Koch is regarded as the father of medical Microbiology. 

In this article, we will learn about what is Biology, what is Microbiology, and Microbiology vs Biology.

Branches of Biology

Let us now look at the branches of Biology.

  1. Taxonomy: The science of identification, nomenclature and classification of organisms.

  2. Morphology: The studies of external forms like size, shape, color, and structure and the relative position of several living organs of living beings..

  3. Anatomy: The study of the internal structure that can be observed with an unaided eye after the dissection.Histology: The study of the tissue organization and the structure as observed through a light microscope.

  4. Cytology: The study of the form and structure of cells which includes the behavior of the nucleus and other organelles

  5. Cell Biology: The study of morphological, organizational, physiological, biochemical, genetic, developmental, pathological and the evolutionary aspects of a cell and its components.

  6. Molecular Biology: The study of nature, the physicochemical organization, the synthesis working and interaction of bio-molecules which bring about and control several activities of the protoplasm.

  7. Physiology: The study of the different kinds of body functions and processes.Embryology: The study of the fertilization, growth and development, and division and differentiation of the zygote into an embryo or the early development of the living beings before the attainment of the structure and size of the offspring.

  8. Ecology: The study of living organisms in relation to other organisms and their environment.

  9. Genetics: The study of the inheritance of characters or heredity and variations. Heredity is known as the study of expression and transmission of various traits from the parents to offspring.

  10. Eugenics: The science that deals with the factors that are related to the improvement or impairment of race, especially the one of human beings.

  11. Evolution: It studies the origin of life along with the new kinds of organisms from the previous ones by modifications that involve the genetic changes and adaptations.Palaeontology: It deals with the study of the fossils or remains and the impressions of the past organisms that are present in the rocks of different ages.

  12. ExoBiology: It refers to the branch of scientific inquiry which deals with the study of the possibility of life in outer space.Virology: The study of viruses in all their aspects.

Branches of Microbiology

Let us now discuss the main branches of Microbiology.Branches of Microbiology

By Taxonomy

  1. Bacteriology: It is the study of bacteria.Immunology: It is the study of the immune system. It looks at the several relationships between the pathogens like the bacteria and viruses and their hosts.

  2. Mycology: It is the study of fungi like yeasts and molds.

  3. Nematology: It is the study of nematodes or roundworms.

  4. Parasitology: It refers to the study of parasites. Not all parasites are known as microorganisms, but many are protozoa and bacteria are called to be parasitic and the study of bacterial parasites is generally categorized as a part of the bacteriology.Phycology: It is the study of algae.Protozoology: It refers to the study of protozoa, which are the single-celled organisms such as amoebae.

  5. Virology: It is the study of viruses.

By Type of Research

Research on Microbiology has been meeting many of the current global problems and aspirations such as maintenance of food, water and security of energy for maintaining a healthy population on the earth. Microorganisms can be put to use for making life-saving drugs, manufacturing biofuels, cleaning up pollution, and production of foods and drinks. 

Research on microbes continue to flourish and make several important discoveries such as the accidental discovery of penicillin, a vaccine against many fatal diseases spread by microbes, for example, the vaccine against smallpox, and many links could be identified and established between some specific microorganisms and diseases such as the link between papillomavirus and cervical cancer was identified by Zur Hausen and the connection between Helicobacter pylori infection and stomach ulcers. Most of the research on microbes is done by microbiologists on culture mediums using stains and microscopy.

Microbiology research, like any other fields of scientific research, is subdivided into the categories of pure and applied. Pure or basic research is exploratory and is conducted in order to understand a specific scientific phenomenon better, whereas applied research is based on the information that is gleaned from the pure research and is used to answer specific questions or solve problems.

Pure Microbiology Research includes the Following:

  1. AstroMicrobiology: It refers to the study of the origin of life on the Earth, and the search for extraterrestrial life.

  2. Evolutionary Microbiology: It is the evolution of microorganisms.

  3. Cellular Microbiology: It refers to the study of the structure and the function of microbial cells. This includes microbial ecology, microbial genetics and microbial physiology

  4. Systems Microbiology: It is the mathematical or the computational modeling of the activities of different microbiological systems.

Applied Microbiology Research includes the Following:

  1. Agricultural Microbiology: It is the study of the microorganisms which interact with plants and soils.

  2. Food Microbiology: It is the study of the microorganisms which spoil the food or cause several foodborne illnesses. It can also include the study of how the microorganisms are used in the food production, such as the fermentation of beer.

  3. Medical Microbiology: It refers to the study of the microorganisms that are responsible for several human diseases.

  4. Microbial Biotechnology: It refers to the use of microbes in industrial or consumer products.

  5. Pharmaceutical Microbiology: It is the study of the microorganisms that are used in several pharmaceutical products, like the vaccines and antibiotics.Now that you know about Biology and Microbiology let us now talk about Biology  Microbiology differences.

Now that you know about Biology and Microbiology let us now talk about Biology  Microbiology differences.

Difference between Biology and Microbiology



It is called a diversified field in science

It is called a sub-field or a branch of Biology

It is a core subject in the study.

It is a more fundamental subject and an applied science.

It includes the study of life and living organisms.

It includes the study of bacteria and several other microscopic organisms.

It also deals with the study of both the living and the non-living things.

It generally deals with the study of microorganisms and their features.

Biology deals with the study of both the macroscopic and the microscopic organisms.

Microbiology deals only with the study of microscopic organisms.

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FAQs on Biology and Microbiology

1. What is meant by “Biology”?

Biology is the study of all living things in the ecosystem and their vital processes that deal with all the physical and the chemical aspects of life including the study of their structures, functions, growth, evolution and distribution. It generally consists of three parts: zoology, botany and Microbiology.

2. What are the different branches of Biology?

There are three major branches of Biology. Botany, Zoology, Microbiology. 

  • Botany deals with the study of plants.

  • Zoology is the branch that deals with the study of different animals. 

  • Microbiology deals with the study of microorganisms. The father of Microbiology is Leeuwenhoek.

3. What is meant by Microbiology?

Microbiology is one of the major branches of Biology which deals with the study of all living organisms which are too small to be visible with our eye, Such as bacteria, fungi, algae, viruses, protozoa etc.

4. What are some fields of research in applied Microbiology?

Some research fields in applied Microbiology- 

Medical Microbiology: A study of the pathogenesis of microbes.

Pharmaceutical Microbiology: A study of microorganisms that produce antibiotics. 

Industrial Microbiology: Use of microbes in industrial processes such as fermentation

Microbial Microbiology,  agriculture Microbiology etc.

5. What is the main Biology and Microbiology difference?

Biology is a diverse field of science that includes the studies of all kinds of living organisms on the earth and their interactions with several other organisms and the non-living environment. On the other hand, Microbiology is a kind of sub-field of Biology, that includes the studies of the organisms which are not visible to the human naked eye and their interactions with the other organisms. Hence, the main difference between Biology and Microbiology is known to be the area of study of each field.

6. What is the difference between Microbiology and cell Biology?

Microbiology and cell Biology are very similar to each other. However, there is a difference between the two since cell Biology deals with the different types of cells that are present in the human body, plants, animals, and other living organisms, and Microbiology refers to the study of the microorganisms like the bacteria and viruses.

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