Electrochemistry And Cells
How does a Cell in a T.V remote make it work or how a Battery of Mobile Phone Charges when connected to its charger? All such questions are answered in the branch of Science known as Electrochemistry. Electrochemistry is the study of producing Electricity through Chemical reactions and also the use of Electricity to carry out non-spontaneous Chemical reactions. To achieve the above-mentioned aim Cells are used. Cells are devices in which Chemical Reactions due to Electricity or produces Electricity.
There Are Two Types of Cells
ElectroChemical Cells
Electrolytic Cells
ElectroChemical Cells
These Cells are those Cells that produce Electricity through Chemical reactions. These Cells are also known as Voltaic Cells or Galvanic Cells. Chemical Energy is converted into Electrical Energy by the Cells.
An example of an ElectroChemical Cell is the Daniell Cell.
Electrolytic Cells
These Cells are those Cells which use Electricity to carry out non-spontaneous Chemical reactions. So it's clear that these Cells convert Electrical Energy into Chemical Energy.
The basic difference between ElectroChemical Cells and Electrolytic Cells are listed in the table below:
Difference Between ElectroChemical Cells And Electrolytic Cells
A Typical Cell Structure
A Cell has two Electrodes-cathode (positive terminal) and anode (negative Electrode). Both the Electrodes are dipped in their respective metal salt solutions. In the case of ElectroChemical Cell Anode is oxidation half Cell and the cathode is known as reduction half Cell according to the Chemical reaction taking place at them. A Salt bridge is a U shape tube containing a gel permeated with an Electrolyte, connecting the two Electrodes.
What Is A Daniell Cell?
A Daniell Cell is an ElectroChemical Cell which carries out Chemical reactions to produce Electricity. In the Daniell Cell, Zinc metal is made of the anode, and copper metal is the cathode. The zinc anode is dipped in Zinc salt solution and the Copper cathode is dipped in the copper salt solution. At the anode, oxidation takes place and solid zinc converts into zinc ions. At the cathode, copper ions get reduced to copper metal and get deposited.
The Daniell Cell has a voltage of 1.1v.
Daniell Cell Chemical Reaction
Zn(s) + Cu+2(aq) -------> Zn+2(aq) + Cu(s)
The above reaction can be split into two as follows-
Anode reaction /oxidation half Cell reaction
Zn(s)-------> Zn+2 + 2 e-
2 Electrons are released and zinc metal is oxidized.
Cathode reaction/ reduction half Cell reaction
Cu+2 + 2 e- ---------> Cu (s)
Copper ions are reduced to copper metal.
(Image to be added soon)
Daniell Cell Working
As we have seen above, the setup of the Daniell Cell and the Cell reactions taking place in the Daniell Cell now we can understand the working of Daniell Cells. The zinc metal oxidizes at the anode and 2 Electrons are released. These Electrons travel from anode to cathode through a metal wire that connects both the Electrodes. This flow of free Electrons produces Electricity in the direction opposite to the flow of Electrons that is from cathode to anode. Salt bridge completes the circuit.
Daniell Cell Representation
Zn | Zn+2(aq) || Cu+2(aq) | Cu
The symbol double vertical lines || represents the salt bridge. The left part is oxidation half Cell and the right part is reduction half Cell.
Applications of Daniell Cell
Daniell Cells are used to generate Electricity or to store Electric Energy. Daniell Cells are used in Battery development and Electrical telegraphy. Battery refers to a group of Cells combined.
Daniell Cell
Let’s get to understand some of the quick ways to Study More Efficiently.
Take Regular Breaks
Working on a particular thing for the whole day might sound very draining and tiring. For your work to be effective, you must take regular breaks, for example, doing your task for 50 mins and then taking 10 mins to break. The dedication you can pay to your work matters more than the number of hours you work. Hence, it’s not necessary to work the entire day and drain yourself when you know that your mind can absorb the same work in half a day. Regular breaks are important for your mind to relax and restart with dedication and focus.
