CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Chapter-6 Important Questions - Free PDF Download
Staffing is a complex process that involves a number of steps, including workforce planning, job analysis, recruitment, selection, placement, and induction. It is important to get each step right in order to build a high-performing workforce.
This PDF download contains a collection of important questions and answers on staffing for CBSE Class 12 Business Studies students. The questions are based on the latest CBSE syllabus and have been compiled by expert Business Studies teachers. The answers are comprehensive and informative, and they will help students to understand the key concepts of staffing.
Study Important Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 - Staffing
Very Short Answer Questions (1 - 2 Marks)
1. Why is an "employment interview'' conducted in the selection process?
Ans: The purpose of an employment interview is to evaluate the applicant's suitability for the job post by seeking information from him and to check whether there exists a suitability between the person and the type of job.
2. What is it called when the managerial function involves filling and maintaining positions in the organization structure?
Ans: Staffing function is referred to here.
3. "Staffing makes for higher performance by putting the right person on the right job". Is this statement true or false?
Ans: This statement is true as staffing helps in improvement of performance through arranging the right people, at the right time, and on the right job.
4. Apha Enterprises produces water geysers and has a functional structure with key functions in Production, Marketing, Finance, and Human Resource. To meet rising demand, the company plans to hire more staff. What concept will assist the Human Resource Manager in determining the specific number of people needed for each department?
Ans: Workload Analysis is a concept that will assist the Human Resource Manager in determining the real number of people necessary in each department.
5. Why is the "Aptitude Test" conducted in the process of selection?
Ans: The Aptitude Test in the process of selection is conducted to measure an individual's potential for learning new skills.
6. This involves recruiting, selecting, developing, utilising, compensating, and motivating an organisation's human resources. What is the name of the concept described here?
Ans: Human Resource Management.
7. What is the next step after selection?
Ans: Placement and Orientation.
8. It seeks to attract suitable applicants to apply for available jobs. Give the term?
Ans: Recruitment.
9. These are managed by the Government to hire individuals for both unskilled and skilled operational positions. What is being talked about here?
Ans: Employment exchanges.
10. Which type of personnel do management consultancy firms recruit?
Ans: Management consultancy firms help the companies/ firms to recruit technical, professional and managerial personnel.
11. Why induction is not required in the internal source of recruitment?
Ans: As employees are already familiar with the organization, an induction programme is not required in case of internal source of recruitment.
12. State the meaning of placement as a staffing function.
Ans: Once the job offer has been accepted by the selected candidate he is placed on the new job. Proper placement of an employee reduces absenteeism. As a result, placement refers to matching the right person to the right job.
13. It's a test employed in employee selection to gauge someone's ability to learn new skills. What is its name, and describe two other tests.
Ans: Aptitude tests are used to measure an individual's potential for learning new skills
Other Tests are:
Personality Test: Personality tests provide clues to a person's emotion, mindset and type of personality.
Intelligence Tests: These assess a person's decision-making and adaptability abilities.
14. Trainees are placed under the supervision of an experienced worker to gain advanced skills, such as becoming a plumber or electrician. What training method is being discussed here?
Ans: Apprenticeship program.
Short Answer Questions (3 or 4 Marks)
15. What's the term for and how do you define the process that assists in identifying potential candidates for a job or a role?
Ans: Recruitment is finding possible employees and encouraging them to apply for company positions, starting with the initial interview. It's about locating potential employees to enhance the chances of hiring the best people. There are two types: internal, within the company, and external, outside the company.
Internal Sources: The term "internal sources of recruiting" refers to employing personnel from within the company. In other words, people applying for various roles are those who are currently employed by the same company. For example, promotions and transfers.
External Sources: Employees hired from outside the organization are referred to as external sources of recruiting. In other words, the job seekers in this scenario are individuals who are not affiliated with the organization. For example, casual callers, campus placement, advertisement, management consultants etc.
16. Mr. Naresh, who just finished his M.B.A. in Human Resource Management from an Indian Institute of Management, is now the Human Resource Manager in a Truck Manufacturing Company. With 1,500 employees and plans to expand by hiring 500 more, Mr. Naresh is in charge of the entire Human Resource Department. Outline the specific tasks that Mr. Naresh is expected to handle as the Human Resource Manager of the company.
Ans: Recruitment, training, career development, compensation and benefits, employee relations, industrial relations, employment legislation, compliance, disciplinary and grievance concerns, redundancies, and other HR-related tasks are all handled by HR managers.
The position necessitates keeping up with rapidly changing topics such as employment law. As a Human Resource Manager, Mr. Naresh is expected to undertake the following specialized tasks:
Analysing jobs.
