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English Grammar Class 8 Story Writing


Moral Stories for Students of Class 8 - Download the Latest PDF Available Online

We all have been telling and listening to stories for eons. From our grandmothers to friends, teachers, movies, and many other sources, stories have passed from generation to generation. Stories entertain us, enlighten us, tell us about the diversity in the world, and emotionally stimulate us by giving us a range of experiences. Stories also give us a chance to discover new worlds and enjoy language. 

The topic of story writing for class 8 encompasses the different aspects and criteria to develop excellent story writing skills. The stories in English for class 8 also introduce students to different forms of writing such as message writing, report writing, etc. Children of class 8 are at a point where they are developing a mature way of writing, and the story writing topics for class 8, such as moral stories for students of class 8 help in building a value system for kids.

Let us now dive into stories in English for class 8 and find out everything about this chapter and the format of story writing for class 8.

English Grammar Class 8 Story Writing - PDF will be uploaded soon

Importance of Story Writing

Stories have a special value and place in classrooms. Through stories, students can identify expressions and vocabulary that they have heard or learned in their daily lives and see their use.

  • With writing stories, language learning is quicker as stories create an immersive and participating environment as young learners can see the language coming alive in an entertaining, stylistic, and dynamic way.

  • Stories appeal to all kinds of students and even the shy ones are compelled to participate in them and enjoy them. Story writing can build confidence when students see how their thoughts and ideas can be structured in a manner that others find enjoyable.

  • Statistics show that writing stories help the development of cognition, organizational capabilities, and handwriting in young children. You also feel empowered as you obtain the power of persuasion through your writing.

  • Studies also reveal that students who practice story or creative writing more, show improvement in other subjects as well such as science, math, and other languages.

  • Good story writers often challenge themselves to come up with creative thoughts which helps them to be good problem solvers.

  • Story writing also builds discipline in children and improves their confidence. They are able to assert themselves through their stories, and develop their opinions and find their voice.

  • Many children have difficulty expressing themselves and their feelings. Writing stories gives them a safe place to explore and provides an extremely beneficial tool for self-expression.

  • The creative side of kids is tickled through story writing topics for class 8 where they get to practice their imaginative powers. It betters their ability to come up with alternative solutions for a situation and broadens their ideas. All these lead to success in different spheres like analysis and critical thinking.

  • When you write you create a pretend universe where you assemble different personalities, places, and emotions that might be vastly different from your own life experiences. This effectively widens your capacity to feel and you learn how to empathize with people and understand them even though these characters would have very different life experiences from yours.

  • You can mirror your personality and perspectives through the characters in your story. 

  • Story writing also has a range of health and emotional benefits. While dealing with difficult emotions, if you engage in writing a story, you are able to understand why you are feeling those emotions, and it gives you a direct insight into your mindset. This further allows you to work through the discomfort and healthily alleviate negative thoughts.

Story Writing Examples for Class 8

  • Morning walk essay in English for class 8 - Children need to jot down a story about what they see while they go for a morning walk. They need to assimilate their emotions, the people they meet, and generally how a morning walk benefits them.

  • Fill in the blanks - A story is given with many blanks in between, and children need to use their imagination to fill those blanks to come up with an appropriate story.

  • Write a story based on pictures - A series of interconnected pictures are presented to students, and they have to weave a story around those images.

  • Complete the story with given hints - You are given a statement in a line and a bunch of hint phrases for completing the story in limited words.

  • Complete a story by the given chunks of statement - A few statements are given in a sequence, and students need to complete the story hidden in those statements using their imagination.

Some Fun Facts about Story Writing

  • Enhenduaan was a woman who lived in ancient Mesopotamia in the 23rd BCE, and she is considered the first author in the world.

  • The shortest story in the world is attributed to the famous writer Ernest Hemingway, and the story was in just six words; "For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn."

  • A short story generally has 1000 to 15000 words in it though most publications publish short stories only between 3000 to 5000 words.

  •  A story of less than 1000 words is considered micro fiction or flash fiction.

Important Topics of Story Writing for Class 8

  • Children understand the meaning of story writing.

  • The steps of writing a story are illustrated for students to learn from it.

  • Students go through definitions of different types of writings apart from stories: message writing, report writing, diary writing, etc.

  • Meaning and expansion of proverbs.

  • Children go through many moral stories for students of class 8 where different morals are mentioned at the end of the story.

  • Children are presented with topics and pictures to write stories in their own words.

Become a Skilled Writer - Download Free PDF on Story Writing for Class 8 with Answers

  • To grasp all the essential components of a story, you must go through the format of story writing for class 8 as designed by the expert team of Vedantu.

  • In the PDF, you would find many types of stories and get to work on given story writing topics for class 8.

  • The PDF can be downloaded on your device so that you can access your notes even when not connected to the internet.

  • For quick revisions right before your exam, print out the PDF and take it along with you to the exam hall.


Story writing is an interesting topic for students, and if they get guidance from subject matter experts, they can definitely learn how to write fabulous stories on their own.

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FAQs on English Grammar Class 8 Story Writing

1. What are the basic steps of writing a story?

There are six essential steps in writing any kind of story:

  • Define the Setting - In building a story, location plays an important role. You can select locations that excite you and write compelling scenes around those locations.

  • Create Interesting Characters - Characters are an integral part of any story and they could be people, objects, animals, or anything that can be personified. So create characters with interesting aspects about them having hobbies, passion, quirks, etc.

  • Bring Conflict - A story has both characters and events which create either internal or external conflict. These conflicts create tension and help move the story forward.

  • Plot Twists - The story should have a couple of twists to keep your readers engaged.

  • Summarize - The last part of the story must bring it to a logical end and conclude the story.

2. What is the difference between writing stories and writing a diary?

A story could be real or fictional but it needs to have a beginning, middle section, and an ending. Diary writing comprises the writer's thoughts or activities, and in general, diary entries are time, place, day, and date specific.

3. What is summary writing?

In summary writing, you go through a paragraph and shorten it by capturing its gist. Summaries are also referred to as precis. A precis must be concise and brief where you jot down only the vital points of the paragraph.