Take Notes in Class
Many things won’t be available in books but your teacher might tell you while teaching in the class. Notes are an important part to record such important things which can be noted on the paper side by side. An effective note-taker follows the given points:
- Note down the main points
- Use abbreviations/ short forms for saving time
- Use keywords instead of an explanation. Explanation work can be done later but keywords are important.
- Try to write your notes in the same style to become habitual of it and maintain consistency.
- Writing the notes on a device could be easy but noting down on paper, i.e. handwritten way is more effective.
Review and Revise Your Notes at Home
Making notes is important but revising them is crucial too. Notes won’t be of any use if you just write them down, save for later and never look upon them. It’s important for you to review and have a look at your notes when you come back home. It will help you give a gist of what happened in your class today. Also, revising notes the same day when they’re made while teaching makes you remember them in a better way. You can rewrite your notes as well if you find them a bit messy. Organised notes will grasp your attention and help you study with more dedication later. Adding diagrams or graphs may also help in making your work look presentable and appealing.
Start with Your Toughest Assignments
There are some subjects that we do favour over others. For example, if you think you like Maths more than Science, or we can say that if you find science a bit tougher than Maths, then start with Science first. Studying the tough portion first may feel like a burden initially but day by day, it will help you gain confidence and acquire the subject with more positivity.
Focus on Key Vocabulary
Noting the keywords is important but you need to have a good vocabulary too. Vocabulary words are often written in bold in some books and you can note them down for reference, they are really important! You must be familiar with these terms and words which can be acquired by taking the help of a dictionary or glossary mentioned at the end of the book.
Join a Study Group
Studying individually might feel boring at times. Studying in a group benefits you in maintaining consistency and focus. You can ask questions from your peers if you all are studying the same subject. This may help both parties to acquire more knowledge. Studying with your classmates makes you feel more interested in your studies than feeling sleepy when you have to study alone. You can discuss topics with one another, not just related to the subject but topics useful in your career or in future like teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, etc.
FAQs on Daniell Cell
1. What kinds of jobs can people do with a Chemistry degree?
In these changing times, there are a lot of options for you to choose from and decide the field of your career. For Chemistry students, you can be an Academic Researcher, Analytical Chemist, Biotechnologist, Chemical Engineer etc. To know more about these courses like the process, enrollment, fees etc, you shall check out the website of Vedantu.
2. Is chemistry a good career choice?
In these times where everything is advancing, you shall not worry about the decision that you make in terms of choosing a subject. Of course, it has to be one of your interests but the fact that whether it is a good career choice or not, is not worrisome. It is because you shall focus on polishing your skills and enhancing your subject knowledge and success would follow. Students shall understand that whatever you make out of your career depends on the efforts that you have put in. So, make sure that you are true towards your work and nothing will stop you.
3. What are the fields of Chemistry?
The six major areas where Chemistry revolves are as follows:
Analytical Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Students shall be able to identify their interests and focus on being skilful.
4. Explain the working of the Daniell cell when an external voltage is applied.
The Daniell cell voltage is 1.1 voltage. If the external voltage of different values is applied then the Daniell cell works differently. This is explained below.
Working of Daniell cell when an external voltage is applied -
When an external voltage of less than 1.1 v is applied then the cell keeps working till the voltage reaches 1.1v.
When the external voltage of greater than 1.1v is applied then the electrons start to flow from cathode to anode and current starts to flow from anode to cathode. Zinc metal starts to deposit at the anode.
When an external voltage is equal to 1.1v then no flow of current or electrons takes place.
5. How does an electrolytic cell work?
Electrolytic cells are just the reverse of an electrochemical cell. In the electrolytic cell, the positive terminal is Anode and the Negative terminal is the cathode. In this oxidation takes place at the anode and reduction takes place at the cathode. Electrons move from the anode towards the cathode. Electrons are forced through the circuit through an external source. This is because external electricity is used to carry out a non-spontaneous reaction. This converts electrical energy into chemical energy.
Irrespective of whether it is a galvanic cell or electrolytic cell oxidation always takes place at the anode and reduction takes place at the cathode.