Carbonium Ions
Carbonium ions belong to a category of organic chemicals that are characterized by positive charges present on the carbon atom. Typically, ions are short-lived and exist only for short periods during a chemical reaction. Some carbonium ions, however, can be stabilized enough to research their chemical structure. It is necessary to study the carbonium ion structure and its properties to understand their roles in biochemical or synthetic reactions.
The carbonium ion was first discovered in 1901. Almost twenty years later, Hans Meerwein proposed and proved the idea of a carbonium ion as a crucial intermediate in chemical reactions. This idea was further popularized and strengthened by other scientists. It was only in the 1960s however, that a stable carbonium ion structure was made available. These ions were stabilized and made long-lasting enough to conduct proper studies on them.
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Types of Carbonium Ions
There are two major types of carbonium ions.
Classical Carbonium Ions: The center of the ion which has the carbon atom has a valency of 3 in a hybridized state of sp2. This means that three electrons of the carbon atoms occupy three orbitals that lie on the same plane. The positive center of the molecule is planar. The methyl cation with a chemical formula of CH3+ is the parent ion.
Non- Classical or Pentacoordinated Carbonium Ions: These ions have three single bonds that connect the carbon atom to another atom and a double bond that joins three atoms instead of 2. These atoms have a single pair of electrons. The methonium ion with a chemical formula of CH5+ is the parent ion.
Structure of Carbonium Ions and their Chemical Formula
Traditionally within tertiary carbonium ions, three alkyl groups bond with the sp2 carbon. On the other hand, in secondary carbonium ions, the bond between sp2 carbon atoms is formed in one hydrogen atom and two alkyl groups. Electron emission spectroscopy using X-rays is yet another method to obtain information regarding the bond energies.
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How to Prepare the Most Stable Carbonium Ion?
The following are the major methods of preparing carbonium ions:
Heterolytic cleavage of the carbon atom and an attached functional group
Removal of the electron from a neutral organic compound
Adding a positively charged ion or positive charge to an unsaturated group
Protonation and alkylation
Carbonium ions being positively charged can be prepared in solvents that have a polar nature i.e. solvents with an asymmetrical number of electrons. These solvents help to disperse charges throughout it. Some examples of these solvents are acetone in a liquid form, acetic acid methanol, and trifluoroacetic acid.
Methods to Observe Carbonium Ions
What kind of carbonium ion structure will be formed depends upon the nature of the medium and the stability of the ion. Carbonium ions exist temporarily because they can easily react with the solvent that acts as a medium or with any other negatively charged particle. This property creates a situation where only indirect methods can be applied for research.
The kinetic method involves measuring the rate of reaction, another method involves studying the end product of the chemical reaction of the carbonium ion, and another method involves looking at the arrangement of atoms in the molecules. Finally, radioactive isotopes can be used for the identification of particular atoms.
Stability with Solvents
Stable carbonium ions can exist with solvents that do not react much with carbocations. For instance, hydrogen fluoride and fluorosulfuric acid along with antimony pentafluoride and sulfur dioxide are solvents in which the life of carbonium ions is prolonged enough to allow direct study.
Relative Stability of Carbonium Ions
Primary carbonium ions are the least stable, secondary carbonium ions are more stable than primary, and tertiary carbonium ions are the most stable carbonium ion. This is because, in tertiary ions, the carbon with sp2 hybridization is bonded to three alkyl groups. In secondary carbonium ions, the carbon atom with sp2 hybridization is bonded to one hydrogen atom and two alkyl groups.
In primary carbonium ions, the carbon atom with sp2 hybridization is bonded to either 3 atoms of hydrogen or 2 hydrogen groups and one alkyl group. Since an alkyl group displaces the positive charge on the sp2 hybridized carbon, the more alkyl groups, the lesser will be the reactivity, and the more will be the stability.
Fun Fact About the Most Stable Carbonium Ion
Did you know that benzyl cations have more stability than primary cations? This is so because the aromatic ring of the benzyl group can displace the positive charge on the carbon atoms. The positive charge is distributed and contributes to building the entire structure. This action can exist in many forms.
Points To Remember
Carbonium ion is a member of a class of organic molecules that bears positive charges present in a carbon atom.
Certain carbonium ions are prepared in a way where they are stable enough for study but mostly they are only short-lived forms that occur during a chemical reaction.
