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CBSE Class 9 English (Moments) Important Questions Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf


CBSE English Class 9 (Moments) Chapter 7 - FREE PDF Download

In Chapter 7 from the Class 9 English Syllabus titled, “The Last Leaf," a story by O. Henry, we meet two young artists named Sue and Johnsy who live together in a small flat. One day, Johnsy gets very sick with pneumonia and lies in bed, feeling hopeless. She believes that when the last leaf falls from the ivy vine outside their window, she will die. Sue, worried about her friend, tries to cheer her up and get her to eat, but Johnsy just wants to see that last leaf fall. As the story unfolds, we learn about an old artist named Behrman who lives nearby. He has always dreamed of creating a masterpiece. When he hears about Johnsy's condition, he decides to help her in a surprising way. The story is about hope, friendship, and the sacrifices we make for the people we care about.

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Vedantu offers the FREE PDF for Class 9 English Important Questions from this chapter which are created by master teachers and subject matter experts in the industry and contain the questions and answers that are sure to appear in the examination. Download the FREE PDF today to study with updated questions and answers!

Access Important Questions for Class 9 English Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf

1. Who were Sue and Johnsy?
Answer: Sue and Johnsy were two young artists who lived together in a small flat.

2. What illness did Johnsy have?
Answer: Johnsy had pneumonia, which made her very sick.

3. What did Johnsy keep counting while lying in bed?
Answer: Johnsy kept counting the leaves falling from the ivy creeper outside her window.

4. What did Johnsy believe about the last leaf?
Answer: Johnsy believed that when the last leaf fell, she would die.

5. Who painted the last leaf on the ivy creeper?
Answer: Behrman, the old painter, painted the last leaf on the ivy creeper.

6. Why was Sue worried about Johnsy?
Answer: Sue was worried about Johnsy because she was very sick with pneumonia and had given up hope of living. Johnsy kept staring at the leaves falling from the ivy plant and believed that when the last leaf fell, she would die. This made Sue anxious as Johnsy didn't seem to want to get better.

7. What did the doctor say about Johnsy’s condition?
Answer: The doctor told Sue that Johnsy had no real physical reason for not getting better. He said Johnsy had made up her mind that she wasn’t going to recover, and unless she found the will to live, the medicines would not help her.

8. How did Behrman help Johnsy?
Answer: Behrman painted a realistic-looking leaf on the wall after the real last leaf fell during a storm. He did this to give Johnsy hope, as she believed she would die when the last leaf fell. Seeing the leaf still there, Johnsy began to recover.

9. What happened to Behrman after he painted the leaf?
Answer: Behrman went out in the cold and rain to paint the leaf on the wall, and because of that, he caught pneumonia. Sadly, Behrman died from the illness two days later.

10. How did the painted leaf change Johnsy’s mind?
Answer: Johnsy believed that the last leaf on the ivy plant was a sign of her survival. When the painted leaf didn’t fall, even during the storm, it gave her hope and made her realise she had been wrong to give up on life. This change in thinking helped her to start recovering.

11. What was Johnsy’s belief about the falling leaves, and how did it affect her recovery?
Answer: Johnsy believed that when the last leaf on the ivy creeper outside her window fell, she would die. This belief made her lose all hope of recovery, and she stopped trying to get better. Sue, her friend, tried to cheer her up, but Johnsy continued to count the falling leaves, waiting for the last one to drop. This negative mindset made it harder for Johnsy to fight her illness. However, when the last leaf didn’t fall, even during a strong storm, Johnsy realised that she had been wrong. The leaf gave her the will to live, which helped her recover from pneumonia.

12. How did Behrman’s painting save Johnsy’s life?
Answer: Behrman painted a leaf on the wall to replace the real last leaf that had fallen during a storm. Johnsy believed that when the last leaf fell, she would die. Behrman, knowing this, risked his life by going out in the cold and rain to paint the leaf. The next morning, Johnsy saw the painted leaf and thought it was still real. This gave her hope and the will to live, which helped her recover. Unfortunately, Behrman caught pneumonia from being out in the storm and died shortly after.

13. Why was Sue important in helping Johnsy during her illness?
Answer: Sue played a very important role in helping Johnsy during her illness. She stayed by her side, trying to lift her spirits and distract her from thinking about death. Sue tried talking about normal things, like clothes and fashion, and even worked on her painting in Johnsy’s room to keep her company. She was very worried when Johnsy started counting the falling leaves, but she never gave up on her. Sue also asked Behrman for help when she realised how serious Johnsy’s belief about the last leaf had become.