Placement and orientation.
Training and development of employees.
Performance Appraisal of employees.
Developing compensation and incentive plAns:
Maintaining labour and management relations.
Handling grievances and complaints of employees/workers.
Providing for the employees' social security and well-being.
Defending the company in legal proceedings and avoiding legal entanglements.
17. Vinod, the Human Resource Manager, Umesh, the Assistant Manager, and Ashok, the Marketing Head, all decided to leave Hitashi Enterprises Ltd. The CEO asked Vinod to fill the vacancies before departing. Vinod recommended his capable and trustworthy subordinate, Rajesh, for a promotion. The CEO agreed, and Rajesh reached out to 'Zenith Recruiters' to advertise the Marketing Head position. A suitable candidate was recruited through the process. For Umesh's vacancy, they screened unsolicited applications in the office's database, successfully filling the positions before the departures.
What are the internal and external sources of recruitment that 'Hitashi Enterprises Ltd.' utilized to fill the mentioned vacancies?
Ans: The internal/external sources of recruitment used by 'Hitachi Enterprises Ltd." to fill- up the various positions are listed below.
Promotion: It was used to fill the position of human resource manager, on which Vinod worked previously.
Placement Agencies and Management Consultants: For the position of Marketing Head, on which Ashok worked previously.
Casual Callers: They are being considered for the position of Assistant Manager, on which Umesh worked previously.
(b) Also, state any one merit of each of the above-identified sources of recruitment.
Ans: The following are the merits of the above listed sources of recruitment.
Placement Agencies and Management Consultants: Because of their expertise and specialization in the field of hiring new blood, they assist in attracting the required personnel to the organization.
Casual Callers': It's the cheapest way to get a job.
Promotion: Promotions among current employees can be an excellent source of new hires. Through promotions the background and reference checks need not to be done, and the cost of induction is also saved, as the employee is from the organization itself.
18. Explain briefly “transfers” and “promotions” as internal sources of recruitment.
Ans: The explanations are given below:
Transfers: Job vacancies are filled through transfers by transferring qualified personnel from one department of the organization to the department where the vacancies exist. Transfers is a horizontal process in which employees that are transferred are rarely given new duties or employment positions. Hence the nature and type of job remains the same.
Promotions: Promotion means when an employee is being placed at a position of increased responsibility and authority. Promotion and career planning is important. Promotions and transfers among current employees can be an excellent source of new hires. Promotion refers to an employee being promoted to a higher position with increased status, compensation, and responsibility.
19. Explain briefly 'Casual Callers' and 'Labour Contractors' as external sources of recruitment.
Ans: Casual Callers: Many reputable businesses maintain a database of uninvited applicants in their offices. It approaches them as vacancies exist and persuades them to apply for the positions available. This list can be screened and the best candidate is selected.
Labor Contractors: Employers turn to labour contractors to hire low-skilled workers or labourers. Labor contractors keep in close contact with labourers and other workers, and they call them for work as and when needed.
20. Present day human resource management is a broader concept." Explain?
Ans: Present day human resource management is a broader concept because today's human resource management the following activities are performed:
Assists in the achievement of company goals as well as personal goals of personnel.
Employees efficiently and effectively use their skills and expertise.
Increase employee job satisfaction.
Maintain a high level of morale and positive interpersonal relationships inside the organization.
It also focuses on ensuring peace and harmony within the employees of the organization.
This aspect of HRM is also concerned with the working environment and facilities.
It is a highly delicate sector that necessitates cautious interactions with labour or employee unions, addressing their grievances, and effectively resolving disputes in order to keep the company at peace and concord.
21. Do you agree with the statement, "Internal sources of recruitment are better than external sources of recruitment"? Provide two reasons to support your answer.
Ans: Yes, i agree with this statement and the two reasons in support of my answers are:
Qualified Personnel: An external source of recruiting allows qualified individuals from outside the organization to join. This is advantageous to both the organization and the external applicants.
Wider Choice: Using an external source of recruitment increases the number of applicants by a factor of ten, hence expanding the range of options. After assessing the qualities and talents of all applicants, the managers can appoint the most competent individuals.
22. State the benefits of employee's training.
Ans: The benefits of employee's training to the organization and the individual are:
Benefits to the organization
Economic Operations: Trained staff makes efficient and cost-effective use of existing resources.
Increases Productivity: It boosts production quality and quantity, because the trained staff has a better understanding of the tools, equipment, work etc.
Employee benefits include:
Learning New Talents: A well-trained employee learns new skills, and adds to his overall performance and productivity.
Increased Income: Skilled employees can excel in their roles, resulting in higher earnings and recognition from supervisors in the workplace. Therefore, superior and quality performance contributes to increased income.
