Opposite Words for Class 2 English Grammar - Download Free PDF
Once Class 2 students learn how to form different words and their meaning, it's time to learn about the opposite words for class 2. Opposite words can be defined as pairs of words directly opposite or contradicting each other's meaning. They are also called antonyms. It is one of the most important topics in English grammar. Learning opposite words will help students understand which word to use in which context while writing, speaking or reading.
When clearing the fundamentals of English grammar, opposite words tops the list. The class 2 English grammar syllabus covers different antonyms with their meaning, so the students understand various words without getting confused. The correct explanation of the words and practice papers with multiple exercises can ease learning complex opposite words for 2-grade students.
English Grammar for Class 2 Opposite Words Download Free PDF
In this article, we will discuss the essential topic of English grammar. The title of this article is “opposite words”. The mentioned topic has been discussed in detail along with the illustrations. Practice questions and solved examples are given throughout the article for better understanding and concept clarity. Let’s begin the journey on this significant topic.

Opposite Words

Opposite Words
The words that have the opposite meaning of a particular word are called antonyms or opposite words.
They can be used to denote the opposite sense of a sentence.
Opposite Words- Examples

Word | Antonym |
Profit | Loss |
High | Low |
Lend | Borrow |
True | False |
Agree | Oppose |
Above | Below |
Broad | Narrow |
Care | Neglect |
Direct | Indirect |
Fail | Pass |
Friend | Enemy |
Full | empty |
Give | take |
Increase | decrease |
Maximum | minimum |
Purchase | sell |
Sharp | blunt |
Safe | unsafe |
Smooth | rough |
Positive | Negative |
Reward | Punish |
Senior | Junior |
Sour | Sweet |
Slow | Fast |
Adult | child |
Advanced | elementary |
Affirmative | negative |
Afraid | brave |
After | before |
Against | for |
Alike | different |
Alive | dead |
All | none |
Angel | devil |
Animal | human |
Attic | cellar |
Autumn | spring |
Awake | asleep |
Below | above |
Best | worst |
Better | worse |
Beautiful | ugly |
Birth | death |
Bitter | sweet |
Black | white |
Blunt | sharp |
Body | soul |
Calm | excited |
Careful | careless |
Careless | careful |
Consonant | vowel |
Constant | changeable |
Construction | destruction |
To continue | to interrupt |
Cool | warm |
Dark | light |
Daughter | son |
Dawn | dusk |
Day | night |
Dead | alive |
Divorced | married |
Domestic | foreign |
Down | up |
Downstairs | upstairs |
Drama | comedy |
Elementary | advanced |
To emigrate | to immigrate |
Emigration | immigration |
Empty | full |
To end | to begin |
End | beginning |
Ending | beginning |
Enemy | friend |
To enjoy | to hate |
To enter | to leave |
Entrance | exit |
Equal | different |
Even | odd |
Evening | morning |
Everybody | nobody |
Everything | nothing |
Exactly | about, approximately |
Excited | calm |
Exciting | boring |
To exclude | to include |
Exit | entrance |
Expensive | cheap |
Export | import |
Exposure | shelter |
Extreme | moderate |
Far | near |
Fast | slow |
Fat | slim, thin |
Fear | courage |
Female | male |
Few | many |
Final | first |
To find | to lose |
To finish | to begin |
Finish | start |
Maximum | minimum |
Mean | generous |
To melt | to freeze |
Men | women |
To mend | to break |
Mess | order |
Midnight | noon |
Minimum | maximum |
Minor | major |
On | off |
Open | closed, shut |
Open | closed |
Opponent | supporter |
Order | mess |
Ordinary | special |
Other | same |
Out | in |
Outside | inside |
Outskirts | center |
Over | under |
Question | answer |
Quick | slow |
Quiet | loud, noisy |
To rest | to work |
Rich | poor |
Right | left |
Right | wrong |
To rise | to sink |
Rough | gentle |
Rough | smooth, soft |
Rude | polite |
Rural | urban |
Serious | funny |
Servant | master |
To set free | to arrest |
Shallow | deep |
Sharp | blunt |
Shelter | exposure |
Short | long, tall |
To shout | to whisper |
To shut | to open |
Sick | healthy |
Silent | noisy |
Silly | intelligent |
Simple | complicated |
To sink | to rise |
Single | married |
Sister | brother |
To sit | to stand |
Slim | fat |
Slow | fast, quick |
Small | big, large, tall |
Smooth | rough |
Soft | hard, rough |
Solid | liquid |
Some | many |
Sometimes | often |
Son | daughter |
Soul | body |
Sour | sweet |
South | north |
Under | over |
To unite | to divide, to separate |
Unity | division |
Up | down |
Upstairs | downstairs |
Urban | rural |
Useful | useless |
Useless | useful |
Wet | dry |
Whisper | scream |
White | black |
Whole | part |
Wide | narrow |
Wife | husband |
To win | to lose |
Winner | loser |
Winter | summer |
To work | to rest |
Woman | man |
Women | men |
Worse | better |
Worst | best |
Heat | cold |
Heaven | hell |
Heavy | light |
Hell | heaven |
Here | there |
High | deep |
High | low |
Hilly | flat |
To hit | to miss |
Hopeful | desperate, hopeless |
Hopeless | hopeful |
Horizontal | vertical |
Host | guest, visitor |
Hot | cold |
Huge | tiny |
Humane | cruel |
Humid | dry |
Husband | wife |
In front of | back, behind |
To ignore | to notice |
Ill | Healthy, well |
To immigrate | to emigrate |
Immigration | emigration |
Import | export |
In | out |
To include | to exclude |
To increase | to reduce |
Innocent | guilty |
Inside | outside |
Insult | Compliment, praise |
Intelligent | silly, stupid |
Intentional | accidental |
Interested | bored |
Interesting | boring, dull |
To interrupt | to continue |
Lack | abundance, plenty |
Lady | gentleman |
To land | to take off |
Land | water |
Large | small |