14. What was the doctor's role in Johnsy’s recovery?
Answer: The doctor knew that Johnsy’s physical condition could improve if she had the will to live. He told Sue that Johnsy’s recovery depended on her state of mind. After Johnsy saw the painted leaf, her attitude changed, and the doctor noticed this. He was confident that she would get better once she had the will to survive. The doctor also took care of Behrman when he fell ill with pneumonia, but sadly, he couldn’t save him.

15. What was Behrman’s dream, and how did he achieve it?
Answer: Behrman was an old painter who had always wanted to create a masterpiece, but he never got the chance. In the end, his masterpiece turned out to be the leaf he painted on the wall to give Johnsy hope. Although it wasn’t what he had imagined, this painting saved Johnsy’s life. Sadly, Behrman died shortly after, but he fulfilled his dream of painting something truly meaningful.

16. Why did Johnsy believe she would die when the last leaf fell?
Answer: Johnsy had been very sick and had lost hope in getting better. She became obsessed with watching the leaves fall from the ivy creeper outside her window. For some reason, she connected her fate to the falling leaves, believing that when the last leaf fell, she would die too. This belief was not based on any real reason but was the result of her negative thinking and lack of hope.

17. How does the painted leaf symbolise hope in the story?
Answer: The painted leaf symbolises hope because it stayed on the wall even after the storm, giving Johnsy the belief that she could survive. When Johnsy saw that the last leaf didn’t fall, it made her rethink her decision to give up on life. This symbol of hope gave her the strength to fight her illness and recover. Behrman painted the leaf to save her, and in doing so, he gave her the hope she needed to live.

18. Why was Behrman’s act of painting the leaf considered a sacrifice?
Answer: Behrman went out in the cold and rain to paint the last leaf on the wall, knowing that it might save Johnsy’s life. He risked his health by staying out in the storm, which caused him to catch pneumonia. Sadly, he died because of this, but his sacrifice wasn’t in vain. His act of painting the leaf gave Johnsy the will to live, making his sacrifice a heroic one.

19. How did Johnsy’s attitude change after seeing the last leaf?
Answer: After seeing the last leaf still clinging to the vine, Johnsy realised that she had been wrong to give up on life. The leaf gave her hope and made her understand that she didn’t have to die just because the other leaves had fallen. She admitted to Sue that she had been selfish and wrong to want to die, and from that moment, her attitude changed. She became more positive and determined to live, which helped her start recovering.

20. What does the story teach us about the power of hope and friendship?
Answer: The story shows us that hope can make a big difference in difficult times. Johnsy was ready to give up, but the hope symbolised by the last leaf helped her fight for her life. It also highlights the importance of friendship, as Sue never gave up on Johnsy and did everything she could to help her. Behrman’s selfless act of painting the leaf also shows how powerful kindness and sacrifice can be in saving someone’s life.

21. What illness did Johnsy suffer from?
Answer: Johnsy had pneumonia, which made her very sick.

22. Why did Johnsy start counting the ivy leaves?
Answer: Johnsy believed that when the last ivy leaf fell, she would die, so she started counting the leaves as they fell.

23. How did Behrman help Johnsy without her knowing?
Answer: Behrman painted a leaf on the wall to give Johnsy hope, making her think the last leaf hadn’t fallen yet.

24. What was Behrman’s dream?
Answer: Behrman always dreamed of painting a masterpiece, and in the end, his masterpiece was the leaf he painted to save Johnsy’s life.

25. What lesson does "The Last Leaf" teach us?
Answer: The story teaches us the importance of hope and how small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's life.

Benefits of Important Questions for Class 9 English (Moments) Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf 

  • The PDF provides a curated list of important questions, saving students time by focusing on the most relevant topics likely to appear in exams.

  • By practising these questions, students gain a deeper understanding of the chapter’s themes, characters, and literary elements.

  • The questions are tailored to align with CBSE exam patterns, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their assessments.

  • The PDF includes a variety of questions, such as short answers, long answers, and critical thinking exercises, offering holistic practice.

  • Vedantu’s PDF is easily downloadable for free, making quality education accessible to all students.

  • The questions are designed by subject-matter experts, ensuring accuracy and relevance to the syllabus.

  • Students can study and practice at their convenience, making it ideal for personalized learning schedules.


The Last Leaf concludes with a powerful message about hope and selflessness. Johnsy eventually regains her will to live after seeing the last leaf still clinging to the vine, believing it to be a symbol of strength. However, it is revealed that the leaf is actually a painting created by Behrman, who ventured out in a storm to create his masterpiece for Johnsy. Tragically, Behrman sacrifices his health to inspire her, showcasing the deep bond of friendship and the lengths one might go to for a loved one. Vedantu’s FREE PDF helps students completely understand this touching chapter. With questions and answers which are expected to appear in the examination, the PDF can be accessed anywhere, anytime for seamless study sessions.

