Introduction to Calcium Chloride
CaCl2 is said to be an ionic compound having a chemical name, Calcium Chloride. We can also call it either Calcium dichloride or Calcium chloride anhydrous.
Calcium Chloride is an ionic compound composed of chlorine and calcium. It is a crystalline solid white in colour at room temperature and is highly soluble in water, and hence it is hygroscopic in nature. It has a very high enthalpy change of solution and is odourless. This compound is widely used for de-icing and dust control.
Preparation of Calcium Chloride
Calcium Chloride can be prepared by the following:
By reacting hydrochloric and calcium carbonate solution acid or
Directly from the limestone, a large amount is also produced as a by-product of the Solvay process.
The Calcium chloride compound was discovered in the 15th century but received little study or attention until the latter part of the 18th century. All of the entire early work was done with laboratory-prepared samples because it was not produced on a commercial scale until after the ammonia-soda process for the manufacture of soda ash was in operation. Actually, it was considered a waste product until its uses were discovered.
The important properties of calcium chloride can be tabulated as follows.
Properties of Calcium Chloride (CaCl2)
CaCl2 Structure
The molecules of Calcium chloride feature two ionic bonds between a single calcium cation and two chloride anions. The calcium chloride structure molecules are represented below. It is to make a note that the calcium cation holds a charge of +2 magnitude, and each chloride anion holds a charge of -1 magnitude. Therefore, the compound is electrically neutral.
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The formula of Calcium Chloride
The chemical formula of calcium chloride can be given as CaCl2.
It is an ionic compound that consists of one calcium cation Ca2+ and two chloride anions. The bivalent calcium metal forms an ionic bond with two chlorine atoms.
Calcium chloride is an ionic compound, which is made of ions. As we all know, ions either can have positive or negative charges, but the main idea is that the overall ionic compound charge has to balance to get neutral.
Calcium is in the group of 2 with a charge of 2+, and Chlorine is in group 7 with a charge of -1. As the overall charge is 0 for neutral, there must be a balance of charges. Thus, one needs two chlorine ions for balancing the calcium ion charge as 2−2=0.
The formation of CaCl2 happens mainly by reacting limestone (CaCO3) with hydrochloric acid (HCl). The chemical equation can be given as follows.
CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O(aq)
It is also produced as a primary by-product while manufacturing the soda ash Na2CO3 using the Solvay process, where the limestone is reacted with NaCl solution.
Preparing Calcium Chloride
To prepare calcium chloride, we need to follow the steps listed below.
Step 1
Take a beaker and place limestones in it by wearing gloves until the beaker is filled up by a quarter of its total volume.
Step 2
Now, add HCl (hydrochloric acid) to 1/4th of a beaker approximately to the limestone.
Step 3
As the Hydrochloric acid dissolves limestone, it starts generating bubbles. Now, gently mix the contents in the beaker and be cautious that the reaction completes. If all the limestones dissolve in it completely, add a little limestone.
Step 4
Then, filter off the solids by pouring the solution via filter paper as soon as the solution stops bubbling.
Step 5
Now, heat the second beaker, which has a calcium chloride solution. The solid calcium chloride is that which is left after the water evaporates.
CaCl2 Uses
Calcium chloride has many uses. A few calcium chloride uses are listed below.
It is useful as a food preservative, food additive, for de-icing roads in winter, and as brine in refrigeration plants.
It is used in water treatment plants.
It has many applications in oil-well drilling, metallurgy, rubber, dye, paper, and paint industries.
It can be used for the correction of mineral deficiencies in brewing beer.
We can use it in self-heating cans and heating pads.
It can also be used as a sterilant for male animals.
Health Hazards of Calcium Chloride
Calcium Chloride is an irritating compound and required to be handled with gloves.
It is relatively safe to handle, but in case if ingested, it reacts with water exothermically and can cause burning of the esophagus or mouth.
Benefits of Calcium Chloride
Calcium chloride can be used in a number of ways. But since it is a chemical compound, you should talk to your doctor before physically intaking the calcium chloride or making use of this chemical compound. If you are diagnosed with any kind of physical disease or you are under certain medication, then it will be wise that you consult with your doctor before incorporating calcium chloride in your day-to-day life.
While talking about the benefits we should have a look at the practical usages of this chemical compound and how the medicines are prepared with the help of Calcium Chloride.
If you are suffering from low calcium levels and you have tried a lot of other medications as well, but you have failed to see any changes in your condition, then most of the doctors will suggest you to incorporate the suggested amount of calcium chloride.
