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English Grammar Class 10 Verb Concord


English Grammar Class 10 Verb Concord - Download Free PDF with Solutions

Subject verb concord or subject verb agreement refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb. Subject verb concord Class 10 rules can make your writing and speaking skills more interesting and descriptive. But with so many verbs, person and number in English grammar, choosing which one to use suitably is difficult. However, no worries. This article will provide you with every information you need about subject verb concord for Class 10, so you can ace your grammar classes.

English Grammar for Class 10 Verb Concord Download free PDF

Today we will study an exciting topic “verb concord”. Verb concord refers to the subject-verb agreement that refers to how the words in your sentence match. 

A Special Point: subject and verb must agree in number. Also singular subject takes a singular verb and a plural subject takes a plural verb. Let’s learn more about this interesting and fun topic.

The Puppy Plays with the Bone

The Puppy Plays with the Bone

Rules of Verb Concord

1. The subject in a sentence and the verb associated with is subject should be of the same number. A singular verb should match a singular subject, while a multiple or plural verb should match a plural subject.

For Example, 

He goes to work by bus. (singular subject)

They visit  us every other week (plural subject)

2.  Regardless of whether there are words or phrases between the subject and the verb of the subject's number (singular or plural) remains the same.

For Example,

One of the bowls is empty. (Singular subject)

The bouquet of flowers looks very beautiful. (Plural subject)

3. The words and phrases “with”, “as well as”, ”together with”, and  “along with”, are not part of the subject and the verb agrees with the subject. So, if the subject is singular the verb is singular and if the subject is plural the verb is also plural.

For Example, 

The doctor, along with the nurse , is arriving soon.

4. Two subjects joined by “and” are plural verb is used. 

For Example, 

Mary and John are quite different.

Bacon and Eggs are my favourite dish.

5. Two subjects joined by “either……..or”, “neither……..nor”, ”not only……but also” and “or” take the verb agreement nearest to the subject closest to it.

For Example, 

Neither my brother nor my sister goes to university. (sister is closer to the verb so the singular verb ’goes’ is used for the singular subject)

Either I or my friends will  attend your wedding.

6. In sentences beginning with “here”, or  “there”, the correct verb that aligns with the subject follows the subject.

For Example, 

There is a bush near the playground.

Here are the new clothes.

7. Depending on how they are used in the phrase, collective nouns like "group," "population," and "family" might have either a singular or plural verb.

For Example, 

My family is here.

The crowd was waiting impatiently for the singer to arrive.

8. Pay attention to the noun after the 'of' when a sentence contains terms like 'a lot of, all, some, etc. Use a singular verb if the noun after "of" is singular; a plural verb if it is plural subject.

For Example, 

A lot of the cake is still left.

Some clothes are torn. 

9. Use of singular verb for expression of measurement, time, money, and weight when the amount is considered one unit. 

For Example, 

1000 Rupees is a very a reasonable price.

10. Plural form subject with a singular meaning takes a singular verb such as measles, statistics, civics, etc.

For Example, 

Soccer is his favorite sport.

11. Titles of single entities such as books, organizations, and countries are always singular.

For Example, 

Harry potter is an interesting novel.

India is the best country. 

Some More Subject- Verb Agreement Rules 

  1. If you have singular subject you must use these words : is/was/has/ does or verbs ending with s or es because these verbs are singular verbs form.

  2. If you have plural subject you must use these words: are/were/ have/do verbs not ending with s or es because these verbs are plural verbs forms.

  3. Any time you have pronoun marked with YOU then, plural verb must be used which are as follows are/were/ have/ do or verbs without s or es ending.

Difficult Word Meaning




Agreement or in alignment with something


To hold somebody’s attention completely.


Quite and with less energy than usual.


Spread over a vast area


Which cannot be counted 


Very different from others.

Practise Questions

Choose the right verb.

  1. The cat is/are scratching the tree.

  1. Johny want/wants a new watch.

  2. A boy is/ are playing with the ball.

  3. Everyone at my party is/are eating ice cream and cake.

  4. Two horses is/are running in a circle.

  5. Mike dogs is/are huge.

  6. There was/ were three dogs roaming on the road.

  7. I like/likes the blue dress you were wearing that day.

  8. There was/were four priests in the church.

  9. The trees was/ were blown away because of the heavy wind.

  10. Every day, she writes and reads books.

  11. No one was available to meet with me at the time I desired.

  12. The committee agrees on the writing's quality.

  13. This quarter's earnings exceeded forecasts.

  14. Before continuing, the chairman or CEO must approve the plan.


  1. The cat is scratching the tree.

  2. Johny wants a new watch.

  3. A boy is playing with the ball.

  4. Everyone at my party is eating ice cream and cake.

  5. Two horses are running in a circle.

  6. Mike’s dogs are huge.

  7. There were three dogs roaming on the road.

  8. I like the blue dress you were wearing that day.

  9. There were four priests in the church.

  10. The trees were blown away because of the heavy wind.

  11. Every day, she writes and reads books.

  12. No one was available to meet with me at the time I desired.

  13. The committee agrees on the writing's quality.

  14. This quarter's earnings exceeded forecasts.

  15. Before continuing, the chairman or CEO must approve the plan.

Subject Verb Concord Class 10 Rules 

Adverbs are used in sentences to answer questions related to the verb, adjective or adverb. There are subject verb concord Class 10 rules in grammar.

