English Class 9 (Moments) Chapter 4 - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on CBSE Class 9 English (Moments) Important Questions Chapter 4
1. What is the main idea of the chapter "In the Kingdom of Fools"?
The chapter highlights how foolishness can lead to dangerous outcomes, and wisdom is needed to handle such situations.
2. Why were the king and his minister seen as fools in Class 9 English Moments Chapter 4?
They made senseless decisions, like changing night into day and day into night, which showed their lack of common sense.
3. How does the story, In The Kingdom of Fools talk about justice?
The story shows how justice in the kingdom was based on foolish reasoning, rather than fairness or logic.
4. Why did the guru decide to leave the kingdom?
The guru realised the kingdom was foolish and could become dangerous, so he chose to leave.
5. Why did the disciple stay behind in the kingdom?
The disciple stayed because he was attracted to the cheap food and ignored the guru’s advice.
6. What led to the king and minister's death in Chapter 4 English Class 9?
The king and minister were tricked by the guru into taking the place of the disciple at the stake, believing they would be reborn as rulers.
7. How did the guru save his disciple Chapter 4 English Class 9, In The Kingdom Of Fools ?
The guru used his cleverness to fool the king and minister into taking their places at the execution.
8. What lesson can we learn from the story "In the Kingdom of Fools"?
The story teaches that foolishness can create chaos, and only wisdom can bring about proper justice.
9. Why was the disciple chosen for execution?
The disciple had become fat from overeating the cheap food, and the executioners needed someone of his size for the stake.
10. How does the chapter show that 'fools are dangerous'?
It shows how the foolish king and minister made senseless decisions that put people’s lives at risk.
11. How did the guru convince the king and minister to take their place at the stake?
The guru tricked them into believing that whoever died first on the stake would be reborn as the king and minister.
12. How does the story end?
The people ask the guru and his disciple to become their king and minister, and they agree to change the foolish laws of the kingdom.
13. How does Vedantu’s FREE PDF of Important Questions for Class 9 English Moments Chapter 4 help students?
Vedantu’s FREE PDF follows the latest syllabus and gives students a clear understanding of the chapter by including questions that are sure to appear in the examination. It’s made by experts and can be downloaded for easy access anytime.