FREE PDF of Important Questions for CBSE Class 11 Hindi (Antra) Chapter 11: Hasi Ki Chot, Sapna, Darbar (हँसी की चोट, सपना, दरबार)
FAQs on CBSE Class 11 Hindi (Antra) Chapter 11 Hasi Ki Chot, Sapna, Darbar (हँसी की चोट, सपना, दरबार) Important Questions
1. Which five elements have been described by the poet in Hasi Ki Chot Sapna darbar and how do they depart in disconnection?
The poet has described the five elements like air, water, fire, sky, and earth in Hasi Ki Chot Sapna darbar. All these elements depart from the gopi’s in the separation of Krishna. When the gopis are sad because of Krishna's departure, their water element is removed through tears, when they breathe at a rapid pace, their air element disappears. Due to sweating in summer, the fire element goes away and when she is in disconnection from Krishna, every moment she remembers only Krishna, due to which she becomes weak.
2. Why was the heroine happy in the dream and how did that dream break?
While the heroine is sleeping, she has a dream that light droplets are falling from the clouds in the sky. There suddenly Krishna comes and asks her to swing. The heroine becomes happy seeing Krishna. She is very happy with herself. Her happiness is at its peak. She wakes up as soon as she stands to swing with Krishna. Due to which her beautiful dream is also broken and she gets involved with Krishna.
3. Consider equating Sapna darbar to Bhartendu Harishchandra's play Andher Nagri.
The play in Sapna darbar and Andher Nagari is largely similar. The condition of his court is also similar. But the only difference is that in the court, the king and the courtier have all been victims of luxury and have remained indolent. But due to the foolishness of the king in the dark city, everyone remains indolent. They are only sorry for flattering the king. Beyond which they ignore the wishes and needs of the subjects. They have become completely ignorant of their duty.
4. How has Dev satirized the courtly sycophancy and arrogant atmosphere?
Dev has satirized the courtly sycophancy and the haughty environment and said that everyone in the court has become the master of his own will. All the time they are immersed in the pleasures. The king is also only nominal. She is also like him. All of them have become so absorbed in their luxuries that they have no idea of the art and the test of virtues. His ego has become more dominant overall. To know more, visit Vedantu app and website.
5. How are virtuosity and finesse of art overlooked in the court?
In the court, the king and his courtiers give importance only to the things of beautiful and indulgent luxury. Art is of no importance to them. They don't even know how to recognize art. For them, jokes are art. Which gives them pleasure. All of them consider the flattery of the king as their work. He does his sycophancy. He is all blind and dumb. Therefore, court quality and the test of art are ignored. To practice more questions of this chapter, students can also download the PDF of important questions free of cost to study offline.
6. What is the main theme of the poem ‘Hasi Ki Chot’?
हँसी की चोट कविता का मुख्य विषय मानवीय भावनाओं में छुपी विडंबना है। इसमें यह बताया गया है कि कैसे कभी-कभी हँसी और खुशी के पीछे गहरे दर्द और जटिलता छिपी होती है।
7. What does the poem ‘Sapna’ convey about dreams and aspirations?
सपना कविता लोगों के अंदर संजोए गए उम्मीदों और सपनों को दर्शाती है। यह इच्छाओं का प्रतीक है और यह बताती है कि जब ये सपने पूरे नहीं होते तो दुःख का कारण बन सकते हैं।
8. How is the theme of societal structure presented in ‘Darbar’?
दरबार में समाज की संरचना और सत्ता के ढांचे में मौजूद खामियों को दर्शाया गया है। यह शासकों और आम लोगों के बीच की दूरी, पाखंड और व्यर्थता को इंगित करता है।
9. What message does ‘Hasi Ki Chot’ give about human relationships?
हँसी की चोट कविता यह संदेश देती है कि हर चीज सतह पर दिखने जैसी नहीं होती; लोग अक्सर अपनी असली भावनाओं को छुपा लेते हैं। यह हमें याद दिलाती है कि हँसी कभी-कभी गहरी भावनाओं को छुपा सकती है।
10. How does ‘Sapna’ reflect the poet’s view on life and unfulfilled desires?
सपना में सपनों की मिठास और कड़वाहट दोनों का चित्रण है। कवि दिखाते हैं कि लोग ऐसे सपनों को पकड़े रहते हैं जो शायद पूरे न हों, फिर भी ये जीवन का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा होते हैं और उम्मीद देते हैं।
11. How can students prepare for questions on these poems using Vedantu’s PDF?
By practising the important questions in Vedantu’s PDF, students can gain a better understanding of each poem’s theme and structure, making them well-prepared for exams.