Forest and its Structure
Forests are the basic support system on this planet that helps us in getting a great number of resources. Resources like wood, rubber, fruits, etc are something that we cannot rely on other things for. Forests are the ultimate way for us to get all of these resources. However, it is not only the resources that humans take advantage of from forests. It is a very easily known fact that the quality of the air that we breathe gets better because of more forests. Forests are our lifelines and therefore are extremely crucial parts of our lives because of all these reasons.
We are sure that every student understands the importance of forests. It is something that you all have been studying since you were very little. However, if we compare the current scenario of the health and the well being of the forests around the world to what it was around a decade ago, then you'd realise that we haven't been very nice to all of these resources that we have gotten from forests. We have destroyed a lot of forests and have exploited them terribly which needs to be stopped before it gets too late.
This article is based on forests, how they have helped us, what has led to their destruction but most importantly, the topic that we will be discussing the most in this article is how do we conserve this forest.
Vedantu supports the idea of trying at an individual level to make sure that forests around us are protected and conserved. It all starts with one small step that can help you make massive changes and that is what Vedantu supports as well.
Read this article carefully to make sure that you are not missing out on the main content of the topic.
A forest is a large tract of land which is covered with trees and vegetation. Different parts of the world have different kinds of forests, depending upon the climatic conditions.
A forest has multiple layers that form its structure.
The tall trees which have straight branches and pointed leaves have a crown at the top. The crown is the topmost part of the tree, so it is always exposed to sunlight.
Canopy is the outer layer of leaves. It does not permit the sunlight and rain from penetrating into the layers beneath.
Different sizes and types of crowns form horizontal layers in the forest, which is called understorey. This layer has very little sunlight, with mould and algae on the trunks and leaves.
The forest floor is totally covered with dead and decaying organic matter. The root system of the plant which helps water to percolate into the soil is found on the forest floor.
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Why do we Need Forests?
Forests are an essential part of the terrestrial ecosystem. They cover nearly one-third of the total land on the earth and provide a vital organic infrastructure for the diversity of life. As the population of the world is increasing, humans are clearing millions of acres of forest every year. Thus, deforestation is a serious threat to some of the most valuable ecosystems of the earth.
There are a lot of things that we rely on forests for. We need essential resources like wood, food, and many more from them. It’s difficult to replace all of these things because we still haven't found a worthy replacement for these resources. Moreover, forests help in providing a natural habitat for many animals and birds. As humans, and as residents of the planet, it is our responsibility to make sure that all the species living on Earth are being well fed and taken care of. This is why we need forests. We cannot expect to ruin someone else’s habitat and home for our selfishness. Forests help in making all life on this planet easier.
Here are Some Reasons why Forests are Vital to Our Existence
They Help Us to Breathe: Forests absorb the carbon dioxide exhaled by us and pump out oxygen. They help in maintaining the balance in the atmosphere.
Home to Many Species: 80% of all biodiversity found on land is present in forests, especially in tropical rainforests. Insects, worms, birds, carnivorous animals, etc. are all found in forests.
Regulating Temperatures: Large tracts of forests can tackle the problem of increasing heat by regulating regional temperatures.
Regulating Rainfall Patterns: Forests do influence the regional weather patterns and have their own microclimates.
Prevent Flooding: The roots of trees help the ground to absorb more water in a flood. They also produce the loss of soil and slow down the flow of water.
Forest Products: Forests provide a variety of products such as timber, paper, turpentine, medicines, fruits, nuts, seeds etc.
Scenic Beauty: Natural beauty is the most obvious benefit that forest offers. The innate attraction to forests is called biophilia.
Conservation of Forests
Forest conservation is the practice of planting more trees and maintaining the forested areas for the sustainability and benefit of future generations. Forests are vital for the sustenance of human life, therefore, there needs to be an increasing awareness regarding their conservation.
Deforestation cannot be totally stopped, but it can be controlled.
Some of the Ways of Preserving Forests are Listed Below
Control the Deforestation: Care should be taken that young trees are not cut as far as possible. Commercial deforestation should also be checked. Practises such as selective cutting and planned harvesting of forests can be employed for optimally extracting the benefits of a forest.
Using Better Farming Practises: Farming practises such as slash and burn agriculture are particularly harmful to the environment and forests. They need to be kept under control.
Protection Against Forest Fires: The forest authority should take adequate precautions against forest fires. The dry leaves and trees must be regularly cleared out, and chemicals to control fire should be kept handy. In case of any such incident, fire extinguishing solutions must be sprayed.
Overgrazing Should be Regulated: Uncontrolled grazing by animals is detrimental to the forest. Forest areas meant only for the purpose of grazing should be demarcated, so that damage is not caused to the remaining areas.
Involving the Local Communities: Forests are homes to many tribal communities. These communities have a very organic relationship with the forests, and most of their livelihoods are also forest dependent. It is therefore imperative to involve their participation in the conservation of forests.
FAQs on Forest Conservation
1. What is deforestation? What are its causes?
Forests are vanishing day by day, in order to satisfy the selfish needs of humans. The cutting down of trees in large numbers is called deforestation. Some important causes of deforestation are:
Agriculture: As the demand for food products is rising, trees are being chopped down for crops and cattle grazing.
Mining: The mining of coal and oil requires large amounts of forest land.
Urbanization: As the population of the world is continuously rising, there is a need for more space to construct houses and expand industries.
Production of Timber: Timber is a valuable product, which is also the source of raw material for various industries.
Forest Fires: A large number of trees each year are lost due to forest fires.
2. What are the effects of deforestation?
Deforestation is a phenomenon that will have a very adverse effect on the planet in the long run. Some of the effects are as follows:
Emission of Greenhouse Gases: Greenhouse gases such as methane and carbon dioxide do not allow the heat of the Earth to return back to space. Therefore, they lead to a change in the climate. Forests are great absorbers of carbon dioxide and release oxygen back into the atmosphere.
Soil Erosion: As forests are cleared, the soil becomes more exposed to the heat of the sun, which dries the moisture present in it. As the nutrients evaporate, the bacterial activity of decomposition of organic matter is severely affected. As a result, the rainwater is able to wash off the surface and soil erosion takes place on a large scale.
Loss of Biodiversity: Deforestation changes land to an extent that the plants and animals living in the forest might just not be able to survive. In an ecosystem, each species is dependent on other species. The continual loss of biodiversity can have far-reaching consequences.
Flooding: The roots of trees help in better percolation of water into the soil. In the absence of forests, frequent floods can take place.
3. How do we conserve our forests?
Conserving forests is a major thing that we need to be fully focused on because of how crucial it is. It is the need of the hour because if we do not pay enough attention to this concern then we may not be able to reverse issues like the levels of carbon emissions, soil erosion, and pollution in general. The most important step that we need to take is to actually take a step in order to promote the idea of the conservation of forests. By becoming the change that we want to see, we can easily promote the idea of conservation of the forests.
4. What are the causes and consequences of deforestation?
Deforestation is a big issue that we need to address in order to make a massive impact on the situation that the world is facing right now. In order to make sure that the conservation of forests is done, we need to make sure that deforestation is controlled. Vedantu has made a very detailed video on the causes and consequences of deforestation that you can watch right now to make sure that you get the entire concept clearly.
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