  • Rule 1 

The verb must agree in number with the subject (singular or plural). As a result, the verb should match the subject's case: if the subject is singular, it should be singular; if the subject is plural, it should be plural.

  • Rule 2

Regardless of whether there are words or phrases between the subject and the verb, the subject's number (singular or plural) remains the same.

  • Rule 3 

Use a plural verb when connecting subjects in a sentence that are united by "and." Singular verbs are used with subjects connected by "either/or" or "neither/nor."

  • Rule 4

When "or," "either/or," or "neither/nor" are present, the verb in the sentence agrees with the noun or pronoun that is closest to it.

  • Rule 5

When the subject is preceded by words like "as well as," "along with," "besides," "not," etc., ignore them and, if the subject is singular, use a singular verb.

  • Rule 6

When a sentence starts with "here" or "there," the genuine subject usually comes after the verb.

  • Rule 7

Use singular verbs in sentences that refer to amounts of money, lengths of time, distances, etc.

  • Rule 8

Pay attention to the noun after the 'of' when a sentence contains terms like 'a lot of, all, some, etc. Use a singular verb if the noun after "of" is singular; a plural verb if it is multiple.

10 Subject Verb Concord Class 10 Exercises

  1. Neither your hair clip nor your shoes match your dress. (SINGULAR)

  2. The performance of William McKinley High School was great. (SINGULAR)

  3. The little boy loves mangoes. (SINGULAR)

  4. Your heartbeat is not normal. (SINGULAR)

  5. All of my toys have been donated. (PLURAL)

  6. Bread and butter is wholesome food. (SINGULAR)

  7. Brick and stone are lying scattered all over the place.(PLURAL)

  8. Time and tide wait for none. (SINGULAR)

  9. She plays football. (SINGULAR)

  10. They play hockey. (PLURAL)

Important Topics for Subject Verb Concord Class 10 CBSE

The following subjects will be covered in subject verb concord Class 10 CBSE

  • Types of Concord

  • Grammatical concord

  • Notional Concord

  • Categorisation concord

  • Concord of indefinite pronouns

  • Concord of quasi coordinated subjects

  • Concord of coordinated subjects

  • Double title concord

Benefits of Subject Verb Concord Class 10 Free PDF Download

Here is the list of benefits of  Concord Class 10 Free PDF:

  • The PDF consists of Subject verb concord for Class 10 well-detailed explanation and examples for deep understanding of the topic.

  • Students are often confused while solving worksheets about whether their answer is correct, so this PDF consists of subject verb concord Class 10 exercises so that the students can rectify their mistakes then and there.

  • The worksheets in the PDF are designed to aid 10th Class students in comprehending the subject verb concord’s fundamental idea and application.

  • Subject verb concord Class 10 exercises will cover all the types of questions that can be formed from this topic.

If you're looking for a suitable subject verb concord Class 10 CBSE PDF solution, then you should check out these by Vedantu. You can answer numerous exam questions based on this material by making reference to it. As was already established, the subject of subject-verb concord is crucial since it teaches you how to construct some really fundamental sentences.


As the name implies, the verb concord is an agreement, therefore it is essentially an agreement of subject and verb that is governed by different rules. It is used to link or contract a subject with the verb in a sentence, and a subject-verb agreement is used to connect two separate sentences, such as a singular verb in a singular subject and a plural verb in a plural subject. The agreement of the verb with the subject is critical because only then can the sentence be considered grammatically acceptable; otherwise, faulty sentences cannot deliver the message or point correctly.

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FAQs on English Grammar Class 10 Verb Concord

1. What does concord mean?

The agreement between the subject and the verb in a phrase is referred to as "concord."

2. Why are subject verb concord exercises crucial to practise?

You should practise subject verb concord activities since they will assist you in creating grammatically sound phrases.

3. What are some examples of subject-verb agreement in sentences?

For your reference, below are some sentences with subject-verb agreement.

  • My sister is a dancer.

  • Nobody knows where my cat is.

  • All of us are going for a walk.