Last | first |
Late | early |
To laugh | to cry |
Lazy | active, busy |
To lead | to follow |
To learn | to teach |
To leave | to arrive, to enter |
Left | right |
To lend | to borrow |
Less | more |
To let | to forbid |
To lie | to stand |
Life | death |
Vacant | occupied |
Valley | mountain |
Vertical | horizontal |
Victory | defeat |
Village | town |
Visitor | host |
Voluntary | compulsory |
Vowel | consonant |
Difficult Words with Meanings
Word | Meaning |
Reward | Prize |
Agree | Accept |
Purchase | Buy |
Illustration | Examples |
In this chapter, we started with the definition of antonyms. We learned different words and their antonyms. Words with the opposite connotation from a particular term are called antonyms. Studying antonyms will improve your overall command of language while also assisting you in selecting the best word to use when writing. The usefulness of antonyms depends on our ability to utilise them effectively in conversational contexts. Even if the language explanation is significant and crucial, the use of antonyms aids in other fields' understanding of events and circumstances.
Practice Questions
Fill The Blank Cells With The Antonyms of The Given Words
Words | Antonyms |
Tall | |
Up | |
Arrive | |
Accept | |
Busy | |
Come | |
Early | |
Forget |
Words | Antonyms |
Tall | short |
Up | down |
Arrive | depart |
Accept | reject |
Busy | idle |
Come | go |
Early | late |
Forget | remember |
Benefits of Learning Opposite Words for Class 2
There are hundreds of opposite words in the English language. All opposite words have different meanings and can be used to structure and form sentences precisely, enhancing students' vocabulary. Let’s see some other benefits of opposite words in English for class 2:
Chapter opposite words in English for class 2 can benefit students in comparing two different things or topics and gaining more factual knowledge about specific concepts. For example, good and bad.
Understanding class 2 English grammar chapter 15 opposite words improve vocabulary and develop students' ability to describe things.
Students can engage in fun activities and build their higher intelligence while learning class 2 English grammar chapter 15 opposite words.
If the concept of opposite words in class 2 English grammar syllabus is clear, students can easily improve their communication ability and learn new descriptive words.
Daily practicing easy opposite words for class 2 can greatly impact the level of details students convey during the conversation. For example- a big rat, little birds etc.
Some Exercises for Opposite Words Worksheet for Class 2
Here are some examples with the list of opposite words for class 2 that students can practice to grasp the topic more easily.
Write Correct Opposite Words of the Following
Fill the blanks with the correct opposite words below:
Good = ______
Dry = _______
Dirty = _______
Far = _______
Come = _______
Down = ______
Slow = _____
Pick the Correct Opposite
Below are a few words. Select the correct opposite word for them:
Boy = ______
Teacher, Father, Sister, Girl
Dark = _______
Light, Weight, Go, Ship
Go = ______
Run, Jump, Come, Sit
Beautiful = ______
Ugly, Truth, Cool, Rainbow
Hot = _____
Cold, Go, Beautiful, Straight
Interesting Facts About Opposite Words
Below are some interesting unknown facts about class 2 English grammar chapter 15 opposite words:
Opposite words or antonyms are an important word type that is used in almost every form of writing.
There are complimentary, binary, gradable, reverse and rational opposite words in English.
There are antonyms and the complete opposite of different words. For example- black and white are antonyms of each other but are also the complete opposite of each other on the color spectrum scale.
Important Topics in Class 2 English Grammar Syllabus of Chapter Opposite Words
Here is an overview of different topics students will learn about opposite words in class 2:
What are opposite or antonym words? How to learn easy opposite words for class 2.
List of easy and complex opposite words.
Importance for learning different opposite words and how to use them in different sentences.
Here is a small list of opposite words for class 2, which students can refer to.
Words | Opposites |
Above | Below |
Clean | Dirty |
Thin | Fat |
Ugly | Beautiful |
Truth | Lie |
Sleep | Awake |
Small | Big |
Rich | Poor |
Get Free PDF With a List of Opposite Words
A free PDF for the chapter opposite words will help students clearly understand the topic at their convenience.
Students can download the free PDF and can revise difficult opposite words along with meaning and examples.
The free PDF contains multiple opposite words worksheets for class 2 for quick revision and daily practice.
The PDF content will help students clear any last-minute doubts regarding the topic as it is easily accessible.
There are many complex and hard-to-remember opposite words in English grammar. Therefore, the experts at Vedantu have given a complete guide in a free downloadable PDF to prepare and learn different opposite words efficiently. It will help Class 2 students to study difficult opposite words easily.
FAQs on English Grammar Class 2 Opposite Words - PDF
1. Why is it important to understand the opposite words?
Learning opposite words is vital to clear the fundamentals and meaning of different English words. It helps improve vocabulary and sentence formation.
2. What are some examples of opposite words for class 2?
Some examples of opposite words for class 2 students are: big-small, tall-short, narrow-wide, etc.
3. What are the different types of opposite words?
Different opposite words are - Graded Antonyms, Relational Antonyms, Complementary Antonyms, and Relational Antonyms.