23. The factory workers struggle to operate new machines and consistently seek assistance from their supervisor, causing the supervisor to feel overwhelmed with their frequent requests. Propose a solution to address this issue.
Ans: Workers of factories should be trained through Vestibule Training. Employees are trained on the equipment they will be working with.. However, the training takes place away from the actual work environment. In a classroom, a realistic work atmosphere is provided, with employees using the same materials, files, and equipment they are supposed to use at the workplace. This is typically carried out when employees need to operate advanced machinery and equipment.
24. Define training. How is it different from Development?
Ans: The enhancement of skills, abilities, and competency required for a given work profile is referred to as training. The differences between training and education are highlighted in the following sections.
Training | Development |
Simply put, it is the process of an employee's knowledge and abilities being increased. | To put it simply, it is a learning and growth process. |
Employees are provided with the chance to gain skills, capabilities, and knowledge aligned with their job responsibilities through training | Development refers to a process that helps in the overall growth and enhancement of an employee's skills. |
Training is conducted to improve the knowledge and skills needed to perform effectively in their current roles. | Development activities are undertaken to enhance knowledge and expertise, preparing individuals to tackle future challenges |
Long Answer Questions (5 or 6 Marks)
25. Describe briefly the steps involved in the process of staffing.
Ans: The steps involved in the process of staffing are as follows:
Estimating Manpower Requirement:
This step involves drafting work force requirements, defining job-related activities, and estimating the type of employees with a certain set of skills, knowledge, qualifications, and experience.
Workforce analysis enables the enterprise to assess the number and type of employees necessary for the completion of a work.
Recruitment is the process of finding potential employees and encouraging them to apply for positions within the company.
Employees can be found through both internal and external sources.
The term "internal sources of recruiting" refers to employing personnel from within the company. In other words, people applying for various roles are those who are currently employed by the same company. For example, transfers, promotions etc,
Employees hired from outside the organization are referred to as external sources of recruiting. In other words, the job seekers in this scenario are individuals who are not affiliated with the organization. For example, advertisement, casual callers, campus placement, management consultants etc.
It is the process of selecting and hiring the most suitable candidates for specific jobs in an organization. This involves conducting various exams (verbal or written), tests, and interviews.
The type of tests include:
Personality tests
Aptitude tests
Situational tests
Interest tests etc.
It guarantees that the organization receives the most qualified candidate.
The candidates' self-esteem and prestige are boosted as a result of the selection process.
Placement and Orientation:
As a result, Orientation involves presenting the selected person to other employees as well as familiarising him with the organization's rules, regulations, and policies.
The employee filling the position or post for which the person has been chosen is referred to as placement.
Training and Development:
Through various ways, systematic training assists employees in improving their abilities and knowledge in performing their duties.
Employee development entails an employee's improvement in all areas, including performance, knowledge, and so on.
The training could be on the job training or off the job training depending upon the nature and type of work.
Performance Appraisal:
Performance appraisal means evaluating an employee's current or past performance as against certain predetermined standards.
Once an employee has undergone training his/ her performance is evaluated.It is focused with the continual examination of an organization's personnel performance.
This step helps in finding out the deviations, as well as improvement areas.
Promotion and Career Planning:
Promotion entails being assigned to positions with greater responsibilities.
Employee morale must be boosted, and they must be motivated to reach their maximum potential, therefore promotion and career planning are critical.
All forms of payment made by an organization to its personnel are referred to as compensation. E.g.salaries, incentives, commission etc.
26. What do you mean by "on the job training'? Explain any three methods of 'on the job' training.
Ans: On-the-job training refers to the training where the subordinates learn by doing in the workplace, under the supervision of superiors.
Apprenticeship Programme: Apprenticeship programmes puts the trainee under the guidance of a master worker, The trainee receives stipend while learning so that he/she can enjoy the "earn while you learn" scheme.
Coaching: In the early stages, coaching might involve trainees watching their supervisor to learn the essential skills needed for operating a machine. The trainee collaborates closely with an experienced manager, who takes full responsibility for their development.
Internship Training: The educational institution makes an agreement with businesses or corporations to offer hands-on knowledge to its students. This is done by sending students to business organizations to gain practical experience.
Position Rotation: In this type of training, the trainee is moved from one department to the next or from one job to the another. Job rotation permits trainees to interact with other employees, which helps departments collaborate more effectively in the future.
27. What is meant by recruitment? How is it different from selection?
Ans: The process of finding and encouraging qualified candidates to apply for a particular position is called recruitment. In contrast, selection is the process of evaluating and choosing the necessary candidates from the gathered pool. The following points highlight the differences between recruitment and selection.
