Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme for Class 12 CBSE 2024-25 for All Subjects
The Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) has released the marking scheme Class 12 2024-25 for all subjects on its official website. For the student's ease, we have provided Marking Scheme for Class 12 CBSE 2024-25 along with the chapter-wise weightage of each subject on this page. We suggest you read the article till the end to get all the comprehensive details of the weightage of all the subjects, exam pattern, and chapter wise marking scheme class 12. Knowing the marks distribution, exam pattern, and weightage will help you prepare better for the upcoming Class 12 CBSE board exams and increase your chances of scoring more marks in board examinations.
Note: The minimum aggregate marks a candidate must score to pass CBSE Class 12 board exams is 33%. Moreover, the candidate must also secure at least 33% marks in each subject to pass the board exam. Candidates who secure 33% or above aggregate marks but scored less than 33% in any subject must appear for the supplementary exam.
CBSE Class 12 Exam Pattern 2024-25
The Central Board of Secondary Education has released a new exam pattern and chapter wise marking scheme class 12 for the academic year 2024-25. Here are the complete details for the same:
Maths Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme for Class 12 CBSE 2024-25
Weightage of Maths Class 12 CBSE 2024-25
Physics Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme for Class 12 CBSE 2024-25
Weightage of Physics Class 12 CBSE 2024-25
Chemistry Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme for Class 12 CBSE 2024-25
CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Unit-Wise Weightage 2024-25
Weightage of Chapters in Biology Class 12 CBSE 2024-25
CBSE Class 12 Biology Unit-Wise Weightage
Accountancy Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme for Class 12 CBSE 2024-25
Weightage of Chapters in Accountancy Class 12 CBSE 2024-25
Economics Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme for Class 12 CBSE 2024-25
Weightage of Chapters in Economics Class 12 CBSE 2024-25
English Core Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme for Class 12 CBSE 2024-25
Political Science Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme for Class 12 CBSE 2024-25
CBSE Class 12 Political Science Unit-Wise Weightage
This was the complete discussion on the Marking Scheme of CBSE Class 12 for the academic year 2024-25.
The CBSE Class 12 marking scheme for 2024-25 is designed to test students fairly and thoroughly across all subjects. It includes multiple-choice questions for basic understanding, short-answer questions for explaining ideas clearly, and long-answer questions for detailed answers. The marks are distributed to check knowledge, understanding, and problem-solving skills. Clear word limits help students write to the point. Overall, this pattern helps students prepare well for exams and future studies by focusing on understanding concepts rather than just memorising.
FAQs on Marking Scheme For Class 12 CBSE 2024-25
1. What is the Marking Scheme for Class 12 CBSE 2024-25?
The Marking Scheme for Class 12 CBSE 2024-25 is structured to test students' knowledge, understanding, and application skills. The question paper includes multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, and long-answer questions, with specific weightage for each.
2. Where can I find the CBSE Marking Scheme 2025 for Class 12?
The CBSE Marking Scheme 2025 Class 12 is available on the official CBSE website and also on our Vedantu site. It provides detailed guidelines on the distribution of marks, question types, and evaluation criteria.
3. What does the Marking Scheme of CBSE Class 12 include?
The Marking Scheme of CBSE Class 12 includes the distribution of marks for each section, the format of the question paper, and word limits for answers. It ensures a balance between conceptual, analytical, and application-based questions.
4. How is the CBSE Class 12 Marking Scheme helpful for students?
The CBSE Class 12 Marking Scheme helps students understand the weightage of each section, focus on important topics, and plan their preparation more effectively to score better in exams.
5. What is the Weightage of Physics Class 12 CBSE 2024-25?
The Weightage of Physics Class 12 CBSE 2024-25 is divided among theory and practical exams. Chapters like Electrostatics, Current Electricity, and Optics typically carry more marks. Detailed chapter-wise weightage can be found in the CBSE syllabus.
6. Is there a CBSE Class 12 Chapter Wise Weightage for 2025?
Yes, the CBSE Class 12 Chapter Wise Weightage 2025 is provided in the syllabus for each subject. It highlights how much weight each chapter holds, helping students focus on high-priority topics.
7. What is the CBSE Class 12 Exam Pattern for 2024-25?
The CBSE Class 12 Exam Pattern 2024-25 includes multiple-choice, short-answer, and long-answer questions. The paper is designed to test knowledge, comprehension, and application skills across all subjects.
8. What is the Weightage of Chemistry Class 12 Chapter Wise for 2024-25?
The Weightage of Chemistry Class 12 Chapter Wise 2024-25 is typically split between Physical, Organic, and Inorganic Chemistry. Chapters like Chemical Kinetics, Electrochemistry, and Coordination Compounds often carry higher marks for Complete Details you can visit our Vedantu Chapter-wise Weightage of Chemistry page.
9. How is the Weightage of Maths Class 12 CBSE 2024-25 distributed?
The Weightage of Maths Class 12 CBSE 2024-25 is divided among topics like Calculus, Algebra, and Probability, with Calculus generally having the highest weightage. Students should check the chapter-wise distribution in the syllabus.
10. What is the Weightage of Chapters in Biology Class 12 CBSE 2024-25?
The Weightage of Chapters in Biology Class 12 CBSE 2024-25 is distributed among units like Genetics and Evolution, Ecology, and Biotechnology, with Genetics often carrying significant marks. Detailed weightage is mentioned in the syllabus.
11. What is the new board pattern for 2024-25?
The new CBSE board pattern for 2024-25 follows a structured format, including multiple-choice questions (MCQs), short-answer questions, and long-answer questions. The focus is on competency-based learning, testing conceptual understanding, and real-life application of knowledge. Objective questions carry significant weightage alongside descriptive ones.