People get diagnosed with high potassium levels that can impact their condition of heart. In order to protect the heart and to prevent other health conditions that may arise due to the high potassium levels in the body, calcium chloride is often suggested by medical practitioners.
The chemical compounds that constitute calcium chloride can have a direct impact on certain compounds like magnesium, potassium. The excessive presence of magnesium in the body can affect the health of people. High amounts of magnesium levels can also negatively impact the heart and lungs of human beings. In order to protect the people from the negative effects of the health conditions arising due to the presence of high magnesium in the body and to prevent the other health conditions, calcium chloride is suggested.
Calcium chloride is often suggested by doctors to treat other health conditions as well. But since this is a chemical compound, long-term usage of this can cause some side effects as well. Some people can also have allergic reactions due to this.
People should always practice taking medicines that contain calcium chloride under the guidance of expert doctors and medical practitioners. The doctors often replace the medicines with something else that their bodies can adapt to if they start feeling some kind of side effects. Most importantly, people should always intake the required amount of the suggested amount of calcium chloride.
The Side Effects of Intaking Calcium Chloride
If calcium chloride is taken without the suggestion of the medical practitioner or beyond the prescribed dosage, it can cause a lot of side effects. It can result in rashes and other skin irritations.
A high dosage of calcium chloride can cause hypercalcemia.
People can also experience symptoms like low blood pressure, sweating or nausea. They can also develop a tendency to puke.
Pregnant women should never take calcium chloride as medicine unless it is suggested by the doctors. The medicines can have a negative impact on the health and development of the child.
Students can get detailed information about the definition, properties, formula, health hazards along with various benefits of Calcium Chloride from the above-written content.
FAQs on Calcium Chloride - CaCl2
1. How does calcium chloride help us to maintain our body function?
Calcium chloride is considered to be an important mineral that can help our bodies to function naturally in a number of ways. But the efficacy of this chemical compound depends on the amount being intaken. A lot of minerals play important roles in helping to boost the metabolism of our body naturally. Calcium chloride is one such mineral. If the minerals that are needed for our body to work properly are not present in the required amount, our bodies start to feel tired and it significantly impacts the muscle function of our bodies. Calcium chloride helps our body to prevent health conditions that can be caused due to low magnesium and potassium levels and to keep our heart and other organs in proper working condition.
2. What are the industrial uses of calcium chloride?
Calcium chloride is a chemical compound that is used in industrial sectors for a lot of benefits. Calcium chloride can absorb moisture and prevents bacteria from growing on a particular surface. That's why calcium chloride is used in foods to keep them fresh for a longer period of time. Calcium chloride can keep fruits and vegetables fresh and prevent decay due to the temperature variance and help retain the firmness. Calcium chloride is used in the industrial sectors for preventing ice formation on the surface. Also, calcium chloride can increase the molecular hardness of water and that is why it is used in swimming pools as a form of water treatment.
3. Is there any website to learn more about calcium chloride?
Vedantu is a website where all kinds of educational materials and course guides are available for free. If you are interested to know more about this chemical compound and the preparation and health hazards associated with this particular mineral, then you can go through the articles present on the Vedantu website and download the course materials involving this topic.
4. Is Calcium Chloride Harmful to the Human Body?
Calcium chloride can be used in food production. Also, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified this substance as GRAS (in general, recognized as safe to eat). It means that the calcium chloride found in foods is edible and is safe for human consumption, only if it is allowed in fewer amounts only.
Also, according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), it is known to cause skin irritation and the respiratory tract, while prolonged exposure can trigger dermatitis.
A few other possible calcium chlorides dangers that we have to watch out for can be listed as follows.
Mood changes
Noticing bad taste in your mouth
Stomach upset or vomiting
Hot flashes
5. Give Some Disadvantages of Calcium Chloride When Used in Concrete?
Calcium chloride is harmful to concrete, primarily reinforced concrete. It is also responsible for the steel reinforcement corrosion leading to concrete spalling. Nowadays, many concrete structures are either R.C.C or Prestressed or Post-tensioned concrete, whereas steel is used to carry tensile stress.
According to the I.S-12269: 1987, the total chloride content is limited to only 0.05% by mass of cement. The cement manufacturer has to certify this to the consumer within 10 days from the date of manufacturing. The Cement that is used in prestressed and long-span reinforced concrete structure's chloride content should not contain more than 0.05%.