Basis of Difference | Recruitment | Selection |
Meaning | Recruitment refers to the process of finding and instigating the required personnel for a job. | Selection refers to the process of choosing the right candidate out of the gathered pool developed at the time of recruitment. |
Sequence | In the staffing process, recruitment is at the second stage. | In the staffing process, selection is at the third stage and succeeds recruitment. |
Employment Contract | The candidates gathered under recruitment are not offered any employment contract from the organization. | The candidates who successfully complete the process are offered an employment contract by the organization containing such information as date of joining , terms and conditions , etc. |
Characteristics | Recruitment process involves attracting as many people as possible for the job. | Selection process involves choosing only appropriate candidates and rejecting the non- suitable ones. |
28. What are the advantages of training to the individual and to the organization?
Ans: Training is an important aspect of any organization. It tries to improve people's abilities and skills in order for them to execute a job. Training is an important aspect of the job that aims to improve a person's aptitude and expertise in accordance with the job requirements. The complexity of work has increased as the business environment has changed. Thereby, training has become even more essential.
The following are some of the most important advantages of training for both the employee and the company.
Benefits to the Employee
Improved Career Prospects: Employee training improves their ability and knowledge, which helps them advance in their careers.
Earn More: By helping the individual to learn more it assists them to earn more. Training enhances the individual's understanding and knowledge. Thereby, it improves their efficiency and performance. As a result, they will be able to earn more money.
Less Prone to Accidents: Training aims to make staff more proficient and efficient in operating machines. Jobs that require people to deal with sophisticated machines or in high-risk regions should place a heavy emphasis on training and development, as it aids them in adopting preventative measures. As a result, the employee is less likely to have an accident.
Self-Confidence: Individual development and training directs individuals to work more efficiently, which in turn boosts required morale. It boosts their self-esteem and self-reliance, resulting in increased job satisfaction.
Benefits to the Organization
Less Wastage: Training is a concept that involves systematic learning of work. It is a more efficient means of learning than any hit-or-miss approach. As a result, less time and money is wasted. As a result, it aids in the most efficient use of resources.
Increased Profits: Training improves people's productivity at work by developing them and making them more efficient. The company's profits increase as both qualitative and quantitative productivity increases.
Managerial Efficiency: Training trains personnel to meet new problems in a variety of settings, which improves managerial efficiency. This enables children to develop appropriate answers to a variety of situations. Training also equips the future managers to take precautionary steps in case of emergency.
Absenteeism is Reduced: Effective training helps to increase staff morale. As a result, it aids in the reduction of absenteeism and staff turnover.
Effective Response: It helps in obtaining effective response to fast changing technological and economic environments.
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Vedantu’s Important Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 Staffing provides all the main topics so that the student can focus on it and prepare for the exam.
Staffing is a crucial facet of organizational management, involving the recruitment and development of human resources. It ensures the right individuals are placed in the appropriate roles and encompasses processes like identifying requirements, selection, placement, training, and fair compensation. Staffing maintains the organization's workforce and adapts to changes such as employee turnover and growth. It is fundamental to organizational success.
In addition to these important questions, you can further enrich your study materials by accessing a wide array of NCERT Class 12 Question Papers for various subjects. For a comprehensive revision approach, don't forget to explore the last-minute revision notes provided on Vedantu's website. These combined resources will be instrumental in helping you excel in your academic endeavors and grasp the subject matter with confidence.
FAQs on CBSE Important Questions on Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 - Staffing
1. What is the importance of staffing class 12 business studies?
Staffing helps businesses to grow by ensuring that they have the right people, with the right skills and experience, in the right roles. This leads to better performance, increased productivity, and improved customer satisfaction.
2. What is the summary of chapter staffing for class 12?
Staffing is the process of finding, hiring, and placing the right people in the right jobs within an organization. It involves a variety of steps, including recruitment, selection, training, development, promotion, compensation, and performance appraisal.
3. What is staffing in business studies class 12?
Staffing is the management function of ensuring that an organization has the right people, with the right skills and experience, in the right roles.
4. What are the three components of staffing?
Staffing is the process of recruiting, selecting, and training employees to meet the needs of an organization.
5. What is the role of staffing?
Staffing is the process of matching the right people to the right jobs within an organization to ensure that it has a talented and qualified workforce.
6. What is the basic principle of staffing?
Right person at the right job with the right pay is the basic principle of staffing.
7. How do you identify staffing needs?
AnsTo better understand staffing needs, you can compile a list of current job descriptions and analyze your current staff, including the number of employees working, the size of each team, and the competencies of each member.