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Understanding The Concept Of Eugenol

Eugenol is a natural substance naturally occurring in scores of angiosperm plants, having a spicy tinge with a strong scent. Thus, the substance is well-known as aromatic photochemical. The phenolic compound is a very weak acid and is represented as C10H12O2. The chemical compound is a pale-yellow liquid and exhibits the antiseptic and antioxidant properties. In no small measure, the reduced phenylpropanoids is a significant ingredient in the clove oil. Eugenol compound is a homologous series which is found in sweet basil, lemon balm, nutmeg and cinnamon. 

Eugenol Definition

Eugenol can be defined as a yellow, pale phenylpropanoid compound which has been derived from Guaiacol with an ally chain of a hydroxyl group. It has a corrosive chemical structure and has a wide range of medicinal properties to treat diseases. The scientific name of the chemical compound is 4-allyl-2-methoxyphenyl. 

Chemical and Physical Properties of Eugenol

The molecular formula of Eugenol is C10H12O2 and its molecular weight is 164.21. The relative density of the bioactive compound is d2525 1.053~1.064 and is miscible in water, volatile oil, ether and chloroform.

The chemical compound is water-soluble and has a massive polar surface area. Eugenol has three rotatable chemical bond counts and acts as per rule of five. It belongs to the kingdom of organic compounds, and its class is phenols.

The chemical compound is soluble in water solvents as well as organic solvents. It can also be dissolved in ether, chloroform and alcohol. The melting point of Eugenol is -9.2 degrees Celsius, and the boiling point is 225 degrees Celsius. The natural additives have a great shelf life and thus have replaced the industrial synthetics.

The refractive index of the compound is nD20 1.538~1.542, and as soon as it gets in contact with the air, it tends to darken. Eugenol must be stored under 25 degrees Celsius and must not have any contact with light. The chemical compound has the chemical properties to turn the red litmus paper into the blue. 


Preparation of Eugenol

In laboratories, Guaiacol is kept as the raw component to prepare the eugenol chemical compound. Since the method is synthetic, there are several disadvantages, and the shortcomings must be addressed. In the process of separation and purification, there are several side effects which cause to affect the quality of the compound. 

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Once the chemical compound is ready, the Eugenol structure looks similar to the diagram. 

Eugenol Uses 

Eugenol is considered to be a non-mutagenic with anti-cancer properties and can also be used as an inhibitory compound to kill cancer cells. The potent inhibitor can also be used to treat oral diseases with its antibiotic properties.

Eugenol paste is also used in dentistry to keep pain at bay, relax the pulp and treat damaged gums. The smoky compound is also used with zinc oxide to use as fillings and dental prosthetics.

The proactive component helps to relieve oxidative stress, treat neural disorders, treat inflammation and hyperglycemia and elevate the levels of cholesterol in the body. Therapeutic potential of the phytogenic compound can be used to cure a plethora of diseases including, liver ailments, bronchitis, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and diarrhoea.

The medicinal herb gateway has several pharma logical properties including, antimicrobial role, neuroprotective ability, anaesthetic activity, hypolipidemic efficiency and antioxidant potential. The spectrum of properties of the Eugenol also helps to tackle lifestyle-related diseases.

Due to the spicy scent, the compound is used in perfumes. A few mosquito repellent creams use this ingredient to repel insects, whereas several researchers use this compound to attract insects for their research studies. It is also used in lotions, bath soaps and oils and topical creams. 

The chemical compound is mostly used in the pharmaceutical and toilet industry for manufacturing products including, mouthwash and toothpaste. The antiseptic compound has a significant effect in treating migraines and unbearable headaches.

The antispasmodic effect of Eugenol helps to get rid of mucus, cough, flu, bronchitis, asthma, colds, sinusitis and throat infections. It can also be used to treat itchy skin, travel sickness, inflammation, etc. Furthermore, the peppermint, like the taste of the chemical compound, when added to certain products helps to keep your mouth fresh at all times. 


Did You Know?

Human bodies have been crafted to process Eugenol in small amounts even after having strong chemical components; thus, the body cannot handle overdose of the same.

FAQs on Eugenol

1. Is Eugenol Chemical Compound Toxic?

The bioactive substance can prove to be very harmful to the human body in case consumed and ingested. The hepatotoxic chemical compound can damage the liver permanently, and overdose of Eugenol can be traced. Blood and urine samples can trace the presence of the chemical compound. Once internal ingestion of Eugenol takes place, one can experience nausea, dizziness, convulsions, diarrhoea, unconsciousness and fast pacing heartbeat. In the case of extreme cases, one suffers from abdominal pain, seizures, burns in the oral area, painful urination, blood traces in urine and coughing blood. Situations like these require serious attention and immediate treatment. 

2. Which Essential Oils Have The Trace Of Eugenol?

Research studies have claimed that Eugenol is found in several essential oils, including fruits and vegetables. In clove bud, there is 75-85% of Eugenol, in cinnamon leaf, there is 70-83% of the chemical compound, and in sweet holy basil, there is 30-50% of the bioactive substance. Apart from these essential nature’s items eugenol oil is presently found in plums, red wine, coffee, peaches, bananas and raspberries.