Carbonium ions are common intermediates in organic reactions. Knowing the structures and properties of these substances is essential to understanding the reactions in which they occur.
Many of these reactions are biochemical, synthetic, or have industrial importance.
Carbonium ions were observed in 1901 for the first time but it was not until 21 years later when the German chemist Hans Meerwein observed that a neutral reactant formed a neutral product by rearranging a carbonium ion intermediate.
Quick Ways to Understand this Chapter Like an Expert
Chemistry is a hard subject, or so it is considered by several students but it is not impossible to understand Carbonium ion and its structure as one of the chapters. Students must bear in mind the following things while understanding and practicing this topic:
Read the chapter
A student must be willing to read this chapter first that is present in the book in order to understand the topic in depth. It can be vast and confusing if taken lightly since it also contains chemical reactions to be understood as well.
Understand the notes
After the student is finished reading the chapter, the notes are the next best thing to sharpen the knowledge. A student should be well versed with the notes for a clearer and simpler understanding of Carbonium Ion.
Write Notes
Every student must make their own notes for quick study to refresh the concepts. Relying completely on the notes or the textbook will never be enough for the exams. It requires practice to delve deeper into the formation of the carbocation.
Solve The Practice Question Papers
A student must solve the questions present in the sample papers and practice papers to memorize this topic accurately and test their knowledge. Practicing sample questions will help a student or an aspirant gain a better grip on this topic and verse well with the equations.
Clearing the Doubts if and when there are any
A student or aspirant should avoid a myriad of doubts and get them cleared as soon as possible in order to proceed further with the chapter. It will be better during the exams if the concepts like Cleavage Bond of Carbon or Electrophilic addition are understood properly.
Pay Attention to the Solved Examples
The solved examples are a great way to understand the questions from this chapter. For example, the questions on hydride shifting and methyl shifting or stable carbocation are provided with solved examples for a better understanding of students. The order of stability of carbocation can also be memorized and mastered in the same way.
Appear Mock tests regularly
Students must always keep on testing their knowledge to enhance their skills. It is a great way to expect and prepare for the possible questions that might also involve the chemical equations from this topic which will be helpful for the main exams.
Vedantu’s Aid On Easier Understanding Of Carbonium Ion
The notes of the chapter on Carbonium ions are available on Vedantu’s official website which a student can refer to in order to study and understand the topic. It can be downloaded free of cost at any time and at any place.
Vedantu offers online doubt clearing sessions on this topic in case a student.
If the student feels stuck at any question or basic concept of carbonium ion then they may reach out and sign up to get their doubts cleared up.
The sample questions along with other materials necessary for chemistry exams on this topic are also available on Vedantu’s website and mobile application which will surely help the students to get a better grip on this topic.
Vedantu offers previous year’s question papers which can help a student get a better idea about the possible questions on Carbonium ions for chemistry exams.
The practice test and mock tests on Carbonium ions will also make sure the students are well prepared for the exams. It is a great way to stay in touch with the questions from this topic.
FAQs on Carbonium Ion
1. How Do Carbonium Ions React?
Carbonium ions are positively charged. This means that they have an electron deficiency. They react with molecules that can donate their electrons. These molecules are also called nucleophiles. Nucleophiles can exist as nonbonded pairs (n- base), pi- bonded pairs (pi bonds are found in aromatic and unsaturated solutions), and sigma- bonded pairs (sigma bonds are covalent bonds that generally exist between atoms). The nucleophile can exist within the cation itself (internal nucleophile) or may be introduced through external means. In the case of internal nucleophiles, there is a rearrangement of atoms.
2. What are the Examples of Major Reactions of Carbonium Ions?
The following are the major types of reactions that involve nucleophiles and rearrangement:
Reaction with an External Nucleophile: if isobutylene is hydrated in the presence of acid as a catalyst then the free electron pair on the oxygen atom can react with the carbonium ion.
Reaction with an External Base: If an alkyl group is added to benzene using isopropyl chloride as a catalyst through a process known as Friedel–Crafts reaction, then benzene donates its electrons from its pi bonds.
Reaction with Internal Nucleophiles: It is also called cyclization reaction. In this reaction, the electron pair which is not bonded on the oxygen atom acts as the donor.
Reaction with an External Sigma Base: In this reaction, hydrides are transmitted. The sigma bond between carbon and hydrogen in isobutane acts as the donor.