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FAQs on CBSE Class 9 English (Moments) Important Questions Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf

1. What is the main theme of "The Last Leaf"?

The main theme of Class 9 English Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf is hope and the power of selfless love. It illustrates how one person's sacrifice can inspire another to fight for their life. In the story, Johnsy believes that her fate is tied to the last leaf on the ivy vine. This belief leads to a powerful message about resilience and the importance of support during difficult times.

2. Who are the main characters in the story?

The main characters in Class 9 English Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf are Johnsy, a young artist who is suffering from pneumonia; Sue, her caring and supportive friend; and Behrman, an elderly artist who dreams of creating a masterpiece. Each character plays a significant role in conveying the story's themes of friendship, sacrifice, and the struggle against despair.

3. What illness does Johnsy suffer from?

Johnsy suffers from pneumonia, a serious illness that makes her weak and lethargic. Her condition leads her to develop a fatalistic belief that she will die when the last leaf falls from the ivy vine outside her window. This illness is crucial to the plot of Class 9 English Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf, as it drives the narrative forward and highlights the emotional struggles of the characters.

4. How does Sue try to help Johnsy?

Sue tries to help Johnsy in various ways in Class 9 English Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf. She cares for her by bringing her food, encouraging her to eat, and engaging her in conversation to lift her spirits. Sue also calls the doctor for assistance, showing her dedication to Johnsy’s recovery. Her unwavering support and friendship demonstrate the importance of having someone who cares during challenging times.

5. What does Johnsy believe about the last leaf?

In Class 9 English Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf, Johnsy firmly believes that when the last leaf falls from the ivy vine, she will die. This belief greatly impacts her will to live and her recovery process. Her fixation on the leaves symbolizes her feelings of hopelessness and despair, making her belief a pivotal aspect of the story's emotional depth.

6. What does Behrman do for Johnsy?

Behrman, despite his own struggles and aspirations, goes out in the storm to paint a leaf on the wall, creating a masterpiece that gives Johnsy hope and inspires her to fight for her life. His selfless act highlights the theme of sacrifice and the impact of love and friendship in Class 9 English Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf, proving that true art can have a profound effect on life.

7. What happens to Behrman in the end?

In Class 9 English Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf, Behrman contracts pneumonia after going out in the storm to paint the last leaf for Johnsy. He dies shortly after, but his sacrifice ultimately saves Johnsy’s life. This tragic ending emphasizes the emotional weight of the story and reinforces the themes of love, sacrifice, and the human spirit.

8. What does the last leaf symbolize in the story?

The last leaf symbolizes hope, resilience, and the strength to fight against despair in Class 9 English Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf. It represents the connection between art and life, serving as a turning point for Johnsy’s recovery. The presence of the last leaf encourages Johnsy to reevaluate her desire to give up on life and inspires her to live.

9. How does Johnsy change by the end of the story?

By the end of Class 9 English Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf, Johnsy undergoes a significant transformation. She realizes the value of life and friendship after witnessing the last leaf's persistence. Feeling guilty for her previous thoughts of dying, she vows to live and fight for her recovery. This change is crucial for her character development and is a central theme of the narrative.

10. What is Behrman’s masterpiece?

Behrman’s masterpiece in Class 9 English Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf is the painted leaf that he creates to give Johnsy hope. The leaf appears real and clings to the vine, symbolizing his sacrifice and love. This act of artistry serves as a testament to Behrman’s character and highlights the story's message about the power of selflessness and the impact of one individual's actions on another's life.

11. What lesson can be learned from "The Last Leaf"?

Class 9 English Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf teaches valuable lessons about the importance of hope, the power of friendship, and the sacrifices one might make for the well-being of others. It emphasizes that even in the darkest times, love and kindness can bring light and inspire resilience, making it a profound and uplifting tale.

12. How does the story reflect O. Henry’s writing style?

Class 9 English Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf reflects O. Henry’s writing style through its twist ending, deep emotional impact, and focus on the human condition, showcasing love and sacrifice. The story’s ability to evoke strong feelings while delivering a powerful message about the value of life is characteristic of many of O. Henry's works.

13. What impact does the setting have on the story?

The setting of the old house and the changing seasons in Class 9 English Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf enhances the mood of the story. The autumn leaves represent change, life, and the struggle against death, providing a rich backdrop for the characters’ experiences. The ivy vine outside the window becomes a significant symbol, influencing Johnsy’s emotional journey and the overall narrative.